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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: CPerl -*-
# This code was developped by IDEALX ( and
# contributors (their names can be found in the CONTRIBUTORS file).
# Copyright (C) 2000-2004 IDEALX
# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Nicolas Niclausse
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Version: $Id$
# purpose: quick and dirty ugly hack to compute stats and plots graph
# given a (set of) log file(s) from the tsung tool.
# dygraphs fonctionnality added by Bearstech (
# using dygraphs JavaScript Visualization Library (
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw ($help @files $dygraph $verbose $debug $noplot $noextra $version $stats
$template_dir $nohtml $template_dir $gnuplot $logy $rotate_xtics
$imgfmt $newgnuplot $report_title );
use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs);
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
my $tagvsn = '1.7.0';
GetOptions( "help",\$help,
&usage if $help or $Getopt::Long::error;
&version if $version;
my $extra = not $noextra;
my $match =0;
my $async =0;
my $errors =0;
my $maxval;
my $os_mon_other;
my $category;
my $CPU_MAX = 3200; # cpu usage should never be higher than 3200% (32 cores at 100%)
my $prefix ="/usr";
unless ($template_dir) {
if (-d (dirname($0) . "/templates/")) {
$template_dir = dirname($0)."/templates/";
} elsif (-d "$ENV{HOME}/.tsung/templates/") {
$template_dir = "$ENV{HOME}/.tsung/templates/";
} elsif (-d "${prefix}/share/tsung/templates") {
$template_dir = "${prefix}/share/tsung/templates";
} elsif (-d "/usr/share/tsung/templates") {
$template_dir = "/usr/share/tsung/templates";
} elsif (-d "/usr/local/share/tsung/templates") {
$template_dir = "/usr/local/share/tsung/templates";
} else {
warn "Can't find template directory !";
$stats = "tsung.log" unless $stats;
die "The stats file ($stats) does not exist, abort !" unless -e $stats;
$report_title = "Tsung" unless $report_title;
$imgfmt = "png" unless $imgfmt;
my %imgfmt_list = ("png" => 1, "svg" => 1, "pdf" => 1, "ps" => 1); # hash of all the format we support to make search more efficient
die "Image format \"$imgfmt\" not supported" unless $imgfmt_list{"$imgfmt"};
my $datadir = "data"; # all data files are created in this subdirectory
my $imgdir = "images"; # all data files are created in this subdirectory
my $gplotdir = "gnuplot_scripts"; # all data files are created in this subdirectory
my $csvdir = "csv_data"; # all data files are created in this subdirectory
my $http; # true if http. add status code graphs in the HTML output
my $bosh; # true if bosh. add bosh specific graphs in the HTML output
my @dydirs = ($csvdir);
my @gnuplotdirs=($gplotdir, $imgdir);
my @dirs = ($datadir);
push @dirs, @dydirs if $dygraph;
push @dirs, @gnuplotdirs if not $dygraph;
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
unless (-d $dir) {
print "creating subdirectory $dir \n";
mkdir "$dir" or die "can't create directory $dir";
$gnuplot = "gnuplot" unless $gnuplot;
my $newgnuplot = is_newgnuplot($gnuplot);
$gnuplot .= " >> gnuplot.log 2>&1";
&html_report() unless $nohtml;
# returns 1 (=true) if gnuplot doesn't support the "set terminal png size x,y" specifications
sub is_newgnuplot {
# args
my $gnuplot = shift;
my $version = `$gnuplot -V`;
if ($version =~ m /gnuplot (\d+).(\d+) patchlevel (\d+)/) {
my ($major, $minor,$patchlevel) = ($1,$2,$3);
return 2 if $major >= 5;
return 0 if $major < 3;
return 0 if $minor <2; # does it work with gnuplot 4.1 or 4.0 ? we assume no.
