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Last active December 19, 2017 12:26
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Objective-c Code to get word from a UITextView
-(NSString *)getWordAtPosition:(CGPoint)pos inTextView:(UITextView*)_tv
UITextView *tempTextview = [[UITextView alloc]init];
tempTextview.text = temmp;
//eliminate scroll offset
pos.y += _tv.contentOffset.y;
//get location in text from textposition at point
UITextPosition *tapPos = [_tv closestPositionToPoint:pos];
//fetch the word at this position (or nil, if not available)
UITextRange * wr = [_tv.tokenizer rangeEnclosingPosition:tapPos withGranularity:UITextGranularityWord inDirection:UITextLayoutDirectionRight];
UITextPosition* beginningForTV = _tv.beginningOfDocument;
UITextPosition* selectionStart = wr.start;
UITextPosition* selectionEnd = wr.end;
UITextPosition *beginning;
UITextPosition *start;
UITextPosition *end;
UITextRange *textRange;
NSInteger location = [_tv offsetFromPosition:beginningForTV toPosition:selectionStart];
NSInteger length = [_tv offsetFromPosition:selectionStart toPosition:selectionEnd];
NSRange tter = NSMakeRange(location, length);
if (tter.length != 0) {
for (int i=0; i<hotwordsRanges.count; i++) {
NSValue *val = [hotwordsRanges objectAtIndex:i];
NSRange range = [val rangeValue];
int total = range.location+range.length;
if (total >= tter.location) {
beginning = tempTextview.beginningOfDocument;
start = [tempTextview positionFromPosition:beginning offset:range.location];
end = [tempTextview positionFromPosition:start offset:range.length];
textRange = [tempTextview textRangeFromPosition:start toPosition:end];
// NSMutableAttributedString * string = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:self.textViewTag.text];
// [string addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:[UIColor redColor] range:range];
// self.textViewTag.attributedText = string;
// NSString *param = nil;
// if (range.location != NSNotFound)
// {
// param = [temmp substringFromIndex:range.location + range.length];
// NSRange end = [param rangeOfString:@"%"];
// // NSMutableAttributedString * string = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:self.textViewTag.text];
// // [string addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:[UIColor redColor] range:range];
// // self.textViewTag.attributedText = string;
// if (end.location != NSNotFound)
// {
// param = [param substringToIndex:end.location];
// }
// }
return [tempTextview textInRange:textRange];
return[tempTextview textInRange:textRange];
return [_tv textInRange:wr];
// the textview will be the view triggering the gesture action
// the location will be th point of gesture action . Can get from :
// gestureSender.location(inView:) method
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