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Last active September 15, 2022 07:15
Show Gist options
  • Save praveen4g0/8ee4b74109e242bb70be25ce7de39cb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save praveen4g0/8ee4b74109e242bb70be25ce7de39cb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


  • Make sure gosmee client installed on psi cluster
  • Make sure tkn-pac is compiled from main
  • Make sure we are on the right cluster ($ opac)
  • Create a demo directory in /tmp (mkdir /tmp/demo)

Use GH to create a repository

  • gh repo create
? Visibility Public
? Would you like to add a .gitignore? Yes
? Choose a .gitignore template Python
? Would you like to add a license? Yes
? Choose a license Apache License 2.0
? This will create the "openshift-demo-test" repository on GitHub. Continue? Yes
✓ Created repository praveen4g0/openshift-demo-test on GitHub
? Clone the remote project directory "praveen4g0/openshift-demo-test"? Yes
Cloning into 'openshift-demo-test'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
  • Run cd openshift-demo-test/ and git remote -v and cat .git/config
  • tkn pac bootstrap --route-url=
% tkn-pac repository create
? Enter the namespace where the pipeline should run (default: pipelines-as-code):  openshift-demo-test
? Enter the Git repository url containing the pipelines (default:
? Enter the target GIT branch (default: main):
? Enter the Git event type for triggering the pipeline:  pull_request
! Namespace openshift-demo-test is not created yet
? Would you like me to create the namespace openshift-demo-test? Yes
✓ Repository openshift-demo-test-pull-request has been created in openshift-demo-test namespace
? Would you like me to create a basic PipelineRun file into the file .tekton/pull_request.yaml ? True
  • Go to and click Configure and add openshift-demo-test to the APP

  • git checkout -b demo-openshift-pipeline

  • go mod init

  • touch main.go

  • vi main.go

  • Insert this

package main

import (

func main() {
} "[git-clone, golangci-lint, .tekton/tasks/slack-notification.yaml]"

  • or: "[git-clone, golangci-lint,]"

  • add :
    # Customize this task if you like, or just do a taskRef
    # to one of the hub task.
    - name: run-lint
        name: golangci-lint
        - fetch-repository
        - name: source
          workspace: source
        - name: package
        - name: flags
          value: --disable-all -E revive -E errcheck -E nilerr -E gosec
  # pipelineSpec:
      - name: finally
          name: send-slack-notification
          - name: report_success
            value: 'true'
          - name: log_url
            value: ""         
          - name: openshift
            value: "true"
  • git add .

  • git commit -m "Added .tektonci & go app"

  • git push origin demo-openshift-pipeline and create a pull request by clicking onto the link

  • See it fails

  • tkn pac repo ls -n demo-openshift-pipeline

  • tkn pac repo describe -n demo-openshift-pipeline

  • oc get repo -n demo-openshift-pipeline -o json|jq .items[].pipelinerun_status

  • Click on the pull request link logs to see the logs

  • Show via CLI tkn pr ls -n demo-openshift-pipeline

  • Adjust main.go :

package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Println(rand.Int())  //nolint:gosec
  • Commit git commit -a -m "Linters"

  • Repush with git push origin demo-openshift-pipeline

  • Explains auto secret

  • Explains ACL

  • Show /retest

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