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Last active January 31, 2018 20:33
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Clojure utility to run database migration with flyway
(ns app.migration
(:require [environ.core :refer [env]])
(:import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway
;; Build DB String from the Environment Variables
(def db-url (str "jdbc:postgresql://"
(env :pg-db-host) ":"
(env :pg-db-port) "/" (env :pg-db-name)))
;; Initialize Flyway object
(def flyway
(let [locations (into-array String ["classpath:db/migration"])]
(doto (new Flyway)
(.setDataSource db-url (env :pg-db-user) (env :pg-db-password) (into-array String []))
(.setLocations locations))))
(defn migrate [] (.migrate flyway))
(defn clean [] (.clean flyway))
(defn reset [] (clean) (migrate))
(defn info []
(println (MigrationInfoDumper/dumpToAsciiTable (.all (.info flyway)))))
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