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Created July 11, 2014 10:51
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_kiwi.view.Channel = _kiwi.view.Panel.extend({
events: function(){
var parent_events =;
parent_events = parent_events();
return _.extend({}, parent_events, {
'click .msg .nick' : 'nickClick',
"click .chan": "chanClick",
'click .media .open': 'mediaClick',
'mouseenter .msg .nick': 'msgEnter',
'mouseleave .msg .nick': 'msgLeave'
initialize: function (options) {
// Container for all the messages
this.$messages = $('<div class="messages"></div>');
this.model.bind('change:topic', this.topic, this);
if (this.model.get('members')) {
this.model.get('members').bind('add', function (member) {
if (member.get('nick') ==='nick')) {
this.$el.find('.initial_loader').slideUp(function () {
}, this);
// Only show the loader if this is a channel (ie. not a query)
if (this.model.isChannel()) {
this.$el.append('<div class="initial_loader" style="margin:1em;text-align:center;"> ' +'client_views_channel_joining').fetch() + ' <span class="loader"></span></div>');
this.model.bind('msg', this.newMsg, this);
this.msg_count = 0;
render: function () {
var that = this;
_.each(this.model.get('scrollback'), function (msg) {
newMsg: function(msg) {
// Parse the msg object into properties fit for displaying
msg = this.generateMessageDisplayObj(msg);'message:display', {panel: this.model, message: msg})
.done(_.bind(function() {
var line_msg;
// Format the nick to the config defined format
var display_obj = _.clone(msg);
display_obj.nick = styleText('message_nick', {nick: msg.nick, prefix: msg.nick_prefix || ''});
line_msg = '<div class="msg <%= type %> <%= css_classes %>"><div class="time"><%- time_string %></div><div class="nick" style="<%= nick_style %>"><%- nick %></div><div class="text" style="<%= style %>"><%= msg %> </div></div>';
this.$messages.append($(_.template(line_msg, display_obj)).data('message', msg));
// Activity/alerts based on the type of new message
if (msg.type.match(/^action /)) {
} else if (msg.is_highlight) {'* ' +'client_views_panel_activity').fetch());;'highlight');'name'), msg.msg);
} else {
// If this is the active panel, send an alert out
if (this.model.isActive()) {'* ' +'client_views_panel_activity').fetch());
if (this.model.isQuery() && !this.model.isActive()) {'* ' +'client_views_panel_activity').fetch());
// Highlights have already been dealt with above
if (!msg.is_highlight) {;
}'name'), msg.msg);'highlight');
// Update the activity counters
(function () {
// Only inrement the counters if we're not the active panel
if (this.model.isActive()) return;
var $act ='.activity'),
count_all_activity ='count_all_activity'),
// Set the default config value
if (typeof count_all_activity === 'undefined') {
count_all_activity = false;
// Do not increment the counter for these message types
exclude_message_types = [
'action join',
'action quit',
'action part',
'action kick',
'action nick',
'action mode'
if (count_all_activity || _.indexOf(exclude_message_types, msg.type) === -1) {
$act.text((parseInt($act.text(), 10) || 0) + 1);
if ($act.text() === '0') {
} else {
if(this.model.isActive()) this.scrollToBottom();
// Make sure our DOM isn't getting too large (Acts as scrollback)
if (this.msg_count > (parseInt('scrollback'), 10) || 250)) {
$('.msg:first', this.$messages).remove();
}, this));
// Make channels clickable
parseMessageChannels: function(word) {
var re,
parsed = false,
network = this.model.get('network');
if (!network) {
return parsed;
re = new RegExp('(^|\\s)([' + escapeRegex(network.get('channel_prefix')) + '][^ ,\\007]+)', 'g');
if (!word.match(re)) {
return parsed;
parsed = word.replace(re, function (m1, m2) {
return m2 + '<a class="chan" data-channel="' + _.escape(m1.trim()) + '">' + _.escape(m1.trim()) + '</a>';
return parsed;
parseMessageUrls: function(word) {
var found_a_url = false,
parsed_url = word.replace(/(([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*\:\/\/)|(www\.))([\w.\-]+)([a-zA-Z]{2,6})(:[0-9]+)?(\/[\w#!:.?$'()[\]*,;~+=&%@!\-\/]*)?/gi, function (url) {
var nice = url,
extra_html = '';
// Don't allow javascript execution
if (url.match(/^javascript:/)) {
return url;
found_a_url = true;
// Add the http if no protoocol was found
if (url.match(/^www\./)) {
url = 'http://' + url;
// Shorten the displayed URL if it's going to be too long
if (nice.length > 100) {
nice = nice.substr(0, 100) + '...';
// Get any media HTML if supported
extra_html = _kiwi.view.MediaMessage.buildHtml(url);
// Make the link clickable
return '<a class="link_ext" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="' + url + '">' + nice + '</a>' + extra_html;
return found_a_url ? parsed_url : false;
// Get a colour from a nick (Method based on IRSSIs
getNickColour: function(nick) {
var nick_int = 0, rgb;''), function (i) { nick_int += i.charCodeAt(0); });