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub gnuplot_has_cairo {
return (system("$gnuplot -e 'set term pngcairo' 2> /dev/null ") == 0)
# plot stats from file with gnuplot
sub plot_stats {
# args:
my $names = shift; # arrayref contaning data names
my $titles = shift; # arrayref contaning data titles
my $datatype = shift; # type of data (added in filenames)
my $timestamp = shift;
my $files = shift; # arrayref contaning data files
my $ylabel = shift;
my $logy = shift; # if true use logarithmic scale for Y axis
# local var
my $style = "linespoint"; # TODO: can be override in option
my $legend_loc = "key left top"; # TODO: can be override in option
my $output_type;
my $filename; # temporary var
my $thumbnail_size = 0.5;
if (scalar @{$files} == 0 ) {
warn "No data for $datatype\n";
my $has_pngcairo = &gnuplot_has_cairo();
print STDERR "Using pngcairo support in gnuplot\n" if $verbose and $has_pngcairo;
$datatype = "unknown" unless $datatype;
open(GP,">$gplotdir/graphes-$datatype.gplot") or die "can't open graphes-$datatype.gplot: $!";
select GP;
foreach my $output_fmt ($imgfmt, "tn.png") {
my $output_ext;
my $output_type;
if (($output_fmt eq "png") || ($output_fmt eq "tn.png")) {
$output_ext = "png";
if ($has_pngcairo) {
$output_type = "pngcairo ";
} else {
$output_type = "png ";
} elsif ($output_fmt eq "ps") {
$output_type = "postscript color ";
$output_ext = "ps";
} elsif ($output_fmt eq "pdf") {
$output_type = "pdf color ";
$output_ext = "pdf";
} elsif ($output_fmt eq "svg") {
$output_type = "svg ";
$output_ext = "svg";
# gnuplot styles and options
print "set size $thumbnail_size,$thumbnail_size\n" if (($output_fmt eq "tn.png") and !$newgnuplot);
print "set xtics rotate\n" if (($output_ext eq "png") and ($rotate_xtics));
print "set style data $style\n";
if (($output_fmt eq "tn.png") and $newgnuplot and ($output_type !~ /pngcairo/)) {
print "set terminal $output_type tiny size 320,240\n";
} elsif (($output_fmt eq "tn.png") and $newgnuplot) {
print "set terminal $output_type size 320,240 font 'Verdana,7'\n";
} elsif ((($output_ext eq "svg") or (($output_ext eq "png")) ) and $newgnuplot) {
print "set terminal $output_type size 1024,768 \n";
} else {
print "set terminal $output_type\n";
print "set grid\n";
# remove border on top and right and set color to gray
print "set style line 11 lc rgb '#808080' lt 1\n";
print "set border 3 back ls 11\n";
print "set tics nomirror\n";
print "set style line 1 lc rgb '#8b1a0e' pt 1 ps 1 lt 2 lw 2\n"; # --- red
print "set style line 2 lc rgb '#5e9c36' pt 6 ps 1 lt 2 lw 2\n"; # --- green
my $d; # temporary var (title)
foreach $d (0..$#{$names}) {
# gnuplot headings
if ($output_fmt eq "tn.png") {
print "set output \"$imgdir/graphes-$datatype-@{$names}[$d]_$output_fmt\"\n";
} else {
print "set output \"$imgdir/graphes-$datatype-@{$names}[$d].$output_ext\"\n";
print "set title \" @{$titles}[$d]\"\n";
if ($timestamp) {
print "set xlabel \"unit = $timestamp sec \"\n";
} else {
print "set xlabel \"time (sec of the running test)\"\n";
print "set ylabel \"".$ylabel->[$d]."\"\n" if $ylabel->[$d];
print "show title\n";
print "set $legend_loc\n";
print "set logscale y\n" if $logy;
print "plot ";
my $lineindex=0;
foreach $filename (@{$files}) {
print " \"$datadir/$filename\" using ";
# if $timestamp isn't defined, use the first column as timestamp
if ($timestamp) {
print $d+1 ;
} else {
print " 1:" .($d+2);
my $cur_title = $filename;
$cur_title =~ s/\.txt$//;
$cur_title =~ s/:os_mon//;
$cur_title =~ s/(_|@)/\\$1/g if ($newgnuplot > 1);
