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Last active February 7, 2024 10:14
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API options for {epidemics}
#### Dummy internal fn ####
f_internal <- function(x) x
#### Dummy internal stochastic fn ####
# some function of the input (fixed) and draws from a distr (stochastic)
# assumes a param beta at position 3
f_internal_stochastic <- function(x) x[[3]] + runif(length(x))
#### Single parameter set and single intervention ####
# function operates on some parameters with one run per parameter
f_current <- function(contacts, npi, ...) {
# cross-check interventions and population characteristics, here, demo grps
stopifnot(nrow(contacts) == nrow(npi))
# some internal operation on a list
list(contacts, npi, ...)
f_current(matrix(1, 2, 2), matrix(0.2, 2, 2), beta = 1, sigma = 2, gamma = 3)
#### Single parameter set and multiple interventions ####
f_multi_npi <- function(contacts, npi, ...) {
# if npi is a list, cross-check each element else cross-check npi
if (is.list(npi)) {
lapply(npi, function(x) {
# cross-checking
stopifnot(nrow(contacts) == nrow(x))
} else {
stopifnot(nrow(contacts) == nrow(npi))
# collect intervention combinations for internal fn
if (is.list(npi)) {
scenarios <- lapply(npi, function(x) {
list(contacts, x, ...)
# return internal fn operation on parameter-intervention combos
# aka a 'scenario'
lapply(scenarios, function(sce) {
} else {
f_internal(list(contacts, npi, ...))
f_multi_npi(matrix(1, 2, 2), matrix(0.2, 2, 2), beta = 1, sigma = 2, gamma = 3)
# function multi npi is identical to single npi case when a single npi is passed
f_current(matrix(1, 2, 2), matrix(0.2, 2, 2), beta = 1, sigma = 2, gamma = 3),
f_multi_npi(matrix(1, 2, 2), matrix(0.2, 2, 2), beta = 1, sigma = 2, gamma = 3)
# function multi npi returns a list of outputs when multiple interventions
# are passed
contacts = matrix(1, 2, 2),
npi = list(
matrix(0.2, 2, 2),
matrix(0.3, 2, 2),
matrix(0.15, 2, 2)
beta = 1, sigma = 2, gamma = 3
# cross checking required for each npi
contacts = matrix(1, 2, 2),
npi = list(
matrix(0.2, 2, 2),
matrix(0.3, 1, 2), # this npi is not compatible with contacts
matrix(0.15, 2, 2)
beta = 1, sigma = 2, gamma = 3
# compare outputs in some appropriate way
#### Multiple parameter sets, single intervention ####
# user passes parameters as vectors of equal lengths - no recycling
f_multi_param <- function(contacts, npi, ...) {
# cross-checking single intervention
stopifnot(nrow(contacts) == nrow(npi))
# collect params and check
params <- list(...)
length(unique(vapply(params, length, FUN.VALUE = 1L))) == 1
# prepare param combos for discrete runs of internal fn
params <- purrr::transpose(params)
params <- lapply(
params, function(x) {
list(contacts, npi),
# run internal fn and return list of outputs
lapply(params, f_internal)
matrix(1, 2, 2), matrix(0.2, 2, 2),
beta = runif(3),
sigma = runif(3),
gamma = runif(3)
#### Stochastic internal function, multiple parameter sets ####
# specify replicates as times to run each combination of parameters
f_stochastic <- function(contacts, npi, replicates, ...) {
# cross-checking single intervention
# NOTE ebola model does not accept contact matrix
# but other stochastic models might
stopifnot(nrow(contacts) == nrow(npi))
## SIMILAR TO fn_multi_param
# collect params and check
params <- list(...)
length(unique(vapply(params, length, FUN.VALUE = 1L))) == 1
# prepare param combos for discrete runs of internal fn
params <- purrr::transpose(params)
params <- lapply(
params, function(x) {
list(contacts, npi),
# similar logic applies for combinations of parameters and interventions
# N replicates per parameter combination
# running with preserved seed --- NOTE: NOT ABLE TO HAVE THE SEED
# VARY BETWEEN REPLICATES using `replicate()` +
# `withr::with_preserve_seed()`
# hence using hacky implementation
data <- lapply(
seq(replicates), function(t) {
lapply(params, function(p_list) {
# set names for clarity
names(data) <- sprintf("replicate_%i", seq_along(data))
data <- lapply(data, function(x) {
names(x) <- sprintf("param_%i", seq_along(x))
# same random number stream across parameters, differs over replicates
output <- f_stochastic(
matrix(1, 2, 2), matrix(0.2, 2, 2),
replicates = 3,
beta = c(10, 20, 30),
sigma = c(10, 20, 30),
gamma = c(10, 20, 30)
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Ignore the dot. Copy paste. Just treat it as an unvectorised function a user has been given of which they know nothing about underlying checks.

Ah got it.

@Bisaloo expressed concerns/doubts on the API so hoping to have similar discussion today to explain what was decided and why.

Sure, and I broadly agree but I'm not sure there's much room for manoeuvre given growing interest in this sort of functionality (as in

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