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Created July 18, 2019 12:23
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;* Source written by Pratim Ugale <>
;* This example is used to control a stepper motor by sending out precise number of pulse trains at required frequency(RPM).
;* The 4 byte ON_Cycles input must be in memory location 0x00010000 - 0x00010003 in little-endian byte order
;* The 4 byte Total_Cycles input must be in memory location 0x00010004 - 0x00010007 in little endian byte order
;* The 4 byte Number of Pulses input must be in memory location 0x00010008 - 0x000100011 in little-endian byte order
.cdecls "main_pru0.c"
PRU_SRAM .set 0x00010000 ; Set the location of PRU Shared Memory
.global start
start: ; One time setup.
LDI32 R9, PRU_SRAM ; R9 -> Base address of PRU SRAM
SUB R6, R6, R6 ; Clear the contents of R6
SUB R7, R7, R7 ; Clear the contents of R7
SUB R8, R8, R8 ; Clear the contents of R7
LBBO &R6, R9, 0, 4 ; R6 -> Duty Cycle.(actually ON cycles); Copy (4) bytes into R6 from memory address R9+offset(0)
LBBO &R7, R9, 4, 4 ; R7 -> Total Cycles. Copy (4) bytes into R7 from memory address R9+offset(4)
LBBO &R8, R9, 8, 4 ; R8 -> Number of pulses to be generated. Copy (4) bytes into R8 from memory address R9+offset(8)
LDI R11, 0 ; R11 -> Total sample count (goes from 0 to 100 for 1MHz)
LDI R10, 0 ; R10 -> Counts the number of pulses to be generated.
QBA sample_start
ADD R8, R8, 1 ; To equalize the pulse count
count_check: ; Sends precise number of pulses (steps) to the stepper motor.
ADD R10, R10, 1 ; Increment counter
QBEQ stop, R10, R8 ; Stop if the total number of pulses have been generated.
sample_start: ;
SET R30, R30.t0 ; GPIO P9_31 HIGH -> Each low to high signal counts as a step for the motor.
sample_high: ; [Loop consuming 2 PRU cycles per iteration]
ADD R11, R11, 0x00000001 ; Increment counter by 1
QBNE sample_high, R11, R6 ; Repeat loop until ON_Cycles
; NOP ; NOPs can be removed. This will yield a better frequency. The duty cycle of the pulses is not important.
CLR R30, R30.t0 ; GPIO P9_31 OFF
sample_low: ; [Loop consuming 2 PRU cycles per iteration]
ADD R11, R11, 0x00000001 ; Increment counter by 1
QBNE sample_low, R11, R7 ; Repeat loop until Total Cycles
SUB R11, R11, R11 ; Clear the counter register
QBA count_check ; One PWM cycle is completed. Repeat again for back to back pulses.
; SET R31, R31.t30
;SET R31, R31.t5 ; Strobe interrupt configured in main_pru0.c by setting bit 5 of R31 to HIGH
JMP R3.w2
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