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Created March 22, 2012 07:41
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Intro to XS/C++
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<h1>Intro to XS/C++</h1>
<h2>Chicago.PM -- 2012-03-22</h2>
<ol class="xoxo presentation">
<!-- Begin presentation -->
<li class="slide">
<h1>Intro to XS/C++</h1>
<h3>Doug Bell</h3>
<h4><a href="">Double Cluepon Software Corp.</a></h4>
<div class="handout"></div>
<!-- li class="slide" -->
<!-- pre class="sh_perl" -->
<li class="slide">
<h1>Don't Panic</h1>
<li>XS has a reputation for being obtuse
<li>Compared to Perl?</li>
<li>Try it again for the first time</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>Just the Basics</h1>
<li>XS provides a way to call native libraries from Perl</li>
<li>Probably C or C++</li>
<li>XS for C is well-documented
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li>XS for C++ less-so
<li>Some mention in `perldoc perlxs`</li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li>C++ is a wonderful language for XS</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>Start with h2xs</h1>
<li>Build a bare XS module called MyModule
<ul><li><code>h2xs -A --skip-exporter -nMyModule</code>
<ul><li><code>-A</code> -- no AUTOLOAD</li>
<li><code>--skip-exporter</code> -- no use Exporter</li>
<li><code>-nMyModule</code> -- name MyModule</li>
<li>Set appropriate Makefile.PL parameters
<ul><li><code>h2xs -L/opt/local/lib -lmylib</code></li>
<li>Much like the arguments to gcc/g++</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>What we have</h1>
<div style="float: left; width: 50%"><ul>
<div style="float: left"><ul>
<li>Missing: typemap</li>
<li class="slide">
<pre class="sh_perl">
package MyModule;
use 5.014001;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = qw();
our $VERSION = '0.01';
require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('MyModule', $VERSION);
# Preloaded methods go here.
<li class="slide">
<pre class="sh_cpp">
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
#include "ppport.h"
MODULE = MyModule PACKAGE = MyModule
<li>Before "MODULE" -- C/C++</li>
<li>After "MODULE" -- XS</li>
<li>.xs files processed by xsubpp into C/C++</li>
<li>XS covered later, some administrative details first...</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>C++ Edits to MyModule.xs</h1>
<li>Add 'extern "C"' around C headers</li>
<pre class="sh_cpp">
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
<li>This prevents name-mangling</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>C++ typemap file</h1>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li>We'll add it to Makefile.PL later</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>typemap file</h1>
<li>typemap maps C/C++ types to/from Perl SV</li>
<pre class="sh_perl">
# typemap
MyClass * O_OBJECT
<li>O_OBJECT defined in</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>typemap file</h1>
<pre class="sh_perl" style="font-size: smaller">
sv_setref_pv( $arg, CLASS, (void*)$var );
if ( sv_isobject($arg) &amp;&amp; (SvTYPE(SvRV($arg)) == SVt_PVMG) ) {
$var = ($type)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( $arg ));
else {
warn( \"${Package}::$func_name() -- \
$var not a blessed SV reference\" );
<div style="float: left; width: 50%"><ul style="font-size: smaller">
<li>Acts much like macro definitions</li>
<li><code>CLASS</code> created by XS new()</li>
<div style="float: left"><ul style="font-size: smaller">
<li><code>$arg</code> replaced by Perl SV</li>
<li><code>$var</code> replaced by C/C++ variable</li>
<li class="slide">
<pre class="sh_perl" style="font-size: smaller">
use 5.014001;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
NAME =&gt; 'MyModule',
VERSION_FROM =&gt; 'lib/', # finds $VERSION
PREREQ_PM =&gt; {}, # e.g., Module::Name =&gt; 1.1
($] &gt;= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
