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Last active July 3, 2023 15:51
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AfterLogic Webmail Pro + Aurora Keygen
Class Keygen {
private $serial;
private function randChar($length = 8) {
$characters = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
$string = '';
for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++) {
$string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters)-1)];
return $string;
public function getHashKey($version)
$return = base64_decode('NEpVVjNIU1dJVDU1R1I2UjJGUVhaQkxaRVA3NzFETllDTThNQUs5OQ==');
if (2 === $version) { // Webmail Pro
$return = base64_decode('MkZRWDNIU1c0SlVWSVQ1NUdSNlJBSzk5WkJMWkVQNzcxRE5ZQ004TQ==');
} else if (3 === $version) { // Aurora
$return = base64_decode('M0hTVzJGUVhaQkxaQ004TUFLOTlJVDU1RVA3NzFETllHUjZSNEpVVg==');
return $return;
public function divideByFour($version, $char)
$result = strpos($this->getHashKey($version), $char);
return (false !== $result) ? (int) floor($result / 4) : false;
public function generate($version = 2) {
if ($version == 2) {
$this->serial .= "WM700-";
} elseif ($version == 3) {
$this->serial .= "AU700-";
} else {
return "Error version not found";
$var = rand(0,9);
$var4 = $this->randChar(1);
while($this->divideByFour($version,$var4) % 2 == 0)
$var4 = $this->randChar(1);
$this->serial .= $this->randChar(27).$var4.'-'.$var;
$var2 = ($var * 7 + 7) % 10;
$this->serial .= $var2.rand(0,9).rand(0,9);
$var3 = $this->randChar(1);
while($this->divideByFour($version,$var3) != 0)
$var3 = $this->randChar(1);
$this->serial .= $var3.$this->randChar(4);
return $this->serial;
$obj = new Keygen();
// 2 for webmailpro and 3 for aurora
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gpopesc commented Mar 9, 2021

Thank you @yoda1490.
The trick still working 👍

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Hello ,any help me how can disable LicenseKey with webmail pro 9

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gpopesc commented Jan 29, 2022

just follow the instruction of @yoda1490, they are still working. Calendar and tasks will be disabled after trial period expire. Contact and files are working fine.

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just follow the instruction of @yoda1490, they are still working. Calendar and tasks will be disabled after trial period expire. Contact and files are working fine.

same here and you can not use it over 20 users

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Just checked new version, they change algorithm using asymmetric cryptography using openssl im afraid it wont be possible to keygening but another method still possible by returning correct response from trial key

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I NEED AFTERLOGIC v9 crack or keygen

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z3d3m0n commented Oct 8, 2022

Just checked new version, they change algorithm using asymmetric cryptography using openssl im afraid it wont be possible to keygening but another method still possible by returning correct response from trial key

Have you managed to crack the trial key of 9.6 ?

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did anyone manage to crack or patch the new version 9.6?

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Hello, anybody to crack 9 version? @yoda1490 tip is still working with V9?

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rapsys commented Nov 28, 2022

Edit file modules/Licensing/Module.php

In protected function getKeyInfo(), after $this->keyInfo = $oKI->GKI($sKey); add var_export($this->keyInfo); exit;

Add a trial key to data/settings/config.json

Add $this->keyInfo = [...]; in place of your var_export & exit with fixed content.

Enjoy ;)

ps : I wouldn't have bothered to post that if afterlogic had allowed a single or two user with full features by default

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rapsys commented Nov 28, 2022

Maybe a replay attack can be done by replacing KI.php and license file with an old one from :

Or someone may develop a replacement from unobfuscated KI.php

Or create a new generator with a self-generated public/private key pair and replace modules/Licensing/classes/AU80.key

Wasted 2 hours on that, so better save all vectors

ps : If you like their product please send them some money if you are not poor like me :)

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rapsys commented Nov 28, 2022

If there is more modules to activate than System, Calendar, CoreMobileWebclient and MailMultiAccountsPlugin tell me.

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Edit file modules/Licensing/Module.php

In protected function getKeyInfo(), after $this->keyInfo = $oKI->GKI($sKey); add var_export($this->keyInfo); exit;

Add a trial key to data/settings/config.json

Add $this->keyInfo = [...]; in place of your var_export & exit with fixed content.

Enjoy ;)

ps : I wouldn't have bothered to post that if afterlogic had allowed a single or two user with full features by default

I think this is not working anymore in 9.7.1

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Maybe a replay attack can be done by replacing KI.php and license file with an old one from : afterlogic/aurora-module-licensing@e30a52f#diff-a8b460e8fea5607a2b05effa9f6512e5271f1e26ca6ab7890c7eab58cfc1e54c

Or someone may develop a replacement from unobfuscated KI.php

Or create a new generator with a self-generated public/private key pair and replace modules/Licensing/classes/AU80.key

Wasted 2 hours on that, so better save all vectors

ps : If you like their product please send them some money if you are not poor like me :)

Unobfuscate is really just rename variable using hex editor, format the code and debug using xdebug. you just return correct array from KI.php

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