rgb = hsl2rgb(nick_int % 255, 70, 35);
rgb = rgb[2] | (rgb[1] << 8) | (rgb[0] << 16);
return '#' + rgb.toString(16);
// Takes an IRC message object and parses it for displaying
generateMessageDisplayObj: function(msg) {
var nick_hex, time_difference,
sb = this.model.get('scrollback'),
prev_msg = sb[sb.length-2],
hour, pm, am_pm_locale_key;
// Clone the msg object so we dont modify the original
msg = _.clone(msg);
// Defaults
msg.css_classes = '';
msg.nick_style = '';
msg.is_highlight = false;
msg.time_string = '';
// Nick highlight detecting
var nick ='nick');
if ((new RegExp('(^|\\W)(' + escapeRegex(nick) + ')(\\W|$)', 'i')).test(msg.msg)) {
// Do not highlight the user's own input
if (msg.nick.localeCompare(nick) !== 0) {
msg.is_highlight = true;
msg.css_classes += ' highlight';
message_words = msg.msg.split(' ');
message_words =, function(word) {
var parsed_word;
parsed_word = this.parseMessageUrls(word);
if (parsed_word !== false) return parsed_word;
parsed_word = this.parseMessageChannels(word);
if (parsed_word !== false) return parsed_word;
parsed_word = _.escape(word);
// Replace text emoticons with images
if ('show_emoticons')) {
parsed_word = emoticonFromText(parsed_word);
return parsed_word;
}, this);
msg.msg = message_words.join(' ');
// Convert IRC formatting into HTML formatting
msg.msg = formatIRCMsg(msg.msg);
// Add some colours to the nick
msg.nick_style = 'color:' + this.getNickColour(msg.nick) + ';';
// Generate a hex string from the nick to be used as a CSS class name
nick_hex = msg.nick_css_class = '';
if (msg.nick) {''), function (char) {
nick_hex += char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
msg.css_classes += ' nick_' + nick_hex;
if (prev_msg) {
// Time difference between this message and the last (in minutes)
time_difference = (msg.time.getTime() - prev_msg.time.getTime())/1000/60;
if (prev_msg.nick === msg.nick && time_difference < 1) {
msg.css_classes += ' repeated_nick';
// Build up and add the line
if ('use_24_hour_timestamps')) {
msg.time_string = msg.time.getHours().toString().lpad(2, "0") + ":" + msg.time.getMinutes().toString().lpad(2, "0") + ":" + msg.time.getSeconds().toString().lpad(2, "0");
} else {
hour = msg.time.getHours();
pm = hour > 11;
hour = hour % 12;
if (hour === 0)
hour = 12;
am_pm_locale_key = pm ?
'client_views_panel_timestamp_pm' :
msg.time_string = translateText(am_pm_locale_key, hour + ":" + msg.time.getMinutes().toString().lpad(2, "0") + ":" + msg.time.getSeconds().toString().lpad(2, "0"));
return msg;
topic: function (topic) {
if (typeof topic !== 'string' || !topic) {
topic = this.model.get("topic");
this.model.addMsg('', styleText('channel_topic', {text: translateText('client_views_channel_topic', [this.model.get('name'), topic]), channel: this.model.get('name')}), 'topic');
// If this is the active channel then update the topic bar
if ( === this) {"topic"));
// Click on a nickname
nickClick: function (event) {
var nick = $(event.currentTarget).parent('.msg').data('message').nick,
members = this.model.get('members'),
are_we_an_op = !!members.getByNick('nick')).get('is_op'),
member, query, userbox, menubox;
if (members) {
member = members.getByNick(nick);
if (member) {
userbox = new _kiwi.view.UserBox();
userbox.setTargets(member, this.model);
menubox = new _kiwi.view.MenuBox(member.get('nick') || 'User');
menubox.addItem('userbox', userbox.$el);
// Position the userbox + menubox
(function() {
var t = event.pageY,
m_bottom = t + menubox.$el.outerHeight(), // Where the bottom of menu will be
memberlist_bottom = this.$el.parent().offset().top + this.$el.parent().outerHeight();
// If the bottom of the userbox is going to be too low.. raise it
if (m_bottom > memberlist_bottom){
t = memberlist_bottom - menubox.$el.outerHeight();
// Set the new positon
left: event.clientX,
top: t
chanClick: function (event) {
var target = ( ? $('channel') : $(event.srcElement).data('channel');;
mediaClick: function (event) {
var $media = $('.media');
var media_message;
if ($'media')) {
media_message = $'media');
} else {
media_message = new _kiwi.view.MediaMessage({el: $media[0]});
// Cache this MediaMessage instance for when it's opened again
$'media', media_message);
// Cursor hovers over a message
msgEnter: function (event) {
var nick_class;
// Find a valid class that this element has
_.each($(event.currentTarget).parent('.msg').attr('class').split(' '), function (css_class) {
if (css_class.match(/^nick_[a-z0-9]+/i)) {
nick_class = css_class;
// If no class was found..
if (!nick_class) return;
// Cursor leaves message
msgLeave: function (event) {
var nick_class;
// Find a valid class that this element has
_.each($(event.currentTarget).parent('.msg').attr('class').split(' '), function (css_class) {
if (css_class.match(/^nick_[a-z0-9]+/i)) {
nick_class = css_class;
// If no class was found..
if (!nick_class) return;
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