(ABSTRACT_FROM =&gt; 'lib/', # retrieve abstract from module
AUTHOR =&gt; 'Doug <>') : ()),
LIBS =&gt; [''], # e.g., '-lm'
DEFINE =&gt; '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
INC =&gt; '-I.', # e.g., '-I. -I/usr/include/other'
# Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later:
# OBJECT =&gt; '$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too
### Add these for C++ support
CC =&gt; 'g++', # Override from Config
LD =&gt; 'g++', # Override from Config
XSOPT =&gt; '-C++',
TYPEMAPS =&gt; [''],
<li class="slide">
<h1>Interface a C++ Class</h1>
<pre class="sh_cpp">
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
<li class="slide">
<h1>Interface a C++ Class</h1>
<pre class="sh_cpp" style="font-size: smaller">
class Card {
int value_;
enum t_suit { SPADES, CLUBS, HEARTS, DIAMONDS } suit_;
Card( int value, t_suit suit ) {
value_ = value;
suit_ = suit;
~Card() { }
int value() { return value_; }
int suit() { return suit_; }
void set_value( int value ) {
value_ = value;
void set_suit( t_suit suit ) {
suit_ = t_suit;
<li class="slide">
<h1>Interface a C++ Class</h1>
<pre class="sh_cpp" style="font-size:smaller">
Card *
Card::new( int suit, int suit )
Card::set_value( int value )
Card::set_suit( int suit )
<li class="slide">
<pre class="sh_perl">
<li><code>Card::new()</code> gives us CLASS automatically</li>
<li>Other <code>Card::*</code> knows it gets a Card * and calls it <code>THIS</code></li>
<li>All this comes from <code>XSOPTS =&gt; '-C++',</code></li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>Build and test</h1>
$ perl Makefile.PL &amp;&amp; make test
<ul><li>And you're done</li></ul>
<div style="position: fixed; bottom: 150px; width: 85%; color: grey; font-size: smaller; font-family: monospace; font-style: italic; text-align: center;">
This space accidentally left blank
<li class="slide">
<h1>More Difficult Interfaces</h1>
<pre class="sh_cpp">
#include &lt;vector&gt;
class Deck {
std::vector&lt;Card&gt; cards_;
Deck() { }
~Deck() { }
void add_card( Card card ) {
cards_.push_back( card );
std::vector cards() {
return cards_;
<li class="slide">
<h1>More Difficult Interfaces</h1>
<pre class="sh_cpp">
Deck *
<li>Standard boilerplate</li>
<li>Module turns into</li>
<li>Package turns into <code>package Deck;</code></li>
<li>Include in Card.xs</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>Custom CODE:</h1>
<pre class="sh_perl">
Deck::add_card( suit, value )
int suit
int value
Card card( suit, value );
THIS-&gt;add_card( card );
<li>Change the interface of Deck</li>
<li>CODE: is C/C++ code</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>Returning Arrays</h1>
<pre class="sh_cpp" style="font-size: smaller">
AV *
std::vector&lt;Card&gt; cards( THIS-&gt;cards() );
std::vector&lt;Card&gt;::iterator iter( cards.begin() );
RETVAL = newAV(); // create an array
sv_2mortal( (SV*)RETVAL ); // "mortalize"
for ( ; iter != cards.end(); iter++ ) {
SV* card_sv( newSV(0) ); // create a scalar
sv_setref_pv( card_sv, "Card", (void*)&amp;*iter ); // bless
av_push( RETVAL, card_sv );
<div style="float: left; width: 49%">
<ul style="font-size: smaller">
<li>AV - Array Value; SV - Scalar Value</li>
<li>Mortal - delayed refcount decrement
<ul><li>If not used, will be GCed</li>
<li><code>my @cards = $deck-&gt;cards;</code></li>
<li>RETVAL - Created automatically with type</li>
<div style="float: left; width: 49%">
<ul style="font-size: smaller">
<li><code>sv_setref_pv</code> - Set SV to be Reference to Pointer Value<ul>
<li>Bless into a package too</li>
<li>CODE: requires OUTPUT:</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>Thems The Basics</h1>
<li>Scathing Criticisms</li>
<li>Bombastic Praise</li>
<li>Moving on...</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>Memory Management with SVs</h1>
<li>Perl SVs are reference counted</li>
<li>C++11 std::shared_ptr is reference counted</li>
