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Created July 1, 2014 20:26
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Perl script to find destructors of all classes in a C++ directory and to report their visibility
use File::Find;
use strict;
# Perl script to find destructors of all classes in a C++ directory,
# and to report their visibility.
# Usage: run the script without argument in the source root directory.
# The script will find all .cpp, .h and .mm files in the file hierarchy.
# For each class or struct found, it displays 4 fields separated with tabulations:
# - the class name (can be an inner class)
# - the optional base classes, separated with commas
# - the destructor status: can be 'none', 'public', 'protected', 'private' or 'deleted'
# - the file name where the class is declared
# The output, when redirected to a file, can then be opened on a spreadsheet software.
find({ wanted => \&patchAFile, no_chdir => 1 }, '.');
sub patchAFile
return unless -f;
return unless(/\.(cpp|mm|h)$/);
local $/;
my $file = $_;
open IN, $file;
eval {
$_ = ReplaceProblematicSequences(<IN>);
s/\$\d+ //og; # We don't need the special sequences
s/\benum\s+class\b/enum/og; # avoid "enum class" that looks like a class
FindClasses($_, "", $file);
}; warn "$file: $@" if $@;
sub ReplaceProblematicSequences
local $_ = shift;
$_ .= "\n" unless (substr($_, -1) eq "\n");
@Strings = ();
my ($lastPos, $result);
my $s = $1;
my $pos1 = pos($_) - length($s);
if($s eq '#')
{ m/([^\n]*\\\s*\n)*[^\n]\s*\n/og; }
elsif($s eq '//')
{ m/.*?\n/og; }
elsif($s eq '/*')
{ m/.*?\*\//og; }
elsif($s eq '"')
{ m/("|[^\n]*?\\\\"|[^\n]*?[^\\]")/og; }
elsif($s eq "'")
{ m/([^\n]*?\\\\'|[^\n]*?[^\\]')/og; }
elsif($s =~ m/^R"(.*)\(/)
my $delimiter = $1;
{ die }
my $pos2 = pos;
$pos2-- if(substr($_, $pos2-1, 1) eq "\n");
die "$pos1 $pos2" unless($pos2 > $pos1);
push @Strings, substr($_, $pos1, $pos2-$pos1);
$result .= substr($_, $lastPos, $pos1-$lastPos) . "\$$#Strings ";
$lastPos = $pos2;
$result .= substr($_, $lastPos);
return $result;
sub FindClasses
local $_ = shift;
my ($outer, $file) = @_;;
my($classKey, $className, $baseClasses, $body) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$body = substr($body, 1, -1);
FindClasses($body, $className.'::', $file); # Recursively find inner classes
my $destructor = "none";
$baseClasses =~ s/(public|protected|private|:|\s+)//sog;
$body =~ s/(\{(?:[^{}]++|(?1))*\})/;/sog; # Remove blocks
$body =~ s/::/__/og;
$body =~ s/\b(private|protected|public)\s*:/\1;/og;
my $privacy = $classKey eq "struct" ? "public" : "private";
my @instructions = split(/;/, $body);
for my $instr(@instructions)
local $_ = $instr;
s/\b(virtual|override|const|volatile)\b//og; # Remove useless keywords
s/\s+/ /sog; # Remove unnecessary white space...
s/^ *//;
s/ *$//;
s/ (\W)/\1/sog;
s/(\W) /\1/sog;
{ $privacy = $1; }
$destructor = $privacy;
$destructor = "deleted" if($2 eq "delete");
print "$outer$className\t$baseClasses\t$destructor\t$file\n";
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