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Last active November 18, 2015 08:29
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Primes and Palidromes
(ns prime-days
(:require [clj-time.core :as t]
[clj-time.format :as f]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]))
(defn prime? [n]
(.isProbablePrime (BigInteger/valueOf n) 1))
(defn formatted-date [n]
(f/formatters :basic-date)
(defn date-time->num
(Integer/valueOf (formatted-date n)))
(defn prime-date? [d]
(prime? (date-time->num d)))
(defn palindrome-date? [d]
(let [f-date (f/unparse (f/formatter "MdYY") d)]
(= f-date (clojure.string/reverse f-date))))
(defn get-all-days [pred? year]
(loop [d (t/now)
prime-days '() ]
(if (not (t/after? d (t/plus (t/now) (t/years (or year 10)))))
(recur (t/plus d (t/days 1))
(if (pred? d)
(conj prime-days (f/unparse (f/formatters :date) d))
(def get-all-primes
(partial get-all-days prime-date?))
(def get-all-palidromes
(partial get-all-days palindrome-date?))
(def get-prime-and-palindromes
(partial get-all-days (fn [d]
(and (prime-date? d)
(palindrome-date? d)))))
(def all-primes (get-all-primes 20))
;; Primes and Palindrome days in the next 10 years
;; ("2021-12-09" "2021-12-03" "2019-09-13" "2018-08-01" "2016-06-11" "2016-06-01")
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