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CSS(snippet):Clearfix hack
CSS clearfix
The problem happens when a floated element is within a container box, that element does not automatically force the container’s height adjust to the floated element. When an element is floated, its parent no longer contains it because the float is removed from the flow. You can use 2 methods to fix it:
{clear: both;}
Once you understand what is happening, use the method below to “clearfix” it.
For modern browsers
1. The space content is one way to avoid an Opera bug when the
contenteditable attribute is included anywhere else in the document.
Otherwise it causes space to appear at the top and bottom of elements
that are clearfixed.
2. The use of `table` rather than `block` is only necessary if using
`:before` to contain the top-margins of child elements.
<div class="clearfix" style="border:1px solid blue;padding:5px;">
<div style="float:right;width:49%;height:50px;background:green;">
<div style="width:49%;height:20px;background:red;">
/*** Method1 ***/
.clearfix:after {
content: ".";
display: block;
clear: both;
visibility: hidden;
line-height: 0;
height: 0;
.clearfix {
display: inline-block;
html[xmlns] .clearfix {
display: block;
* html .clearfix {
height: 1%;
/* Method2 : Micro clearfix */
.cf:before,.cf:after {
content: " "; /* 1 */
display: table; /* 2 */
.cf:after {
clear: both;
* For IE 6/7 only
Include this rule to trigger hasLayout and contain floats.
.cf {
zoom: 1;
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