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Created April 7, 2014 18:39
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Test::Import - Test that the appropriate imports are happening
package Test::Imports; [9/680]
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Test::Builder::Module';
use Test::More;
use Capture::Tiny qw( capture_merged );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( :all does_import_strict does_import_warnings does_import_sub does_import_class);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
'all' => [ grep { !/^:/ } @EXPORT_OK ], # All is everything except tags
## no critic ( ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes )
sub does_import_strict($) {
my ( $module ) = @_;
my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
return $tb->subtest( "$module imports strict" => sub {
# disable strict so module has to explicitly re-enable it
# pragmas cannot be hidden by a package statement, but some
# modules may try to muck around with the calling package,
# so hide ourselves from those evil import statements
## no critic ( ProhibitStringyEval ProhibitNoStrict )
no strict;
eval qq{package ${module}::strict; use $module; } . q{@m = ( "one" );};
ok $@, 'code that fails strict dies';
like $@, qr{explicit package name}, 'dies with the right error message';
} );
sub does_import_warnings($) {
my ( $module ) = @_;
my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
return $tb->subtest( "$module imports warnings" => sub {
# disable warnings so module has to explicitly re-enable it
# pragmas cannot be hidden by a package statement, but some
# modules may try to muck around with the calling package,
# so hide ourselves from those evil import statements
## no critic ( ProhibitStringyEval ProhibitNoWarnings )
no warnings;
my @warnings;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, @_ };
eval qq{package ${module}::warnings; use $module;} . q{my $foo = "one" . undef;};
is scalar @warnings, 1, 'got the one warning we expected';
like $warnings[0], qr/uninitialized/, 'we forced an uninitialized warning';
} );
sub does_import_sub($$$) {
my ( $module, $imported_module, $imported_sub ) = @_;
my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
return $tb->subtest( "$module imports $imported_module sub $imported_sub" => sub {
## no critic ( ProhibitStringyEval )
ok eval "package ${module}::${imported_module}; use $module; return __PACKAGE__->can('$imported_sub')",
'eval succeeded and expected sub was imported';
## no critic ( ProhibitMixedBooleanOperators )
ok !$@, 'eval did not throw an error' or diag $@;
} );
sub does_import_class($$) {
my ( $module, $imported_class ) = @_;
my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
return $tb->subtest( "$module imports $imported_class" => sub {
# Do the module name to file path dance!
my $imported_path = $imported_class;
$imported_path =~ s{::}{/}g;
$imported_path .= '.pm';
# Pretend the module has not been loaded
delete local $INC{$imported_path}; # delete local added in 5.12.0
# Capture to hide the warnings about subroutines redefined
# Doing 'no warnings qw(redefine)" does not work if the module we're loading
# also imports warnings
my ( $output, $retval ) = capture_merged {
## no critic ( ProhibitStringyEval )
return eval "package ${module}::${imported_class}; use $module; return exists \$INC{'$imported_path'}";
ok $retval, 'eval succeeded and expected path exists in %INC' or diag $output;
## no critic ( ProhibitMixedBooleanOperators )
ok !$@, 'eval did not throw an error' or diag $@;
} );
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