print " title '$cur_title' ls $lineindex" ;
print "," unless ($filename eq @{$files}[$#{$files}]); # unless last occurence
print "\n"; # plot done
close GP;
system("$gnuplot $gplotdir/graphes-$datatype.gplot") and warn "Error while running gnuplot: $!";
# plot stats from file with dygraph
sub plot_stats_dygraph {
# args:
my $title = shift; # arrayref contaning data titles
my $datatype = shift; # type of data (added in filenames)
my $timestamp = shift;
my $files = shift; # arrayref contaning data files
my $ylabel = shift;
my $logy = shift; # if true use logarithmic scale for Y axis
# local var
my $filename; # temporary var
my $thumbnail_size = 0.5;
my $row;
my @rowdata;
my %info;
my $cur_title; #tmp var
my @fields;
my $time;
my $value;
my $count = 0;
if (scalar @{$files} == 0 ) {
warn "No data for $datatype\n";
$datatype = "unknown" unless $datatype;
my $d; # temporary var (title)
foreach $d (0..$#{$title}) {
#loop on all the kind of graph needed for a subject (transaction, user ...)
$info{'path'} = "$csvdir/graphes-$datatype-@{$title}[$d].csv";
@rowdata = ();
#if ($timestamp) {
# print "set xlabel \"unit = $timestamp sec \"\n";
#} else {
# print "set xlabel \"unit = sec \"\n";
#print "set ylabel \"".$ylabel->[$d]."\"\n" if $ylabel->[$d];
foreach $filename (@{$files}) {
$cur_title = $filename;
$cur_title =~ s/\.txt$//;
$cur_title =~ s/:os_mon//;
open FILE, "$datadir/$filename";
#we go throught the file in order to complete row
$count = 1;
$rowdata[0] = ["time"] if not defined $rowdata[0];
push @{$rowdata[0]}, $cur_title;
#print "go for $cur_title\n";
while (<FILE>) {
@fields = split(/ /);
($time, $value) = @fields[0,$d+1] if defined @fields[0,$d+1];
#print "$time : $value \n";
die if not defined $time ;
$rowdata[$count] = [$time] if not defined $rowdata[$count]; # new line
while (1) { #look for right time
my $actual = @{$rowdata[$count]}[0];
die unless defined $actual;
if ($time == $actual) {
push @{$rowdata[$count]}, $value ;
} elsif ($time > $actual) {
push @{$rowdata[$count]}, "" ;
} else {
close FILE; #FIXME : ugly open and close multiple time
open CSV, ">$csvdir/graphes-$datatype-@{$title}[$d].csv" or die $!;
foreach $row (@rowdata) {
print CSV (join(",", @{$row})." \n");
close CSV;
sub max {
my $value = shift;
my $oldvalue= shift;
return $value unless $oldvalue;
return $value if $oldvalue < $value;
return $oldvalue;
sub min {
my $value = shift;
my $oldvalue= shift;
return $value unless $oldvalue;
return $value if $oldvalue > $value;
return $oldvalue;
sub parse_stats_file {
my $file = shift;
my $data;
my $timestamp;
my $first_timestamp =0;
my $first_interval =0;
my $interval;
open (FILE,"<$file") or die "Can't open $file $!";
while (<FILE>) {
if (/^stats: (\S+)\s+(.*)$/) {
my $type = $1;
my $values = $2;
$type =~ s/page_resptime/page/g;
$type =~ s/response_time/request/g;
# handle new format of ts_os_mon : reformat as old one
if ($type =~ m/os_mon/) {
$type =~ s/\{(\S+)\,\"(\S+)\"\}/$1:$2/g;
} else {
$type =~ s/\{(\S+)\,\"(\S+)\"\}/$1:os_mon\@$2/g;
my ($rate,$mean,$stddev,$max,$min,$meanfb,$countfb) = split(/\s+/,$values);
if ($type =~ /^cpu:/ ) {
next if $values =~ /^0/; # skip when no data is available
next if $mean > $CPU_MAX; # skip bad value
$category->{$type} = "os_mon_cpu";
} elsif ($type =~ /^freemem:/) {
next if $values =~ /^0/; # skip when no data is available
$category->{$type} = "os_mon_free";
} elsif ($type =~ /^load:/) {
next if $values =~ /^0/; # skip when no data is available
$category->{$type} = "os_mon_load";
} elsif ($type =~ /^\w{4}packets:/) {
