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Created July 7, 2017 18:15
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Parse goroutine dumps
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import argparse
import operator
from collections import defaultdict
import re
def parseFile(f):
with open(f, 'r') as opened:
def parseStack(stack, includePaths=False):
lines = stack.split("\n")
# skip first line for now
# sanitize any memory addresses
return ";".join(re.sub(r'0x[\da-f]+', '0x0', line) for line in lines[1:])
def getStackCounts(input):
counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
stacks = parseFile(input)
for stack in stacks:
cleanedStack = parseStack(stack)
counts[cleanedStack] += 1
return counts
def comparotor(x, y):
if x[1] == y[1]:
if x[0] < y[0]:
return -1
elif x[0] == y[0]:
return 0
return 1
elif x[1] < y[1]:
return -1
return 1
def writeStackCounts(counts, output):
sorted_counts = sorted(counts.items(), cmp=comparotor, reverse=True)
first = True
for item in sorted_counts:
stack = "\n".join(item[0].split(";"))
count = item[1]
if not first:
output.write("Count: %d\n" % count)
first = False
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Tool to create counts for goroutine dumps')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='output target [default: stdout]')
parser.add_argument('input', help='file containint goroutine stack dump')
args = parser.parse_args()
output = args.output
input = args.input
if not input:
print >>sys.stderr, "No input specified"
counts = getStackCounts(input)
output = sys.stdout
if args.output:
with open(args.output, 'w') as output:
writeStackCounts(counts, output)
writeStackCounts(counts, output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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