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Created October 17, 2013 12:29
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Atlas merge code
function [atlas] = merge_manifold()
% merge atlas2 into atlas, return a new atlas
% this code performs a "Brute force" merge where all the charts of the second
% atlas are checked for nearness to the first atlas, and then merged in
atlas1 = coco_bd_read('cylinder1', 'atlas');
atlas2 = coco_bd_read('cylinder2', 'atlas');
atlas2charts = atlas2.charts{1:5};
atlas = atlas1;
for i = 1:numel(atlas2charts)
chart = atlas2.charts{i};
nbfunc = @(x) atlas.isclose(chart, x);
bd_charts = atlas.charts(atlas.boundary);
idx = cellfun(nbfunc, bd_charts);
close_charts = atlas.boundary(idx);
checked = [0,];
while ~isempty(close_charts)
[atlas chart checked] = ...
atlas.merge_recursive(chart, close_charts(1), checked);
close_charts = setdiff(close_charts, checked);
atlas.charts = [atlas.charts, {chart}];
atlas.boundary = [atlas.boundary,];
bd_charts = atlas.charts(atlas.boundary);
idx = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(, bd_charts);
atlas.boundary = atlas.boundary(idx);
% plot the results
plot_charts(atlas.charts, 1, 2, 3);
axis equal
axis tight
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