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Created July 21, 2024 14:49
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export interface FamilyModel {
id: string;
personId: number;
label1: string;
label2: string;
name: string;
gender: string;
photo: string;
parentId: string;
personOrder?: number;
childOrder: number; // currently not used in UI
size?: number;
spouseId?: number;
spouseName?: string;
spouseLabel1: string;
spouseGender?: string;
spouseOrder?: number; // currently not used in UI
spouseDrillTo: boolean;
primarySpouseId?: string; // used in multiple spouses for the second spouse
spousePhoto: string;
path?: string;
export default new (class TreeConfiguration {
chartContainer = '.chart-container'; // root svg
// height & width
nodeWidth = 150;
nodeWidthSpouse = 320;
nodeWidthDiff = this.nodeWidthSpouse - this.nodeWidth * 2;
linkShift = Math.round((this.nodeWidth + this.nodeWidthDiff) / 2); // for moving the link coming from parent
nodeHeight = 40;
nodeHeightSpouse = 40;
// margins
siblingsMargin = 20;
childrenMargin = 30;
neightbourMargin = 10;
rootMargin = 0;
// child & spouse lines
linkStroke = 'lightgray';
linkStrokeWidth = 2;
connectionStroke = 'black';
connectionStrokeWidth = 2;
<div class="chart-container" style="width: 100%; min-height: 100%"></div>
<style lang="scss">
.person-member {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
height: 40px;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24);
.male-member {
background: radial-gradient(circle, #b0e0e6 0%, #00ced1 100%);
.female-member {
background: radial-gradient(circle, #ffb6c1 0%, #ff69b4 100%);
.female-spouse {
margin-left: -15px;
.male-spouse {
margin-right: -15px;
div.line {
margin-top: 13px;
width: 5px;
div.line hr {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 2px 0 0;
.person-box {
display: flex;
height: 40px;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
.person-icon {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
.person-icon-div {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
.person-name {
padding-left: 1px;
text-align: left;
justify-content: center;
.selected-person {
height: 42px;
border: 3px solid #152785;
.view-person {
position: relative;
left: -8px;
top: -44px;
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 10px;
background-color: white;
width: 20px;
.rotate {
transform: rotate(-45deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(-45deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-45deg);
-o-transform: rotate(-45deg);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1);
.profile-photo {
border-radius: 50%;
.drill-to {
position: relative;
left: 125px;
top: -35px;
font-size: 25px;
.hide {
display: none;
<script setup lang="ts">
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import { onMounted, watch } from 'vue';
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar';
import { FamilyModel } from 'src/core/models/family.model';
import { UserProfileModel } from 'src/core/models/user/user-profile.model';
import maleIcon from 'src/assets/images/male.svg';
import femaleIcon from 'src/assets/images/female.svg';
import treeConfiguration from 'src/core/services/tree-configuration';
import { OrgChart, Connection, NodeId } from 'd3-org-chart';
import { HierarchyNode } from 'd3-hierarchy';
import session1 from 'src/core/services/session';
import { constants } from 'src/core/common/constants';
import { PersonService } from 'src/core/services/person.service';
// import PersonDetailsDialog from 'src/components/PersonDetailsDialog.vue';
import { eventBus } from 'src/core/common/event-bus';
import { RelatedPersonModel } from 'src/core/models/related-person.model';
import { useSessionStore } from 'src/stores/';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
const session = useSessionStore();
const router = useRouter();
// class variables
let chart: OrgChart<FamilyModel>;
let selectedPersonId: number;
let loadTreePersonId = 1; // this is the id used to loadTree
let prevSelectedPersonId: number;
let familyData: FamilyModel[] = [];
const $q = useQuasar();
onMounted(async () => {
await loadTree(session.userProfile.personId);
// event bus related events
eventBus.on('search-person', (personId: number) => {
eventBus.on('related-persons', (relatedPerson: RelatedPersonModel) => {
loadRelatedTree(relatedPerson.firstPersonId, relatedPerson.relatedPersonId);
watch([session1.refreshDetails], ([newRefresh], [oldRefesh]) => {
// refresh
if (oldRefesh !== newRefresh) {
if (newRefresh) {
// wait for 100ms to rest the refreshDetails so that watch triggers in all the screens
setTimeout(() => {
session1.refreshDetails.value = false;
}, 100);
async function loadRelatedTree(firstPersonId: number, relatedPersonId: number) {
selectedPersonId = -1;
familyData = await PersonService.getRelationship(
prevSelectedPersonId = -1; // always highlight related person
selectRelatedNodes(firstPersonId, relatedPersonId);
function selectRelatedNodes(firstPersonId: number, relatedPersonId: number) {
let personElement = document.getElementsByClassName(
personElement = document.getElementsByClassName(
async function loadTree(
personId: number,
refreshPersonId: number | undefined = undefined
) {
if (refreshPersonId !== undefined) selectedPersonId = refreshPersonId;
else selectedPersonId = personId;
loadTreePersonId = personId;
familyData = await PersonService.getHierarchy(personId);'.svg-chart-container').remove();
prevSelectedPersonId = selectedPersonId;
function renderChart(data: FamilyModel[]) {
chart = new OrgChart<FamilyModel>()
.onNodeClick((nodeId: NodeId) => nodeClicked(nodeId))
.nodeWidth((d: HierarchyNode<FamilyModel>) => {
if ( === constants.rootId) return 0;
if ( !== undefined) {
return treeConfiguration.nodeWidth;
return !== undefined
? treeConfiguration.nodeWidthSpouse
: treeConfiguration.nodeWidth;
.nodeHeight((d: HierarchyNode<FamilyModel>) => {
if ( === constants.rootId) return 0;
return !== undefined
? treeConfiguration.nodeHeightSpouse
