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Created January 27, 2013 17:00
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Facebook Hacker Cup 2013 qualification solutions
import sys
from collections import Counter
import string,re
input_stream = sys.stdin
cases = int(input_stream.readline())
def is_understandable(input_str):
_string = input_str.replace(':)', '').replace(':(', '')
stack = []
for char in _string:
if char == '(':
elif char == ')' and len(stack) > 0 and stack.pop() != '(':
return 'NO'
if len(stack)> 0:
if input_str[0] == '(':
return 'YES'
return 'NO'
return 'YES'
for i in xrange(cases):
case_str = input_stream.readline().strip()
print("Case #{0}: {1}".format(i+1, is_understandable(case_str)))
import sys
from collections import Counter
import string,re
input_stream = sys.stdin
cases = int(input_stream.readline())
def find_max_beauty(string):
items = sorted(dict(Counter(list(string))).values())
char_beauties = range(26,0,-1)
sum = 0
for i,val in enumerate(reversed(items)):
sum += val*char_beauties[i]
return sum
for i in xrange(cases):
pattern = re.compile('[\W_]+')
case_str = input_stream.readline().upper()
case_str = re.sub(pattern,'',case_str)
print("Case #{0}: {1}".format(i+1, find_max_beauty(case_str)))
import sys
input_stream = sys.stdin
cases = int(input_stream.readline())
Disclosure: I was struggling with the indexing idea..
and I got influenced by the solution in a stackoverflow post to improve my implementation.
It still reads like that solution instead of mine..
I was out of time anyway after submitting my naiver solution, so didn't get to take advantage of sneaking on the interwebs
def next_pointer(lst, start):
idx = start
# 0 indexed
out = start - 1
while idx < len(lst) and lst[idx]:
out = idx
idx += 1
return out
def line_list(input_stream):
return map(int,input_stream.readline().strip().split())
for t in xrange(cases):
n,k = line_list(input_stream)
a,b,c,r = line_list(input_stream)
# Storing 10^9 is expensive, do it in chunks
# 4 worked for the input from facebook
m = [0] * (4*k)
# This is the lookup set guaranteed to not be > len(k)
# Lookup is used more like a dictionary..
# Each index stores the number of occurences of the value
lookup = [0] * (k+1)
m[0] = a
if m[0] <= k:
lookup[m[0]] = 1
for i in xrange(1, k):
# Linear Congruential Generator
m[i] = (b * m[i-1] + c) % r
if m[i] < k+1:
lookup[m[i]] += 1
pointer = next_pointer(lookup, 0)
m[k] = pointer + 1
pointer = next_pointer(lookup, pointer+2)
for i in xrange(k+1, n):
# Is the number > the index.. and have we seen it before?
if m[i-k-1] > pointer or lookup[m[i-k-1]] > 1:
m[i] = pointer + 1
# If the item isn't in the range we're tracking,
# decrement the counter at that index..
if m[i-k-1] <= k:
lookup[m[i-k-1]] -= 1
lookup[m[i]] += 1
pointer = next_pointer(lookup, pointer+2)
m[i] = m[i-k-1]
if pointer == k:
if pointer != k:
out = m[n-1]
out = m[i-k + (n-i+k+k) % (k+1)]
print 'Case #%d: %d' % (t+1, out)
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This breaks your balanced smileys: () :) () (
Should be "NO".

Also don't post solutions until contest is over.

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