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Created July 7, 2019 02:01
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Writing raw data using RPMsg
# - Daemon to process PRU access requests
# for non-root processes
# Copyright (c) 2018 Mohammed Muneeb
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
# the Free Software Foundation.
import errno
import os
import select
import shutil
import stat
import socketserver
import subprocess
import threading
import mmap # For memory functions
import struct # For memory functions
PRU_ICSS = 0x4a300000 # This is the address of the PRU Subsystem on the RAM
PRU_ICSS_SIZE = 512*1024 # This is the length of the PRU subsystem ie it is of 512 K
PRU_DRAM0 = 0x00000000 # Data RAM of PRU0 (8KB)- Refer /Documentation/
PRU_DRAM1 = 0x00002000 # Data RAM of PRU1 (8KB)
PRU_SRAM = 0x00010000 # Shared PRU RAM (12KB)
class paths:
CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/default/prussd.conf"
SOCK_FILE = "/tmp/prussd.sock"
RPROC_SYSFS_PATH = "/sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc"
RPROC_DEBUGFS_PATH = "/sys/kernel/debug/remoteproc/remoteproc"
FIRMWARE_PATH = "/lib/firmware"
MODPROBE_PATH = "/sbin/modprobe"
RPMSG_CHANNELS = ["rpmsg_pru"]
def rproc_sysfs(attr, number):
"""Returns the appropriate remoteproc sysfs entry."""
return os.path.normpath(paths.RPROC_SYSFS_PATH+str(number+1)+"/"+attr)
def rproc_debugfs(attr, number):
"""Returns the corresponding remoteproc debugfs entry."""
return os.path.normpath(paths.RPROC_DEBUGFS_PATH+str(number+1)+"/"+attr)
def rpmsg_devnode(chan_name, chan_port):
"""Return the corresponding device node entry for the rpmsg channel."""
return os.path.normpath("/dev/"+chan_name+str(chan_port))
def sysfs_read(path):
"""Util function to read from a file."""
if not os.path.exists(path):
return -errno.ENOENT
with open(path, 'r') as fd:
except OSError as err:
return -err.errno
def sysfs_write(path, val):
"""Util function to write to a file."""
if not os.path.exists(path):
return -errno.ENOENT
with open(path, 'w') as fd:
return 0
except OSError as err:
return -err.errno
def set_config():
"""Reads the Daemon config file and sets paths accordingly."""
if not os.path.exists(paths.CONFIG_FILE):
with open(paths.CONFIG_FILE, "r") as fd:
for line in fd.readlines():
[key, values] = line.strip().split("=")
key = key.strip()
values = values.split()
if key == "FIRMWARE":
paths.FIRMWARE_PATHS += values
elif key == "RPMSG_CHANNELS":
paths.RPMSG_CHANNELS += values
except OSError:
def mod_probe(mod_name, probe=True):
"""Probes/Removes the appropriate kernel driver module."""
if probe:
subprocess.Popen([paths.MODPROBE_PATH, mod_name]).wait()
subprocess.Popen([paths.MODPROBE_PATH, "-r", mod_name]).wait()
return 0
except OSError as err:
return -err.errno
def load_firmware(number, cmd):
"""Moves the firmware to /lib/firmware and modifies the firmware attribute."""
if len(cmd) > 2:
return -errno.EINVAL
if not os.path.exists(cmd[1]):
return -errno.ENOENT
if not any(cmd[1].startswith(path) for path in paths.FIRMWARE_PATHS):
return -errno.EPERM
fname = cmd[1].split("/")[-1]
fw_path = paths.FIRMWARE_PATH+"/"+fname
if cmd[1] != fw_path:
shutil.copyfile(os.path.normpath(cmd[1]), os.path.normpath(fw_path))
return sysfs_write(rproc_sysfs("firmware", number), fname)
except OSError as err:
return -err.errno
def get_msg(cmd):
"""Reads the character device file of the rpmsg channel: Non-Blocking."""
if len(cmd) != 3:
return -errno.EINVAL
chan_name = str(cmd[1])
chan_port = int(cmd[2])
except ValueError:
return -errno.EINVAL
rpmsg_dev = rpmsg_devnode(chan_name, chan_port)
if chan_name not in paths.RPMSG_CHANNELS:
return -errno.EPERM
if not os.path.exists(rpmsg_dev):
return -errno.ENODEV
reply = ''
with open(rpmsg_dev, 'r') as fd:
#timeout 0 in select => non-blocking read
while fd in[fd], [], [], 0)[0]:
reply += fd.readline()
if reply == '':
return '\n'
return reply
except OSError as err:
return -err.errno
def send_msg(cmd):
"""Sends a message on the specified rpmsg channel."""
if len(cmd) < 5:
return -errno.EINVAL
mode = str(cmd[1])
chan_name = str(cmd[2])
chan_port = int(cmd[3])
int_data = int(cmd[4])
except ValueError:
return -errno.EINVAL
rpmsg_dev = rpmsg_devnode(chan_name, chan_port)
if chan_name not in paths.RPMSG_CHANNELS:
return -errno.EPERM
if not os.path.exists(rpmsg_dev):
return -errno.ENODEV
if mode == 's':
with open(rpmsg_dev, 'w') as fd:
fd.write(' '.join(cmd[4:])+'\n')
return 0
except OSError as err:
return -err.errno
elif mode == 'r':
with open(rpmsg_dev, 'wb') as fd:
fd.write(struct.pack('i', *int_data))
except OSError as err:
return -err.errno
def event_wait(cmd):
"""Waits for an event on the specified rpmsg channel."""