<li>Same techniques can be used to track SVs through C++
<ul><li>Good for C++ callbacks</li>
<li>POSIX-threaded applications</li>
<li>Avoid memory leaks</li>
<li>Type-safety with templates</li>
<li>Pointer can be used after we're done with it (ownership)</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>Building shared_sv</h1>
<li>The Required 4 methods for STL containers<ul>
<li>Default (empty) Constructor</li>
<li>Copy constructor</li>
<li>Assignment operator</li>
<li>Mostly C++ code</li>
<li class="slide">
<li>One for STL containers to create empty objects</li>
<li>One for users to create new SVs</li>
<pre class="sh_cpp">
/** Default constructor needed for STL containers */
shared_sv() : p_(0), sv_(0) {};
/** Useful constructor */
shared_sv( void* p, std::string package )
: p_(p), sv_( newSV(0) ) // Created with refcnt 1
if ( sv_ == 0 ) return;
sv_ = sv_setref_pv( sv_, package.c_str(), p_ );
<li class="slide">
<h1>Copy constructor</h1>
<pre class="sh_cpp">
shared_sv( const shared_sv&amp; that )
: p_(that.p_), sv_(that.sv_)
if ( sv_ == 0 ) return; // Don't do empty SVs
// We can increment the refcount faster if we
// don't care about return value (void)
SvREFCNT_inc_void( sv_ );
<li>Copying increments ref count</li>
<li>Happens a lot inside STL containers</li>
<li>Happens during method calls</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>Assignment operator</h1>
<pre class="sh_cpp">
shared_sv&amp; operator=( const shared_sv&amp; that ) {
if ( this == &amp;that ) return *this; // Mandatory
p_ = that.p_;
if ( sv_ != 0 )
SvREFCNT_dec( sv_ ); // Lose our SV
sv_ =;
if ( sv_ == 0 ) return *this;
SvREFCNT_inc_void( sv_ ); // Gain their SV
return *this;
<li>Assign into STL containers
<li><code>vector[i] = new shared_sv(...);</code></li>
<li>Also happens a lot during STL container internals</li>
<li class="slide">
<pre class="sh_perl">
~shared_sv() {
if ( sv_ == 0 ) return;
SvREFCNT_dec( sv_ );
<li>We're done, decrement our refcount</li>
<li>When refcount is zero, the DESTROY() XS method is called</li>
<li>Default DESTROY for XS/C++ is <code>delete THIS</code></li>
<li class="slide">
<li>In routines</li>
<pre class="sh_perl">
shared_sv make_card( ) {
// Card* card = new Card(); &lt;- bad
shared_sv ssv( new Card(), "Card" ); // &lt;- good
// We return a copy
return ssv;
// Copy means refcount incremented
<ul><li>In containers</li></ul>
<pre class="sh_cpp">
std::vector&lt;shared_sv&gt; cxx_array();
// Card* card = new Card(); &lt;- bad
shared_sv ssv( new Card(), "Card" ); // &lt;- good
cxx_array.push_back( ssv );
// cxx_array keeps a copy, refcount incremented
<li class="slide">
<h1>Helpful tips</h1>
<li>Keep little C/C++ inside .xs file
<ul><li>Sharing functions between .xs files is hairy</li>
<li>Make a static lib to link against</li>
<li>Build a Perly interface in the XS if possible
<ul><li>C-style interfaces are not Perly</li></ul>
<li>Do most things in Perl
<ul><li>More stuff done in Perl, more flexibility you have</li>
<li>Pull routines out into Perl as long as interface remains Perly</li>
<li>One directory for each XS package
<ul><li>Subdirectories of main XS package</li>
<li>Helps share code when in Perl</li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>Docs for C++</h1>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><em>Effective C++</em>, <em>Effective STL</em>, <em>More Effective C++</em> by Scott Meyers</li>
<li><em>C++ Coding Standards</em> by Andrei Alexandrescu and Herb Sutter
<ul><li>Perl Best Practices for C++</li></ul></li>
<li class="slide">
<h1>The End!</h1>
Slides: <a href="">
<p>Slides are licensed under a <a
3.0 license</a>.</p>
<p>Code is licensed under the <a href="">
Artistic License</a> or <a
href="">GNU GPL v1.0</a> or
later (the same terms as Perl itself).</p>
<!-- Done with presentation -->
</ol> <!-- class="xoxo presentation" -->
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= Intro to XS/C++ =