: treeConfiguration.nodeHeight;
.childrenMargin(() => treeConfiguration.childrenMargin)
.siblingsMargin(() => treeConfiguration.siblingsMargin)
.neightbourMargin(() => treeConfiguration.neightbourMargin)
.linkUpdate(function (d: HierarchyNode<FamilyModel>) {
// drawing the connecting line
if ( === constants.rootId || !== undefined
) {
} else {
.attr('stroke', () => treeConfiguration.linkStroke)
.attr('stroke-width', () => treeConfiguration.linkStrokeWidth);
.connectionsUpdate(function () {
.attr('stroke', () => treeConfiguration.connectionStroke)
.attr('stroke-width', () => treeConfiguration.connectionStrokeWidth)
.nodeContent(function (d: HierarchyNode<FamilyModel>) {
const personData: FamilyModel = <FamilyModel>;
let extraCss = '';
if (personData.primarySpouseId !== undefined) {
if (personData.gender === 'M') {
extraCss = 'female-spouse';
} else {
extraCss = 'male-spouse';
let nodeHtml = `<div class="row ${extraCss}">`;
if (personData.primarySpouseId !== undefined) {
// additional spouses
nodeHtml += getPersonNodeContent(personData, 'spouse');
} else if (personData.gender === 'F') {
nodeHtml += getPersonNodeContent(personData, 'spouse');
nodeHtml += getPersonNodeContent(personData, 'person');
} else {
nodeHtml += getPersonNodeContent(personData, 'person');
nodeHtml += getPersonNodeContent(personData, 'spouse');
nodeHtml += '</div>';
return nodeHtml;
// changing the links for persons who has spouse
chart.layoutBindings().top.linkX = (d: HierarchyNode<FamilyModel>) => {
let x = d.x;
if ( === undefined) {
// Using x & y locations get the corresponding person data
const allNodes = chart.getChartState().allNodes;
allNodes.forEach((node) => {
if (node.x === d.x && node.y === d.y) {
if ( === 'M') {
x = d.x + d.width / 2;
} else {
x = d.x - d.width / 2;
} else if ( !== undefined && === 'M') {
x = d.x - treeConfiguration.linkShift; // for parent to child link
} else if ( !== undefined && === 'F') {
x = d.x + treeConfiguration.linkShift; // for parent to child link
} else {
x = d.x;
return x;
chart.layoutBindings().top.linkY = (d: HierarchyNode<FamilyModel>) => {
if ( === undefined) {
// connections
return d.y + d.height / 2;
} else {
return d.y;
chart.layoutBindings().top.linkJoinX = (d: HierarchyNode<FamilyModel>) => {
let x = d.x;
if ( === undefined) {
// connections
// Using x & y locations get the corresponding person data
const allNodes = chart.getChartState().allNodes;
allNodes.forEach((node) => {
if (node.x === d.x && node.y === d.y) {
if ( === 'M') {
x = d.x - d.width / 2 - 15;
} else {
x = d.x + d.width / 2 + 15;
} else {
x = d.x;
return x;
chart.layoutBindings().top.linkJoinY = (d: HierarchyNode<FamilyModel>) => {
if ( === undefined) {
// connections
return d.y + d.height / 2;
} else {
return d.y;
// checking for multiple spouses
const multipleSpouseConnections: Connection[] = [];
data.forEach((model) => {
if (model.primarySpouseId !== undefined) {
from: model.primarySpouseId,
label: '',
// getting the selectedPerons to show
const selectedPersons = familyData.filter(
(p) => p.personId === selectedPersonId
if (selectedPersons.length > 0) {
const nodeId: string = selectedPersons[0].id;
// hiding the root node
const rootIdNode = document.querySelector(
'.person-' + constants.rootPersonId
const parentRootIdNode = rootIdNode?.closest('.node');
if (parentRootIdNode !== undefined && parentRootIdNode !== null) = 'none';
function getPersonNodeContent(personData: FamilyModel, personType: string) {
const person: UserProfileModel = <UserProfileModel>{};
if (personType === 'spouse') {
if (personData.spouseId !== undefined) {
person.personId = personData.spouseId;
} else {
return '';
person.personName = personData.spouseLabel1;
person.gender = personData.spouseGender; = personData.spousePhoto;
} else {
person.personId = personData.personId;
person.personName = personData.label1;
person.gender = personData.gender; =;
let personCssClass, personIcon;
let photoClass = '';
if (person.gender === 'M') {
personCssClass = 'male-member';
personIcon = maleIcon;
} else {
personCssClass = 'female-member';
personIcon = femaleIcon;
if ( !== undefined && !== null) {
personIcon =;
photoClass = 'profile-photo';
let nodeContent = '';
if (
personData.spouseId !== undefined &&
person.gender === 'F' &&
personData.primarySpouseId === undefined
) {
nodeContent += '<div class="line"><hr/></div>';
let selectedPersonCssClass = '';
if (selectedPersonId === person.personId) {
selectedPersonCssClass = 'selected-person';
let drillToHide = 'hide';
if (personType === 'spouse' && personData.spouseDrillTo) {
drillToHide = ''; // hide drill to icon
nodeContent += `
<div class="col ${personCssClass} person-member person-${person.personId} ${selectedPersonCssClass}">
<div class="person-box" onclick="window.selectedPersonId=${person.personId};">
<div class="person-icon-div" >
<div onclick="window.viewPersonId=${person.personId};">
<img src="${personIcon}" class="person-icon ${photoClass}" />
<div class="view-person rotate">view</div>
<i class="fa-solid fa-street-view drill-to ${drillToHide}"></i>
<div class="col person-name">${person.personName}</div>
return nodeContent;
function nodeClicked(id: NodeId) {
// highlight the user clicked node
if (window.viewPersonId != undefined) {
window.viewPersonId = undefined;
} else {
const person = familyData.filter((p) => === id)[0];
if (person.spouseId === window.selectedPersonId && person.spouseDrillTo) {
function highlightSelectedNode() {
// remove prev selected person class and selecting currnet one
let personElement;
if (prevSelectedPersonId > 0) {
personElement = document.getElementsByClassName(
selectedPersonId = window.selectedPersonId;
personElement = document.getElementsByClassName(
prevSelectedPersonId = selectedPersonId;
function showDetails(viewPersonId: number) {
name: 'person-detail',
params: {
detailPersonId: viewPersonId,
function refresh() {
loadTree(loadTreePersonId, session1.refreshPersonId);
session1.refreshPersonId = -1;
Copy link