next if $values =~ /^0/; # skip when no data is available
$category->{$type} = "os_mon_packets";
} elsif ($type =~ /^(\w+):os_mon/) {
next if $values =~ /^0/; # skip when no data is available
$category->{$type} = "os_mon_other";
my $osname = $1;
push @{$os_mon_other}, $osname unless (grep {/^$osname$/ } @{$os_mon_other}) ;
} elsif ($type =~ /^\d+$/) {
$category->{$type} = "http_status";
} elsif ($type eq "request" or $type eq "page" or $type eq "session" or $type eq "connect" or $type eq "async_rcv") {
$category->{$type} = "stats";
} elsif ($type =~ /^tr_/ or $type eq "page" or $type eq "xmpp_msg_latency") {
$category->{$type} = "transaction";
} elsif ($type =~ "^size") {
$category->{$type} = "network";
} elsif ($type =~ /^error/) {
$category->{$type} = "error";
} elsif ($type =~ /^bidi/ or $type eq "request_noack") {
$async = 1;
$category->{$type} = "count";
} elsif ($type =~ /match/) {
$match = 1;
$category->{$type} = "match";
} elsif ($type ne "users" and $type ne "connected" and $type =~ /^job_/) {
$category->{$type} = "count";
} else {
$category->{$type} = "gauge";
if ($interval) {
$rate /= $interval;
$maxval->{'rate'}->{$type} = &max($rate, $maxval->{'rate'}->{$type});
$maxval->{'rate_total'}->{$type} = 0 if not defined $maxval->{'rate_total'}->{$type};
$maxval->{'rate_count'}->{$type} = 0 if not defined $maxval->{'rate_count'}->{$type};
$maxval->{'rate_total'}->{$type} = $maxval->{'rate_total'}->{$type} + $rate;
$maxval->{'rate_count'}->{$type} = $maxval->{'rate_count'}->{$type} + 1;
$maxval->{'maxmean'}->{$type} = &max($mean, $maxval->{'maxmean'}->{$type});
$maxval->{'mean'}->{$type} = $meanfb;
$maxval->{'count'}->{$type} = &max($countfb, $maxval->{'count'}->{$type});
$maxval->{'minmean'}->{$type} = &min($mean, $maxval->{'minmean'}->{$type}) if $rate;
push @{$data->{$type}}, $timestamp . " ". $values;
} elsif (/^\# stats:\s+dump at\s+(\d+)/) {
$first_timestamp= $1 unless $first_timestamp;
$interval = ($timestamp) ? $timestamp : 0; # keep previous value
$timestamp = $1 - $first_timestamp;
$interval = $timestamp-$interval;
$first_interval= $interval if $interval and not $first_interval;
close FILE;
if ($nohtml) {
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$maxval->{'rate'}}) {
if ($key =~ /\d+/ or $key =~ /^size/) {
printf "Total $key = %7.2f\n", $maxval->{'mean'}->{$key};
} else {
printf "Mean $key (max sample) = %7.2f\n", $maxval->{'mean'}->{$key};
printf "Rate $key (max sample) = %7.2f\n",$maxval->{'rate'}->{$key};
my @time;
my @errors;
my @tps;
my @bosh_tps;
my @code;
my %extra_info = ();
my @session;
my @connect;
my @size;
my @match;
my @users;
my @users_rate;
my @transactions;
my @async;
my $key;
if ($interval != $first_interval) {
print "warn, last interval ($interval) not equal to the first, use the first one ($first_interval)\n";
my @col = ("rate","mean","stddev","max_sample","min_sample"); #session, perfs et transaction
my @colcount = ("rate","total"); #http_code match, event, errirn users_arrivaln size
my @colusers = ("simultaneous","maximum_simultaneous"); #users
my @colasync = ("rate","total"); #async
foreach $key (keys %{$data}) {
$key =~ s/\'//g;
open (TYPE, "> $datadir/$key.txt") or die "$!";
foreach my $data (@{$data->{$key}}) {
if (($key !~ /^users$/ and $key !~ /^connected$/ and $key !~ /^size_/ and $key !~ /^job_/) and $interval) { #
my @tmp;
my $time;
($time, $data, @tmp) = split(/\s/,$data);
$data /= $interval;
$data = "$time $data @tmp";
} elsif ($key =~ /^size/ and $interval) { # bits instead of bytes
