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Last active July 24, 2021 12:12
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Robot Framework Sample Code For Testing Log Follow
*** Settings ***
Library RobotUtilities
Library OperatingSystem
Library SSHLibrary
Library String
Library Collections
Library DateTime
Force Tags data_flow
Suite Setup run keyword Load API Context
*** Test Cases ***
TC01 Test Component_1 Receives Logs From Various Log Sources
[Documentation] This test verifies that the Component_1 is able to receives logs from various external sources
[Tags] component_1
${raw_log} Use existing raw log for clusters
... directory=Use_test_id file_name=sampleraw_log.txt
# Here test_1_logs.txt is the local logs you have decided to test on
Create file path=${DIR}/resources/remote_robot_resources/test_1_logs.txt content=${raw_log}
Copy remote resources test folder to your node test_subdirectory=crules
${nc_injection_cmd} Set Variable cat /tmp/test_1_logs.txt | nc localhost 514
Run The NC Command To Inject The Raw Log ${COMPONENT_1_IP} ${nc_injection_cmd}
Poll rsyslog file for pattern host=${COMPONENT_1_IP} file_path=/opt/data/input/rsyslog/
... pattern=Testing Purpose String
[Teardown] No Operation
TC02 Test Component_2 Receives Logs From Component_1 and apply the alert detection model
[Documentation] This test verifies that the Component_2 is able to receives logs from component 1, and apply the alert
... models on the logs received
[Tags] component_2
${path} Set Variable /opt/data/input/rsyslog/
Log To Console Verify the component_2 is able to receives logs from component_1 through syslog forwarding
Poll rsyslog file for pattern host=${COMPONENT_2_IP} file_path=${path} pattern=Testing Purpose String
Log To Console Checking if the logs has pattern to identify as Alert
Poll rsyslog file for pattern host=${COMPONENT_2_IP} file_path=${path} pattern=location_flag_set:true
Log To Console Applying the Alert Rule Model on a log
${add_alert_flag_cmd} Set Variable sed -i 's/location_flag_set/alert_type location_flag_set/' ${path}
${nc_cmd_succeed} Run a generic command on a host and return return code only
... host=${COMPONENT_2_IP} cmd_string=${add_alert_flag_cmd}
Run Keyword If ${nc_cmd_succeed} == False fail
... msg=Not Able to Modify the file to add alert flag once alert condition meet
[Teardown] No Operation
Test Component_3 Receives the Alert Logs From Component_2 and create the incident
[Documentation] This test verifies that the Component_3 is able to receives alert logs from component 2, and able to
... create the incident id ticket for the alert
[Tags] component_3
${path} Set Variable /opt/data/input/rsyslog/
Log To Console Verify the component_3 is able to receives alert log from component_2 through syslog forwarding
Poll rsyslog file for pattern host=${COMPONENT_3_IP} file_path=${path} pattern=alert_type
Log To Console Creating the Incident ID by adding a ID number in the logs
${path} /opt/data/input/rsyslog/Incident_Responder.log
${add_incident_cmd} Set Variable sed -i 's/alert_type/IR-ID-3243 alert_type/' + log_path ${path}
${nc_cmd_succeed} Run a generic command on a host and return return code only
... host=${COMPONENT_3_IP} cmd_string=${add_incident_cmd}
Run Keyword If ${nc_cmd_succeed} == False fail msg=Not Able to Create Incident ID
[Teardown] No Operation
*** Keywords ***
Successfully connect through ssh
[Arguments] ${host} ${second_host}=None
run keyword if ${IS_SAAS_ENV} Successfully connect to cloud service ${host} ${second_host}
... ELSE Successfully connect to On-prem ${host}
Run The NC Command To Inject The Raw Log
[Documentation] To Inject the Raw Log on Remote Host
[Arguments] ${host} ${nc_injection_cmd}
${nc_cmd_succeed} Run a generic command on a host and return return code
... host=${host} cmd_string=${nc_injection_cmd}
Run Keyword If ${nc_cmd_succeed} == False fail msg=netcat injection operation failed
Run a generic command on a host and return return code
[Arguments] ${host} ${cmd_string} ${second_host}=None
Successfully connect through ssh ${host} ${second_host}
${rc} execute command ${cmd_string} timeout=${SSH_TIMEOUT} return_stdout=False return_rc=True
${command_succeed} Run Keyword and Return Status Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
[Return] ${command_succeed}
[Teardown] Close Connection
Copy remote resources test folder to node machine
[Arguments] ${test_subdirectory} ${host}=${CLUSTER_IP} ${second_host}=None
Successfully connect through ssh ${host} ${second_host}
Put directory source=${DIR}/resources/remote_resources/${test_subdirectory} destination=/tmp/ scp=ON
[Teardown] Close All Connection
Use existing raw log for clusters
[Arguments] ${directory} ${file_name}
Log To Console Using previously recorded raw log at ${DIR}/resources/remote_resources/${directory}/${file_name}
${raw_log} Operating System.Get File path=${DIR}/resources/remote_resources/${directory}/${file_name}
[Return] ${raw_log}
Poll rsyslog file for a specific pattern
[Documentation] This keyword will do a grep operation on the rsyslog on nodes for verifying the patterns has been
... populated inside the logs.
[Arguments] ${host} ${file_path} ${pattern} ${max_tries}=5 ${polling_interval}=1 min
${latest_filename} Set Variable Internal.syslog.log
${grep_cmd_string} set variable cat ${file_path}/${latest_filename} | grep '${pattern}'
Log to console Polling ${file_path}/${latest_filename} up to ${max_tries} times with an interval of ${polling_interval}
# Override global variable here as, it requires to wait longer in the event of grep. If this keyword fails,
# revert this global change in the [TearDown] section of this keyword
Set Global Variable ${SSH_TIMEOUT} 200s
FOR ${i} IN RANGE 1 ${max_tries}
${alert_pattern_found} Run a generic command on a host and return return code
... host=${host} cmd_string=${grep_cmd_string}
exit for loop if ${alert_pattern_found}
Log to Console Attempt number ${i} failed, sleeping for ${polling_interval}
Sleep ${polling_interval}
Run Keyword If ${alert_pattern_found?} == False Fail msg=Did not find pattern: ${pattern}
Log to Console Found pattern! ${pattern}
[TearDown] Run Keywords Close All Connections AND Set Global Variable ${SSH_TIMEOUT} 30s
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