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Last active July 25, 2021 07:27
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PyTest Code for Verifying the Logs Flow Between Components
Sample PyTest Code to Demonstrate the System Integration Testing of an Application
import re
import pytest
import paramiko
def _do_ssh_logging(request, cluster_ip):
# Validate the IP pattern
valid_ip_pattern = re.compile(r'(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)')
is_ip_good = valid_ip_pattern.match(cluster_ip)
if is_ip_good:
print(f" SSH to {cluster_ip} ")
logging_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
logging_client.connect(cluster_ip, 22, 'user_name', 'password')
print("Connected Successfully !!!")
request.cls._client = logging_client
print("Invalid IP Address Entered !!!")
class TestLogFlow:
Test to verify the syslog has been received to the component_1 from various syslog servers
# Consider the component_1 ip s
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cluster_ip', [''])
def test_component1_receives_data(self, _do_ssh_logging):
Input : Do a NetCat of a sample logs (for your testing) and it will get stored inside /rsyslog/Internal.syslog.log
This operation is to replicate the scenario which is similar like receiving syslog from external sources in real time.
Place a sample.log to your component_1 node and NetCat using the command shown below
Here 514 is the port on which component_1 is receiving logs
stdin, stdout, stderr = self._client.exec_command("echo <path to your file> | nc localhost 514", get_pty=True)
assert == 0
print(f" NetCat command is successfully!!!\n ")
# Command to verify the logs which sends from a outside server in this case from NetCat command has been received
grep_command= 'cat /opt/data/input/rsyslog/Internal.syslog.log | grep -o -i "Testing Purpose String"'
stdin, stdout, stderr = self._client.exec_command(grep_command, get_pty=True)
print("Output is ####", stdout.readlines())
print(f" Grep command ran successfully for the pattern!!! \n")
assert == 0
Test to verify the syslogs from component_1 is forwarded successfully to component_2 under rsyslog folder
# Consider the component_2 ip s
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cluster_ip', [''])
def test_component2_receives_data(self, _do_ssh_logging):
# Command to verify the component_2 is able to receives logs from component_1 through syslog forwarding
grep_command= 'cat /opt/data/input/rsyslog/Internal.syslog.log | grep -o -i "Testing Purpose String"'
stdin, stdout, stderr = self._client.exec_command(grep_command, get_pty=True)
print("Output is ####", stdout.readlines())
print(f" Grep command ran successfully for the pattern!!! \n")
assert == 0
The below step is to replicate a real application scenario where the application is applying algorithm to detect
the alerts on raw logs received from data lake sources i.e. component_1 in this case.
If the logs receives at rsyslog has a specific pattern as per requirement in this case "location_flag_set:true"
then add an alert flag in the logs and forward it to component_3 which is responsible for creating incident ID.
print(f" Checking if the logs has pattern to identify as Alert ")
grep_command= 'cat /opt/data/input/rsyslog/Internal.syslog.log | grep -o -i "location_flag_set:true"'
stdin, stdout, stderr = self._client.exec_command(grep_command, get_pty=True)
print("Output is ####", stdout.readlines())
print(f" Alert Check has been done !!! \n")
assert == 0
# Update the log by adding an Alert flag pattern and it will get forwarded to component_3 i.e. incident creation
print(f" Applying the Alert Rule Algorithm on the log ")
log_path = '/opt/data/input/rsyslog/Internal.syslog.log'
sed_cmd = "sed -i 's/location_flag_set/alert_type location_flag_set/' " + log_path
stdin, stdout, stderr = self._client.exec_command(sed_cmd, get_pty=True)
print(f" Alert Rule has been applied successfully !!! \n")
assert == 0
# Consider the component_3 ip s
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cluster_ip', [''])
def test_component3_creates_tickets(self, _do_ssh_logging):
print(f" Verify the component_3 is able to receive logs from component_2 through syslog forwarder")
grep_command = 'cat /opt/data/input/rsyslog/Incident_Responder.log | grep -o -i "alert_type"'
stdin, stdout, stderr = self._client.exec_command(grep_command, get_pty=True)
print("Output is ####", stdout.readlines())
print(f" Grep command ran successfully for the pattern!!! \n")
assert == 0
The below step is replication of real time application where based on the log contains alert or not
it will create an Incident Responder with a unique ID and the same can be verify from that service log.
# Update the log by adding an Incident ID
print(f" Creating the Incident ID by adding a ID number in the logs ")
log_path = '/opt/data/input/rsyslog/Incident_Responder.log'
sed_cmd = "sed -i 's/alert_type/IR-ID-3243 alert_type/' " + log_path
stdin, stdout, stderr = self._client.exec_command(sed_cmd, get_pty=True)
print(f" Incident ID has been created successfully !!! \n")
assert == 0
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