cmd_length = len(cmd)
if cmd_length != 3 and cmd_length != 4:
return -errno.EINVAL
chan_name = str(cmd[1])
chan_port = int(cmd[2])
if cmd_length == 4:
timeout = int(cmd[3])
except ValueError:
return -errno.EINVAL
rpmsg_dev = rpmsg_devnode(chan_name, chan_port)
if chan_name not in paths.RPMSG_CHANNELS:
return -errno.EPERM
if not os.path.exists(rpmsg_dev):
return -errno.ENODEV
with open(rpmsg_dev, 'r') as fd:
if cmd_length == 3: #indefinite wait, no timeout specified[fd], [], [])
return 0
return 0 if[fd], [], [], timeout)[0] else -errno.ETIME
except OSError as err:
return -err.errno
def mem_read(ram, cmd):
addr_offset = int(cmd[1], 16)
except ValueError:
return -errno.EINVAL
if ram == 0:
base = PRU_DRAM0
#add offset check
elif ram == 1:
base = PRU_DRAM1
elif ram == 3:
base = PRU_SRAM
with open('/dev/mem', 'r+b') as fd:
pru_mem = mmap.mmap(fd.fileno(), PRU_ICSS_SIZE, offset=PRU_ICSS)
data = struct.unpack('B', pru_mem[base+addr_offset: base+addr_offset+1])[0]
return data
def mem_write():
addr_offset = int(cmd[1], 16)
data = int(cmd[2], 16)
except ValueError:
return -errno.EINVAL
if ram == 0:
base = PRU_DRAM0
#add offset check
elif ram == 1:
base = PRU_DRAM1
elif ram == 3:
base = PRU_SRAM
with open('/dev/mem', 'r+b') as fd:
pru_mem = mmap.mmap(fd.fileno(), PRU_ICSS_SIZE, offset=PRU_ICSS)
pru_mem[base+addr_offset: base+addr_offset+1] = struct.pack('B', data)
return 0
class PRURequestHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler):
The request handler class for our socket server
Overrides the handle method of the BaseRequestHandler class to implement
communication with the socket file.
def handle(self):
# self.rfile is a file-like object created by the StreamRequestHandler = self.rfile.readline().strip()
#decode bytes into string and get command args
cmd ="utf-8").split()
#dict mapping commands to functions
cmds = {
"PROBE_RPROC": lambda: mod_probe("pru_rproc"),
"UNPROBE_RPROC": lambda: mod_probe("pru_rproc", False),
"ENABLE_0": lambda: sysfs_write(rproc_sysfs("state", 0), "start"),
"ENABLE_1": lambda: sysfs_write(rproc_sysfs("state", 1), "start"),
"DISABLE_0": lambda: sysfs_write(rproc_sysfs("state", 0), "stop"),
"DISABLE_1": lambda: sysfs_write(rproc_sysfs("state", 1), "stop"),
"PAUSE_0": lambda: sysfs_write(rproc_debugfs("single_step", 0), 1),
"PAUSE_1": lambda: sysfs_write(rproc_debugfs("single_step", 1), 1),
"RESUME_0": lambda: sysfs_write(rproc_debugfs("single_step", 0), 0),
"RESUME_1": lambda: sysfs_write(rproc_debugfs("single_step", 1), 0),
"STATE_0": lambda: sysfs_read(rproc_sysfs("state", 0)),
"STATE_1": lambda: sysfs_read(rproc_sysfs("state", 1)),
"GETREGS_0": lambda: sysfs_read(rproc_debugfs("regs", 0)),
"GETREGS_1": lambda: sysfs_read(rproc_debugfs("regs", 1)),
"LOAD_0": lambda: load_firmware(0, cmd),
"LOAD_1": lambda: load_firmware(1, cmd),
"GETMSG": lambda: get_msg(cmd),
"SENDMSG": lambda: send_msg(cmd),
"EVENTWAIT": lambda: event_wait(cmd),
"MEMWRITE_D0": lambda: mem_write(0, cmd),
"MEMWRITE_D1": lambda: mem_write(1, cmd),
"MEMWRITE_S": lambda: mem_write(3, cmd),
"MEMREAD_D0": lambda: mem_read(0, cmd),
"MEMREAD_D1": lambda: mem_read(1, cmd),
"MEMREAD_S": lambda: mem_read(3, cmd)
resp = cmds[cmd[0]]() if cmd[0] in cmds else -errno.EINVAL
self.wfile.write(bytes(str(resp), "utf-8"))
class ThreadedPRUServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.UnixStreamServer):
if __name__ == "__main__":
# if socket exists, unlink/remove it
except OSError:
# read config file
# Create the server, binding to the socket file
server = ThreadedPRUServer(paths.SOCK_FILE, PRURequestHandler)
server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
# Change socket file permissions
os.chmod(paths.SOCK_FILE, stat.S_IRWXO)
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