== Don't Panic ==

  • XS has a reputation for being obtuse ** Compared to Perl? ** Lower-level
  • Try it again for the first time

== Just the Basics ==

=== Starting with C++ ===

==== h2xs ====

  • Build a bare XS module called MyModule ** h2xs -A --skip-exporter -nMyModule *** -A -- no AUTOLOAD *** --skip-exporter -- no use Exporter *** -nMyModule -- name MyModule
  • Set appropriate Makefile.PL parameters ** h2xs -L/opt/local/lib -lmylib *** Much like the arguments to gcc/g++

==== What we have ====

  • MyModule/
  • Changes
  • ppport.h
  • lib/
  • t/MyModule.t
  • MyModule.xs
  • Makefile.PL
  • Missing: typemap
  • Missing:

==== lib/ ====

{{{ package MyModule;

use 5.014001; use strict; use warnings;

our @ISA = qw();

our $VERSION = '0.01';

require XSLoader; XSLoader::load('MyModule', $VERSION);

Preloaded methods go here.

1; END


==== MyModule.xs ====

{{{ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h"

#include "ppport.h"

MODULE = MyModule PACKAGE = MyModule


  • Before "MODULE" -- C/C++
  • After "MODULE" -- XS
  • .xs files processed by xsubpp into C/C++
  • XS covered later, some administrative details first...

==== C++ Edits to MyModule.xs ====

  • Add 'extern "C"' around C headers {{{ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif }}}
  • This prevents name-mangling

==== C++ typemap file ====

==== typemap file ====

  • typemap maps C/C++ types to/from Perl SV {{{


MyClass * O_OBJECT }}}

  • Much like macro definitions {{{ MyClass * O_MYCLASS

OUTPUT O_MYCLASS sv_setref_pv( $arg, CLASS, (void*)$var );

INPUT O_MYCLASS if ( sv_isobject($arg) && (SvTYPE(SvRV($arg)) == SVt_PVMG) ) { $var = ($type)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( $arg )); } else { warn( "${Package}::$func_name() -- $var is not a blessed SV reference" ); XSRETURN_UNDEF; } }}}

==== Makefile.PL ====

{{{ use 5.014001; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence

the contents of the Makefile that is written.

WriteMakefile( NAME => 'MyModule', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/', # finds $VERSION PREREQ_PM =&gt; {}, # e.g., Module::Name =&gt; 1.1 ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005 (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/', # retrieve abstract from module AUTHOR => 'Doug') : ()), LIBS => [''], # e.g., '-lm' DEFINE => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING' INC => '-I.', # e.g., '-I. -I/usr/include/other' # Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later: # OBJECT => '$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too ### Add these for C++ support CC => 'g++', # Override from Config LD => 'g++', # Override from Config XSOPT => '-C++', TYPEMAPS => [''], ); }}}

=== Interface a C++ Class ===

{{{ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif

class Card { int value_; enum t_suit { SPADES, CLUBS, HEARTS, DIAMONDS } suit_; public: Card( int value, t_suit suit ) { value_ = value; suit_ = suit; } ~Card() { } int value() { return value_; } int suit() { return suit_; } void set_value( int value ) { value_ = value; } void set_suit( t_suit suit ) { suit_ = t_suit; } };


Card * Card::new( int suit, int suit )

void Card::DESTROY()

int Card::value()

int Card::suit()

void Card::set_value( int value )

void Card::set_suit( int suit ) }}}

==== typemap ====

{{{ Card * O_OBJECT }}}

==== Build and test ====

$ perl Makefile.PL && make test

=== More Difficult Interfaces ===

{{{ #include class Deck { std::vector cards_; public: Deck() { } ~Deck() { } void add_card( Card card ) { cards_.push_back( card ); } std::vector cards() { return cards_; } };


Deck * Deck::new()

void Deck::DESTROY() }}}

==== Custom CODE: ====

{{{ void Deck::add_card( suit, value ) int suit int value CODE: Card card( suit, value ); THIS->add_card( card ); }}}

