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Last active May 30, 2017 08:14
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advice to oop students
Do post-mortem after finishing a program / project;
Success / failure of a project is not a precondition for post-mortem.
Write code for others and for your future self.
Code is poetry. Code is never finished, it's only abandoned.
Measure (test) the phenomenon (program).
Software development is a social activity.
Write simple, but not silly code. Clever code is a minefield.
Read a lot and read widely. Best programmers are polymaths.
Read good code.
Rabbit at rest slowly turns into a tortoise.
Tortoise on the run slowly turns into a rabbit.
Remember the skill pyramid - don't know, somehow got it done, can do it again the same way, document it so that others can follow your steps
More formal:
Know the productivity curve. (Ref: J Rainberger)
Be the domain expert. Remember the advice of David West.
A cashier who just dispenses cash is a poor banker.
A programmer who works in isolation from business is a liability.
Message oriented programming
model for a software system
message embedded in protocol message embedded in protocol
input ---------------------------------> processing -------------------------------------> output
quite a few of the errors are due to unexpected input
DB is also an input
Not much thought is given to messages and protocols
document legal range of inputs and the protocols used for communication
From paper
An Early History of Smalltalk, Alan Kay
Essential principles
1) Everything is an object
2) Objects communicate by sending and receiving messages (in terms of objects)
3) Objects have their own memory (in terms of objects)
Principles that kept on changing between versions of smalltalk
4) Every object is an instance of a class (which must be an object)
5) The class holds the shared behavior for its instances (in the form of objects in a program list)
6) To eval a program list, control is passed to the first object and the reminder is treated as its message.
Four techniques that gave OOP much power - persistant state, polymorphism, instantiation (inheritance), methods as goals
OOP is all about dependency management. - Robert C Martin
all the object's state must be private.
An object is a virtual server. - Butler Lampson
In 1961, a staff sergent of US Air Force shipped a tape with three section.
1) Pointers to procedures
2) Procedures
3) Data records with a number of pointer table indirectly pointing to the procedure that can read the record.
The staff sergent was solving the problem of changing the format of the record with out apriori agreement. This is truly object oriented programming.
I was too blythe about the [OOP] term back in the 60s and should have chosen something like "message oriented" – Alan Kay
OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things. - Alan Kay
project size - lines of code
classes with about 7+-2 methods
methods with 5+-2 lines of code
project with about 10-15 own objects and 30-45 imported objects
a project with a total of about 200 lines of code
don't create more than 20% of the needed functionality; rest should come from libraries
composition (delegation) is always preferable to inheritance
inheritance is a mistake; substitutability (polymorphism) is needed, but without inheritance
"OOP is Dead, Long Live OODD, David West"
David Taylor, business model books
Don't strive for perfect design
It is better to ship an imperfect design that works than to vascillate between perfect design and a hackish solution put together in last minute
Prefer a simple model that covers 90% of the cases over an abstract model that covers 99% of the cases
Divert all the cases not covered by the simple design to look up table kind of structure
Give unclear parts of design, messages with transitory sounding names. Make all the stakeholders be aware of the transitory nature of the unclear parts. Don't force clear sounding abstractions over unclear design.
Respect the old code; it kept the business going for so long.
Dan Ingalls
Alan Kay
Grady Booch
Rebecca Wirf Brock
Robert Martin
Kent Beck
David West
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