my ($time, @tmp) = split(/\s/,$data);
@tmp = map {$_*8/(1024*$interval) } @tmp; # kb/s instead of Bytes/s
$data = "$time @tmp";
} elsif ($key =~ /^connected/ or $key =~ /^job_/) {
my ($time,$rate, $cur) = split(/\s/,$data);
$data = "$time $cur $rate";
print TYPE $data ."\n";
if ($key eq "session") {
push @session, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key =~ /^size/) {
push @size, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key =~ /^users$/ or $key =~ /^connected$/ or $key =~ /^job_/) {
push @users, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key =~ /users/) {
push @users_rate, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key =~ /match/) {
push @match, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key =~ /^error/) {
push @errors, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key=~ /^bidi/ or $key eq "request_noack") {
push @async, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key =~ /request$/ or $key eq "connect" or $key eq "async_rcv") {
push @tps, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key eq "bosh_http_conn" or $key eq "bosh_http_req") {
$bosh = 1;
push @bosh_tps, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key =~ /^tr_/ or $key eq "page" or $key eq "xmpp_msg_latency") {
push @transactions, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key =~ /^\d+$/) {
$http = 1;
push @code, "$key.txt";
} elsif ($key =~ /^(\S+)?:\S+?@\S+$/) {
my $key_short_name = $1;
push(@{$extra_info{$key_short_name}}, "$key.txt");
} else {
push @time, "$key.txt";
close TYPE;
if (not $dygraph) {
plot_stats(\@col,\@col,"Session",undef,\@session,["sessions/sec"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats(\@colcount,["HTTP Code Response rate","total"], "HTTP_CODE",undef,\@code,["number/sec","total"],$logy) if not $noplot and @code;
plot_stats(\@colcount,\@colcount,"Bosh",undef,\@bosh_tps,["rate"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats(\@col,["Request and tcp/udp connection rate","Mean request (and connection) duration","stddev","max_sample","min_sample"],"Perfs",undef,\@tps,["Requests rate (r/sec)","Requests duration (msec)"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats(\@col,["Transaction and page rate", "Mean transaction and page duration","stddev","max_sample","min_sample"],"Transactions",undef,\@transactions,["transactions/sec","Transaction duration (msec)"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats(\@colcount,\@colcount,"Match",undef,\@match,["rate","rate"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats(\@colcount,\@colcount,"Event",undef,\@time,["rate","msec"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats(\@colasync,\@colasync,"Async",undef,\@async,["rate","rate"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats(\@colcount,\@colcount,"Errors",undef,\@errors,["errors/sec","total"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats(\@colusers,["Simultaneous users and opened TCP/UDP connections","maximum_simultaneous"],"Users",undef,\@users,["value", "total"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats(\@colcount,["Users arrival/departure rate", "Total users"],"Users_Arrival",undef,\@users_rate,["number of users/sec", "total"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats(\@colcount,["Network throughput","Total send/receive bytes"],"Size",undef,\@size,["Kbits/sec","total Kbits"],$logy) unless $noplot;
} else {