==== Returning Arrays ====

{{{ AV * Deck::cards() CODE: std::vector cards( THIS->cards() ); std::vector::iterator iter( cards.begin() ); RETVAL = newAV(); // create an array sv_2mortal( (SV*)RETVAL ); // "mortalize" for ( ; iter != cards.end(); iter++ ) { SV* card_sv( newSV(0) ); // create a scalar sv_setref_pv( card_sv, "Card", (void*)&*iter ); // bless av_push( RETVAL, card_sv ); } OUTPUT: RETVAL }}}

== Memory Management with SVs ==

  • Perl SVs are reference counted
  • C++11 std::shared_ptr is reference counted
  • Same techniques can be used to track SVs through C++ ** Good for C++ callbacks ** POSIX-threaded applications ** Avoid memory leaks ** Type-safety with templates ** Pointer can be used after we're done with it (ownership)

=== Building shared_sv ===

  • Constructor
  • Copy constructor
  • Assignment operator
  • Destructor

=== Constructor(s) ===

  • One for STL containers to create empty objects
  • One for users to create new SVs {{{ /** Default constructor needed for STL containers / shared_sv() : p_(0), sv_(0) {}; /* Useful constructor / shared_sv( void p, std::string package ) : p_(p), sv_( newSV(0) ) // SV created with refcnt 1 { if ( sv_ == 0 ) return; sv_ = sv_setref_pv( sv_, package.c_str(), p_ ); } }}}

=== Copy constructor ===

  • Copying increments ref count
  • Happens a lot inside STL containers
  • Happens during method calls {{{ shared_sv( const shared_sv& that ) : p_(that.p_), sv_(that.sv_) { if ( sv_ == 0 ) return; // Don't increment empty SVs // We can increment the refcount faster if we // don't care about return value (void) SvREFCNT_inc_void( sv_ ); } }}}

=== Assignment operator ===

  • Assign into STL containers ** vector[i] = new shared_sv(...);
  • Also happens a lot during STL container internals {{{ shared_sv& operator=( const shared_sv& that ) { if ( this == &that ) return *this; // Mandatory p_ = that.p_; if ( sv_ != 0 ) SvREFCNT_dec( sv_ ); // Lose our SV sv_ =; if ( sv_ == 0 ) return *this; SvREFCNT_inc_void( sv_ ); // Gain their SV return *this; } }}}

=== Destructor ===

  • We're done, decrement our refcount
  • When refcount is zero, the DESTROY() XS method is called {{{ ~shared_sv() { if ( sv_ == 0 ) return; SvREFCNT_dec( sv_ ); } }}}

=== Usage ===

  • In routines {{{ shared_sv make_card( ) { // Card* card = new Card(); <- bad. the Card* could be used somewhere shared_sv ssv( new Card(), "Card" ); // <- good. Card* protected in ssv // We return a copy return ssv; // Copy means refcount incremented } }}}
  • In containers {{{ std::vector<shared_sv> cxx_array(); // Card* card = new Card(); <- bad. the Card* could be used somewhere shared_sv ssv( new Card(), "Card" ); // <- good. Card* protected in ssv cxx_array.push_back( ssv ); }}}

== Helpful tips ==

  • Keep little C/C++ inside .xs file ** Sharing functions between .xs files is hairy ** Make a static lib to link against

