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Last active April 4, 2016 09:07
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Detailed Workflow of adding missing Exit numbers in USA

  1. Assign a state to yourself in spreadsheet

  2. In JSOM, locate a highway that is missing ref tags represented by blue dots and has good mapillary coverage using this tms layer (this will be the difficult 👀 part; use the shields in the tms layer to spot the highway number)

  3. Assign that Highway to yourself in the state section of spreadsheet

  4. Download data and mapillary layer to locate signboard around the blue marker in the imagery.

  5. Use a combination fo Mapillary, TMS layer, Department of Transportation (DoT) documents and Wikipedia to add the ref=* tag on highway=motorway_junction (stick to using Mapillary and DoT doc as primary source and move to others in case of unavailablity of information)


Finding Exit signboards on imagery

Look out of Highway sign boards on imagery. They may look something like this-


Places to look for-

  • near a motorway_junction
  • near start of a motorway_link

screen shot 2016-03-11 at 4 56 14 pm

Do's and don't

  • It is not necessary that exit numbers are sequential. Yoy might find 45 after 41.
  • There are some motorway_junction which don't have any associated exit number. Add noref=yes on these nodes.
  • In the case of discrepancy between mapillary and DoT document, look out for the recent change in exit numbers on the web. Many states changes/in a process to change the exit numbers.
  • Ignore the highway=motorway_junction where the traffic flow is towards the motorway
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