plot_stats_dygraph(\@col,"Session",undef,\@session,["sessions/sec"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@colcount,"HTTP_CODE",undef,\@code,["number/sec","total"],$logy) if not $noplot and @code;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@colcount,"Bosh",undef,\@bosh_tps,["rate"],$logy) if not $noplot and @bosh_tps;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@col,"Perfs",undef,\@tps,["rate","msec"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@col,"Transactions",undef,\@transactions,["transactions/sec","msec"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@colcount,"Match",undef,\@match,["rate","rate"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@colcount,"Event",undef,\@time,["rate","msec"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@colasync,"Async",undef,\@async,["rate","rate"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@colcount,"Errors",undef,\@errors,["errors/sec","total"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@colusers,"Users",undef,\@users,["value", "total"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@colcount,"Users_Arrival",undef,\@users_rate,["number of users/sec", "total"],$logy) unless $noplot;
plot_stats_dygraph(\@colcount,"Size",undef,\@size,["Kbits/sec","total Kbits"],$logy) unless $noplot;
# Generate graphes for extra indicators (os_mon for example)
if (not $noplot and $extra and (scalar keys %extra_info) != 0 ) {
print STDOUT "Generation os_mon graphs\n" if $verbose;
foreach my $key (sort keys %extra_info) {
my $pos = index($key,":");
if (not $dygraph) {
plot_stats(\@col,\@col, $key, undef, \@{$extra_info{$key}}, [$key],$logy);
} else {
plot_stats_dygraph(\@col, $key, undef, \@{$extra_info{$key}}, [$key],$logy);
$extra=0 if (scalar keys %extra_info == 0 ); # no extra information available
$errors=1 unless (scalar @errors == 0 ); # no extra information available
sub html_report {
require Template;
my $titre = $report_title;
my $version = $tagvsn;
my $contact = '';
my $output = 'index.html';
my $tt = Template->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => $template_dir,
}) or die "Template error " . Template->error();
my $xml_conf;
opendir (DIR, ".") or warn "can't open directory .";
while (my $file = readdir (DIR) ) {
if ($file =~ /.xml$/) {
$xml_conf= $file;
foreach my $type ("mean", "maxmean", "minmean") {
foreach my $data (keys % {$maxval->{$type}} ) {
next if ($data =~ m/^size/);
if ($data =~ m/os_mon/) {
$maxval->{$type}->{$data} = sprintf "%.2f",$maxval->{$type}->{$data};
next if not ($data eq "session" or $data eq "connect" or $data eq "request" or $data eq "page" or $data =~ m/^tr_/ or $data eq "xmpp_msg_latency");
$maxval->{$type}->{$data} = &formattime($maxval->{$type}->{$data});
foreach my $data (keys % {$maxval->{'rate_count'}} ) {
next if ($data =~ m/^size/);
$maxval->{'rate_mean'}->{$data} = sprintf "%.2f",$maxval->{'rate_total'}->{$data} / $maxval->{'rate_count'}->{$data};
foreach my $size ("size_rcv", "size_sent") {
if ($maxval->{rate}->{$size}) {
$maxval->{rate}->{$size} = &formatsize($maxval->{rate}->{$size}*8,"bits");
$maxval->{maxmean}->{$size} = &formatsize($maxval->{maxmean}->{$size},"B");
} else {
warn "$size is equal to 0 !\n";
my $vars =
version => $version,
os_mon => $extra,
errors => $errors,
title => $titre,
subtitle => "Stats Report",
http => $http,
stats_subtitle => "Stats Report ",
graph_subtitle => "Graphs Report ",
contact => $contact,
data => $maxval,
cat_data => $category,
conf => $xml_conf
$tt->process("report.thtml", $vars, "report.html") or die $tt->error(), "\n";
$vars =
version => $version,
os_mon => $extra,
errors => $errors,
