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function getCssElmClasses() {
const a = [...document.styleSheets]
.map((b) => [...b.cssRules])
.map((b) => b instanceof CSSMediaRule ? [...b.cssRules] : [b])
.map((b) => b.selectorText)
.filter((b) => b)
.map((b) => b.split(","))
pravdomil / Process.js
Created April 9, 2020 19:49
Use micro task queue.
import Elm.Kernel.Scheduler exposing (binding, succeed)
import Elm.Kernel.Utils exposing (Tuple0)
function _Process_sleep(time)
export function app<Msg, Model>(model: Model, updateFn: (msg: Msg, model: Model) => Model) {
return (msg: Msg) => {
defer(() => {
model = updateFn(msg, model)
export function defer(fn: () => void): void {
pravdomil / Learn
Last active March 13, 2020 18:27
Learn all TypeScript features in 10 + 3min

Learn TypeScript

//// What is TypeScript?
// ts is super set of js
// + types
// + typecheck
// + transpiler(like babel)
pravdomil / elmTsRuntime.ts
Last active January 19, 2020 20:00
Elm runtime in TypeScript
export type List<A> = Array<A>
export type Maybe<A> = A | null
export type Cmd<Msg> = Maybe<(_: sendMsg<Msg>) => void>
type updateFn<Msg, Model> = (_: Msg) => (_: Model) => [Model, Cmd<Msg>]
type sendMsg<Msg> = (_: Msg) => void
export let elmTsRuntime: <Msg, Model>(_: [Model, Cmd<Msg>]) => (_: updateFn<Msg, Model>) => void
elmTsRuntime = ([model, cmd]) => update => {
const sendMsg = (msg: any) => {
pravdomil / main.js
Created January 16, 2020 15:37
for Elm
try {
} catch (e) {
document.body.textContent = ""
create(document.body, "h1", "m-3").textContent = "😔"
create(document.body, "pre", "m-3").textContent = e
throw e
function main() {
pravdomil / Elm.d.ts
Last active January 16, 2020 15:39
declare const Elm: Elm
interface Elm {
Main: AppConstructor<unknown, { port1: SubscribePort<unknown>; port2: SendPort<unknown> }>
interface AppConstructor<Flags, Ports> {
init(options: { node?: HTMLElement; flags: Flags }): { ports: Ports }
pravdomil / Main.elm
Last active September 3, 2020 11:15
Elm for Node.js
port module Main exposing (..)
type alias Input =
{ argv : List String, stdin : String }
type alias Output =
{ code : Int, stdout : String, stderr : String }
pravdomil / createState.js
Last active November 25, 2019 11:53
you might not need redux
export function createState(reducer) {
const State = createContext([])
function getInitialState() {
return reducer(undefined, { type:"@@INIT" })
function StateProvider({ children }) {
return createElement(State.Provider, { value: useReducer(reducer, undefined, getInitialState), children })
new class {
constructor() {
this.nodes = this.find('.position_sticky').map(el => { return { el, placeholder: null } })
window.addEventListener('scroll', e => this.go(), { passive: true })
go() {
this.nodes.forEach(node => this.check(node))