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Created May 24, 2019 09:26
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  • Save pranavcode/a7d6675213f0cf5cf951524ab2d3c9f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Please follow these simple steps to make sure your PR gets enough attention, is reviewed and merged.

Checklist for REQUESTER

  1. You have a good, informative and precise TITLE to tell exactly what your PR is about.

  2. You have a great DESCRIPTION to describe what has been achieved in this PR.

    • Refer to an open issue that gets resolved with this PR.
    • Talk about the approach taken for the solution.
    • Include images, screenshots and diagrams relevant to understand the PR better.
  3. ASSIGN YOURSELF (and relevant people that were directly responsible for the solution) on the PR.

  4. Add appropriate LABELS to the PR to make sure proper context is set.

  5. Add the PR to appropriate PROJECT.

  6. SELF REVIEW the PR before requesting anyone else for a review. Reviewer is going to be investing his time and energy into reviewing your code and giving you healthy feedback. Please make sure you respect that.

  7. If the PR is ready for review by your peers, REQUEST AT LEAST ONE REVIEWER to review your code.

    • If the PR is not reviewed by the reviewer in TWO WORKING DAYS, please mention the PR reviewers on Slack with A QUICK LINK to the PR.
  8. DO NOT MERGE until you get at least ONE APPROVAL and all the change requests are resolved.

  9. While merging the PR:

  10. After merging the PR branch, make sure you DELETE THE BRANCH and not allow it to stale.

  11. Once the PR is merged - mention this on Slack that the PR was merged and what change it has introduced in the code base. This is optional, but if the PR has made a significant change that is going to affect many, please do.

Checklist for REVIEWER

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be humble, generous, curious and respectful while you review someone's code. They have requested a review to help them learn and grow, and not because they want to show off their skills. Thanks!

  1. Make sure the REQUESTER has followed the above checklist. If there is something missing, kindly mention that on the PR as a comment before reviewing and allow the REQUESTER to update the PR.

  2. General Pointers:

    • Is the APPROACH taken to solve the intended problem CORRECTLY IMPLEMENTED? Is this the best approach?
    • Are the LOGIC and PROGRAMMING CONSTRUCTS correctly used?
    • Does it have correct LINTING?
    • Is there any REDUNDANT code?
    • Are there any CODE SMELLS?
    • Are there any DESIGN PATTERNS implemented? Are they implemented correctly?
    • Is the code as MODULAR as possible?
    • Are SOLID, DRY, YAGNI, etc software development principles followed?
    • Are RACE CONDITIONS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS handled correctly?
    • Can any GLOBAL VARIABLES AND CONTEXT be replaced?
    • Can any of the code be replaced with LIBRARY FUNCTIONS?
    • Can any LOGGING AND DEBUGGING CODE be removed?
    • Does the code follow DEFINED ARCHITECTURE?
    • Does feature implementation follow USER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA and specified design?
    • Ensure PR passes CI server, CI IS GREEN, re-running once or twice if it fails (flaky tests)
    • REQUEST CHANGES to the code and/or additional unit tests if any issues are found.
    • Is any code invoking MEMORY LEAKS?
  3. Readability, Documentation or PR explanation?

    • Is all the code easily understood?
    • Is any edge-case handling described?
    • Is the use and function of third-party libraries documented?
    • Are data structures and units of measurement explained?
  4. Testing Pointers:

    • Is the CODE TESTABLE?
    • Do tests exist and are they comprehensive? (i.e. code test coverage is as per agreements)
    • Is TDD, BDD followed?
    • Do unit tests actually test that the code is performing the intended functionality?
    • Are arrays checked for out-of-bound errors?
    • Could any test code be replaced with the use of an existing API?
  5. Before finishing the review make sure your comments are WELL WRITTEN, WELL WORDED and ACTIONABLE.


  7. If changes are requested, please check REQUEST CHANGES, otherwise, if PR is good, APPROVE.

  8. ALLOW THE REQUESTER TO MERGE the PR, by explicitly mentioning about the merge go-ahead in the APPROVAL COMMENT.

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