http => $http,
match => $match,
async => $async,
bosh => $bosh,
title => $titre,
subtitle => "Graphs Report",
stats_subtitle => "Stats Report ",
graph_subtitle => "Graphs Report ",
os_mon_other=> $os_mon_other,
contact => $contact,
conf => $xml_conf,
ext => $imgfmt
mkdir "style" unless -d "./style";
copy (($template_dir . "/style/bootstrap.min.js"), "./style/") or die "copy failed : $!";
copy (($template_dir . "/style/bootstrap.min.css"), "./style/") or die "copy failed : $!";
copy (($template_dir . "/style/dashboard.css"), "./style/") or die "copy failed : $!";
copy (($template_dir . "/style/docs.min.css"), "./style/") or die "copy failed : $!";
copy (($template_dir . "/style/jquery.min.js"), "./style/") or die "copy failed : $!";
if (not $dygraph) {
$tt->process("graph.thtml", $vars, "graph.html") or die $tt->error(), "\n";
} else {
$tt->process("graph_dy.thtml", $vars, "graph.html") or die $tt->error(), "\n";
copy (($template_dir . "/style/dygraph-combined.js"), "./style/") or die "copy failed : $!";
sub usage {
print "this script is part of tsung version $tagvsn,
Copyright (C) 2001-2004 IDEALX (\n\n";
print "tsung comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and
ou are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions
type ` --version` for details.\n\n";
print "Usage: $0 [<options>]\n","Available options:\n\t",
"[--help] (this help text)\n\t",
"[--verbose] (print all messages)\n\t",
"[--debug] (print receive without send messages)\n\t",
"[--dygraph] use dygraphs ( to render graphs\n\t",
"[--noplot] (don't make graphics)\n\t",
"[--gnuplot <command>] (path to the gnuplot binary)\n\t",
"[--nohtml] (don't create HTML reports)\n\t",
"[--logy] (logarithmic scale for Y axis)\n\t",
"[--tdir <template_dir>] (Path to the HTML tsung templates)\n\t",
"[--noextra (don't generate graphics from extra data (os monitor, etc)\n\t",
"[--rotate-xtics (rotate legend of x axes)\n\t",
"[--stats <file>] (stats file to analyse, default=tsung.log)\n\t",
"[--img_format <format>] (output format for images, default=png
available format: ps, svg, png, pdf)\n\t",
"[--title <title>] (report title, default=Tsung)\n\t";
sub affiche() {
my $name = shift;
my $value = shift;
return sprintf "#%7s = %.3f",$name,$value;
sub formattime {
my $value = shift;
return unless $value;
$value /=1000;
if ($value < 0.001) {
sprintf "%.3f msec",$value*1000;
} elsif ($value < 0.1) {
sprintf "%.2f msec",$value*1000;
} elsif ($value < 60) {
sprintf "%.2f sec",$value;
} elsif ($value < 3600) {
my $mn= int($value / 60);
$value = $value-($mn*60);
sprintf "%dmn %dsec",$mn, $value;
} elsif ($value > 3600) {
my $h = int($value / 3600);
my $mn= int(($value -$h*3600) / 60);
$value = $value-($h*3600+$mn*60);
sprintf "%d h %dmn %dsec",$h,$mn, $value;
} else {
sprintf "%.1f sec",$value;
sub formatsize {
my $value = shift;
my $unit = shift;
return unless $value;
if ($value < 1024) {
sprintf "%d $unit",$value;
} elsif ($value < 1024*1024) {
sprintf "%.2f K$unit",$value/1024;
} elsif ($value < 1024*1024*1024) {
sprintf "%.2f M$unit",$value/(1024*1024);
} else {
sprintf "%.2f G$unit",$value/(1024*1024*1024);
sub version {
print "this script is part of Tsung version $tagvsn
Written by Nicolas Niclausse and Jean François Lecomte
Copyright (C) 2001-2004 IDEALX (
Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Nicolas Niclausse
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program (see COPYING); if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n";
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