This code was written one year back and currently I don't have sample data.
Here is a sample data I think will work (you may need to debug to check whether this data works or not)

id: '1-2', // this is unique id for husband and wife
personId: 1,
label1: 'Father',
label2: 'Father',
name: 'Father',
gender: "M",
photo: "",
parentId: -1, // root parent
personOrder?: ,
childOrder: 1; // currently not used in UI
size?: 1; // probably not used
spouseId?: 2;
spouseName?: "Mother",
spouseLabel1: "Mother",
spouseGender?: "F",
spouseOrder?: 1; // currently not used in UI
spouseDrillTo: false, // this is required to show multiple trees
primarySpouseId?: undefined; // used in multiple spouses for the second spouse
spousePhoto: undefined,
path?: undefined, // may not be used

id: '3-4', // this is unique id for husband and wife
personId: 3,
label1: 'Son',
label2: 'Son',
name: 'Son',
gender: "M",
photo: "",
parentId: '1-2', // root parent
personOrder?: ,
childOrder: 1; // currently not used in UI
size?: 1; // probably not used
spouseId?: 4;
spouseName?: "Wife - 1",
spouseLabel1: "Wife - 1",
spouseGender?: "F",
spouseOrder?: 1; // currently not used in UI
spouseDrillTo: false, // this is required to show multiple trees
primarySpouseId?: undefined; // used in multiple spouses for the second spouse
spousePhoto: undefined,
path?: undefined, // may not be used

id: '3-5', // this is unique id for husband and wife
personId: 3,
label1: 'Son',
label2: 'Son',
name: 'Son',
gender: "M",
photo: "",
parentId: '1-2', // root parent
personOrder?: ,
childOrder: 1; // currently not used in UI
size?: 1; // probably not used
spouseId?: 5;
spouseName?: "Wife - 2",
spouseLabel1: "Wife - 2",
spouseGender?: "F",
spouseOrder?: 1; // currently not used in UI
spouseDrillTo: false, // this is required to show multiple trees
primarySpouseId?: 4; // used in multiple spouses for the second spouse
spousePhoto: undefined,
path?: undefined, // may not be used


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