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Created December 20, 2013 18:19
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A style guide to use for Python code
Of course, you should always follow:
Here are some more style guideline to write a better, self-documented code
1. Function Descriptions:
Every function should have a comment string describing:
* input `Parameters`
* triggered `Events`
* exceptions that it `Raises`
* `Returns` variabled
def query_keys(self, **kwargs):
""" Query for keys matching metadata provided as keyword arguments
This provides a very simple querying interface that returns precise
matches with the metadata. If no arguments are supplied, the query
will return the complete set of keys for the key-value store.
This is equivalent to ``self.query(**kwargs).keys()``, but potentially
more efficiently implemented.
kwargs :
Arguments where the keywords are metadata keys, and values are
possible values for that metadata item.
result : iterable
An iterable of key-value store keys whose metadata matches all the
specified values for the specified metadata keywords.
for key, value in self._store.items():
metadata = value[1]
if all(metadata.get(arg) == value for arg, value in kwargs.items()):
yield key
def set_metadata(self, key, metadata):
""" Set new metadata for a given key in the key-value store.
This replaces the existing metadata set for the key with a new set of
metadata. If the key does not already exist, it tacitly creates an
empty data object.
key : string
The key for the resource in the key-value store. They key is a unique
identifier for the resource within the key-value store.
metadata : dict
A dictionary of metadata to associate with the key. The dictionary
keys should be strings which are valid Python identifiers.
StoreSetEvent :
On successful completion of a transaction, a StoreSetEvent should be
emitted with the key & metadata
data = self._store.get(key, ('', {}))[0]
self.set(key, StringValue(data=data, metadata=metadata))
def get_metadata(self, key, select=None):
""" Retrieve the metadata for a given key in the key-value store.
key : string
The key for the resource in the key-value store. They key is a unique
identifier for the resource within the key-value store.
select : iterable of strings or None
Which metadata keys to populate in the result. If unspecified, then
return the entire metadata dictionary.
metadata : dict
A dictionary of metadata associated with the key. The dictionary
has keys as specified by the metadata_keys argument.
KeyError :
This will raise a key error if the key is not present in the store,
and if any metadata key is requested which is not present in the
metadata = self._store[key][1]
if select is not None:
return dict((metadata_key, metadata[metadata_key])
for metadata_key in select if metadata_key in metadata)
return metadata.copy()
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