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Last active September 11, 2021 17:36
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I have a Thinkpad T470p laptop with Linux Mint 20.1 (Xfce) installed for personal use and power management is one of the things I dislike in otherwise a pretty good laptop. Compared to my work laptop, a Macbook, the Thinkpad drains battery in sleep mode and I often find the battery completely drained if I happen to not to use the laptop for a couple of days.

Since Linux Mint does not come with Hibernation option enabled out of the box, following are the steps I did to enable this option.

Swap partitionPermalink

I found it is easier to have the right size of swap partition at installation time rather than trying hibernation support based on a swap file. Following instructions are based on my setup with a swap partition.

I created a swap partition of 25G since I have 24G of RAM at install time.

Install hibernate utilitiesPermalink

Install hibernate utils,

sudo apt install pm-utils && sudo pm-hibernate

Update grubPermalink

Find the UUID of the swap partition by grep swap /etc/fstab.

You need to update grub boot loader to add option to resume from disk. For that, edit /etc/default/grub and modify the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT as super user1.

In my case the the required edit looks as follows.

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash resume=UUID=putYourSwapUUIDhere"

Then update grub with command sudo update-grub.

Now you should be able to hibernate with systemctl hibernate.

However the power menu in Linux Mint doesn’t show the Hibernate option.

For that I needed to add the following policy2 to /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/90-mandatory.d/enable-hibernate.pkla.

[Enable hibernate]

After adding the policy Hibernate should show up as a power management option in the Mint menu.

Hibernation has been working quite smoothly thus far in my laptop. I prefer to use this option when I know that I’m not likely to pick up the laptop in a while.

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