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Created May 31, 2010 22:10
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# WebGUI is Copyright 2001-2009 Plain Black Corporation.
# Please read the legal notices (docs/legal.txt) and the license
# (docs/license.txt) that came with this distribution before using
# this software.
use strict;
use File::Basename ();
use File::Spec;
my $webguiRoot;
$webguiRoot = File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->catdir( File::Basename::dirname(__FILE__), File::Spec->updir ) );
unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir( $webguiRoot, 'lib' );
$|++; # disable output buffering
our ( $configFile, $help, $man, $fix, $delete );
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use WebGUI::Session;
# Get parameters here, including $help
'configFile=s' => \$configFile,
'help' => \$help,
'man' => \$man,
'fix' => \$fix,
'delete' => \$delete,
pod2usage( verbose => 1 ) if $help;
pod2usage( verbose => 2 ) if $man;
pod2usage( msg => "Must specify a config file!" ) unless $configFile;
my $session = start( $webguiRoot, $configFile );
sub progress {
my ( $total, $current ) = @_;
local $| = 1;
my $done = int( ( ( $current / $total ) * 100 ) / 2 );
$done &&= $done - 1; # Fit the >
my $space = 49 - $done;
print "\r[", '=' x $done, '>', ' ' x $space, ']';
printf ' (%d/%d)', $current, $total;
my ($total) = $session->db->quickScalar('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM asset');
my $sql = "SELECT * FROM asset";
my $sth = $session->db->read($sql);
my $count = 1;
my %classTables; # Cache definition lookups
while ( my %row = $sth->hash ) {
my $asset = WebGUI::Asset->newByDynamicClass( $session, $row{assetId} );
if ( !$asset ) {
# Replace the progress bar with a message
print "\r";
my $message = "-- Corrupt: $row{assetId} ";
$message .= " " x ( 68 - length $message );
print $message;
# Should we do something?
if ($fix) {
my $classTables = $classTables{ $row{className} } ||= do {
eval "require $row{className}";
[ map { $_->{tableName} } reverse @{ $row{className}->definition($session) } ];
$row{revisionDate} ||= time;
my @params = @row{qw( assetId revisionDate )};
for my $table ( @{$classTables} ) {
my $sqlFind = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE assetId=? AND revisionDate=?";
if ( !$session->db->quickScalar( $sqlFind, \@params ) ) {
my $sqlFix = "INSERT INTO $table (assetId,revisionDate) VALUES (?,?)";
$session->db->write( $sqlFix, \@params );
print "Fixed.\n";
# Make sure we have a valid parent
unless ( WebGUI::Asset->newByDynamicClass( $session, $row{parentId} ) ) {
my $asset = WebGUI::Asset->newByDynamicClass( $session, $row{assetId} );
$asset->setParent( WebGUI::Asset->getImportNode( $session ) );
print "\tNOTE: Invalid parent. Asset moved to Import Node\n";
} ## end if ($fix)
elsif ($delete) {
my $classTables = $classTables{ $row{className} } ||= do {
eval "require $row{className}";
[ map { $_->{tableName} } reverse @{ $row{className}->definition($session) } ];
my @params = @row{qw( assetId revisionDate )};
for my $table ( @{$classTables} ) {
my $sqlDelete = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE assetId=? AND revisionDate=?";
$session->db->write( $sqlDelete, \@params );
$session->db->write( "DELETE FROM asset WHERE assetId=?", [$row{assetId}] );
print "Deleted.\n";
} ## end elsif ($delete)
else { # report
print "\n";
if ( $row{revisionDate} ) {
printf "%10s: %s\n", "revised", scalar( localtime $row{revisionDate} );
# Parent
if ( my $parent = WebGUI::Asset->newByDynamicClass( $session, $row{parentId} ) ) {
printf "%10s: %s (%s)\n", "parent", $parent->getTitle, $parent->getId;
elsif ( $session->db->quickScalar( "SELECT * FROM asset WHERE assetId=?", [$row{parentId}] ) ) {
print "Parent corrupt ($row{parentId}).\n";
else {
print "Parent missing ($row{parentId}).\n";
# More properties
if ( $row{revisionDate} ) {
my %assetData = $session->db->quickHash( "SELECT * FROM assetData WHERE assetId=? AND revisionDate=?",
[ @row{ "assetId", "revisionDate" } ] );
for my $key (qw( title url )) {
printf "%10s: %s\n", $key, $assetData{$key};
else {
print "No asset data.\n";
# Asset History
my $history = $session->db->buildArrayRefOfHashRefs(
"SELECT * FROM assetHistory LEFT JOIN users USING (userId) WHERE assetId=? ORDER BY dateStamp DESC",
[ $row{assetId} ],
if ( $history->[0] ) {
my $username = $history->[0]{username} || "<Unknown User>";
printf "Last action '%s'\n\tby %s\n\ton %s\n",
scalar( localtime $history->[0]{dateStamp} ),
} ## end else [ if ($fix) ]
} ## end if ( !$asset )
progress( $total, $count++ );
} ## end while ( my %row = $sth->hash)
print "\n";
# Your sub here
sub start {
my $webguiRoot = shift;
my $configFile = shift;
my $session = WebGUI::Session->open( $webguiRoot, $configFile );
$session->user( { userId => 3 } );
return $session;
sub finish {
my $session = shift;
=head1 NAME -- Find and fix broken assets
=head1 SYNOPSIS --configFile config.conf [--fix|--delete]
utility --help
This utility will find any broken assets that cannot be instantiated and are
causing undesired operation of your website.
It can also automatically delete them or fix them so you can restore missing data.
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--configFile config.conf>
The WebGUI config file to use. Only the file name needs to be specified,
since it will be looked up inside WebGUI's configuration directory.
This parameter is required.
=item B<--delete>
Delete any corrupted assets.
=item B<--fix>
Try to fix any corrupted assets.
=item B<--help>
Shows a short summary and usage
=item B<--man>
Shows this document
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2001-2009 Plain Black Corporation.
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