== Docs for C++ ==

== This Presentation ==

* A dumb pointer that also contains a Perl SV* that wraps the pointer,
* creating a smart pointer.
* This class is useful when you need to have the SV in C++ later, for a
* callback in a threaded application, for example. This class is meant to
* be held inside of an STL container or another object to help avoid
* memory leaks that are caused by improper use of dumb pointers.
* The Perl SV* is considered the owner of the pointer, so this class will
* never free the data pointed to, it will only decrement the SV* reference
* count so that Perl can free the data if it wants to. This allows the Perl
* programmer to use the SV* even after the shared_sv instance goes away.
* If you need to keep a SV* inside C++ code (to perform callbacks, for
* example), you should create a shared_sv inside XS and return a new SV by
* calling ref() instead. Don't return a weak_ref() from an XSUB with an SV*
* return type.
* Ex:
* std::vector<shared_sv<MyClass> > instances;
* SV*
* new( CLASS )
* char* CLASS
* shared_sv<MyClass> ssv( new MyClass(), CLASS );
* instances.push_back( ssv ); // We need the SV in C++ later...
* RETVAL = ssv.ref();
* // XS calls sv_2mortal on XSUBs that return SV*
#include <iostream>
#include "perl.h"
template< typename T >
class shared_sv {
* The pointer our SV contains. This is here for convenience, it is also possible to
* get this exact pointer out of the sv_.
* This is a dumb pointer managed by Perl's SV ref counting. This class encapsulates
* this reference counting for C++'s use-cases.
T* p_;
* A reference to the SV containing our pointer. This SV holds all the
* responsibility for the p_ pointer. There must be a DESTROY() XSUB that
* properly frees the pointer inside or you will leak
SV* sv_;
* Create a new, blank shared_sv. No Perl SV is created. This is required for
* STL container classes.
: p_(0), sv_(0)
* Create a new SV with the given pointer. The SV is blessed into the given
* class.
shared_sv( T* p, std::string package )
: p_(p), sv_( newSV(0) ) // SV created with refcnt 1
if ( sv_ == 0 ) return;
sv_ = sv_setref_pv( sv_, package.c_str(), p_ );
// std::cout << "SharedSV with pointer " << p_ << " SV: " << sv_ << " REF: " << SvREFCNT( sv_ )
// << std::endl;
* Copy constructor. Increments refcount.
shared_sv( const shared_sv<T>& that )
: p_(that.p_), sv_(that.sv_)
// We can inc the refcount faster if we don't care about return value (void)
if ( sv_ == 0 ) return;
SvREFCNT_inc_void( sv_ );
// std::cout << "SV " << sv_ << " ++ " << SvREFCNT( sv_ ) << std::endl;
* A casting copy constructor, increments refcount. Uses a static_cast
* on the pointer
template< typename Y > shared_sv( const shared_sv<Y>& that )
: p_(static_cast<T*>(that.get())), sv_(
if ( sv_ == 0 ) return;
SvREFCNT_inc_void( sv_ );
// std::cout << "SV " << sv_ << " ++ " << SvREFCNT( sv_ ) <<
// std::endl;
* Assignment operator will decrement old refcount and increment new refcount
shared_sv<T>& operator=( const shared_sv<T>& that )
if ( this == &that ) return *this;
p_ = static_cast<T*>(that.get());
if ( sv_ != 0 ) {
// std::cout << "SV " << sv_ << " -- " << SvREFCNT( sv_ ) << std::endl;
SvREFCNT_dec( sv_ );
sv_ =;
if ( sv_ == 0 ) return *this;
SvREFCNT_inc_void( sv_ );
// std::cout << "SV " << sv_ << " ++ " << SvREFCNT( sv_ ) << std::endl;
return *this;
* Destructor should dec our SV*. Perl will free our pointer
* by calling the SV's DESTROY() XS function if the SV* ref count is 0.
* We do not do any delete here in case someone in the Perl side has a
* reference. We want them to be able to use that reference.
~shared_sv() {
if ( sv_ == 0 ) return;
SvREFCNT_dec( sv_ );
// std::cout << "SV " << sv_ << " -- " << SvREFCNT( sv_ ) << std::endl;
* Get the SV. If you plan on giving the SV back to Perl, use ref() or
* weak_ref() instead.
SV* sv() const {
return sv_;
* Get the object pointer.
T* get() const {
return p_;
* Get the object pointer
T* operator->() const {
return get();
* Create a new reference to the underlying SV and return it,
* incrementing this SV's ref count. The SV returned has a ref count of
* 1.
SV* ref() const {
return newRV( SvRV(sv_) );
* Create a new reference to the underlying SV and return it without
* incrementing the SV's ref count.
* This is good for when you still want the SV stored here to be
* cleaned up even if this object (or the reference returned from
* weak_ref()) is still around.
* Do not use this if returning the SV from an XSUB with a return type
* of SV*. Perl automatically calls sv_2mortal on RETVAL for you, and
* you will get a warning: "Attempt to free unreferenced scalar".
SV* weak_ref() const {
return newRV_noinc( SvRV(sv_) );
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