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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# shotorg 1.0
# written by Peter Delgobbo (@prdelgobbo)
# last updated May 2, 2014
# This program will use data generated from shotdetect to rip frames from a video
# file and organize them in their own directories, one for each shot. You can also
# make two types of visualizations for each shot: a one-row film strip-style montage
# or animated gifs (just for fun).
# Dependencies:
# shotdetect, ffmpeg, ImageMagick, BeautifulSoup
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import subprocess, os, os.path
### Functions
# Collects data for use in other functions
# The least elegant of all possible solutions, but it works
def get_data():
home = raw_input("Input folder that contains video file: ")
# ignore this, it's just to help me debug faster
if home == "":
home = "/home/prd/dh/uca"
result = home + "/data/result.xml"
soup = BeautifulSoup(open(result))
video = home + "/uca.mp4"
return {"home":home, "video":video, "result":result, "soup":soup}
video = raw_input("Input name of video file: ")
# change this to you shotdetect data directory
result = home + "/data/result.xml"
soup = BeautifulSoup(open(result))
video = home + "/" + video
print ""
print "Working directory: " + home
print "Video: " + video
print "Shotdetect data file: " + result
print ""
# return a dictionary that we then feed to the other functions
# home: base directory where the video file is
# video: path to video
# result: path to shotdetect xml output, result.xml
# soup: result.xml read by BeautifulSoup
return {"home":home, "video":video, "result":result, "soup":soup}
# Rips frames from a video file and arranges them into folders based on shot
def organize(data):
# get some more user input that we will feed into ffmpeg
res = raw_input("Input resolution for ripped frames (leave blank for default): ")
fr = raw_input("Input sample rate (fps): ")
# if no res is entered, read result.xml for default resolution
if res == "":
x = str(data["soup"].video).split()
res = x[5]
for i in data["soup"].find_all("shot"):
j = int(i.get("id"))
start = str(float(i.get("msbegin")) / 1000.0) # convert ms to s
dur = str(float(i.get("msduration")) / 1000.0)
path = data["home"] + "/" + "%05d" % j # default 5 leading 0s (00000.png)["mkdir", path]) # each shot gets its own directory
# see ffmpeg documentation for more info:
subprocess.check_call(["ffmpeg", "-ss", start, "-t", dur, "-i", data["video"], "-r", fr, "-s", res, "-f", "image2", "%05d.png"], cwd = path)
# Creates a 1-row montage of each shot
def montage(data):
mpath = str(data["home"]) + "/montage" # output directory["mkdir", mpath])
for i in data["soup"].find_all("shot"):
j = int(i.get("id"))
path = data["home"] + "/%05d" % j
out = mpath + "/" + "%05d.png" % j
# skip any directory with 0 files
if len([i for i in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(path + "/" + i)]) > 0:
# see ImageMagick documentation for more info:
subprocess.check_call(["montage", "*.png", "-tile", "x1", "-geometry", "+0+0", out], cwd = path)
print "Montage for shot " + str(j) + " completed"
# Create an animated gif from each shot
def loop():
lpath = str(data["home"]) + "/loops" # output directory["mkdir", lpath])
for i in data["soup"].find_all("shot"):
j = int(i.get("id"))
path = data["home"] + "/%05d" % j
out = lpath + "/" + "%05d.gif" % j
# see ImageMagick documentation for more info:
subprocess.check_call(["convert", "-delay", "15", "-loop", "0", "*.png", out], cwd = path)
print "Finished gif " + i.get("id")
# Mostly for debugging
def list_shots(data):
for i in data["soup"].find_all("shot"):
start = str(float(i.get("msbegin")) / 1000.0)
dur = str(float(i.get("msduration")) / 1000.0)
print "Shot " + i.get("id") + " starts at " + start + " and lasts " + dur + " seconds."
### Script
x = False
while x == False:
data = get_data()
a = raw_input("Is this correct? [y/n] " )
print ""
if a == "y" or a == "Y" or a == "":
x = True
y = False
while y == False:
b = raw_input("Organize, montage, loop, or exit? [o/m/l/x] ")
if b == "o" or b == "O":
elif b == "m" or b == "M":
elif b == "l" or b == "L":
elif b == "x" or b == "X":
y == True
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