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Created February 27, 2014 23:07
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Useful little CPAN modules
#----------------- Carp::longmess
use Carp qw( longmess );
sub foo { bar() }
sub bar { baz() }
sub baz { print Carp::longmess }
#----------------- List::Util / List::MoreUtils
my @email = qw(
# Get the first matching thing out of an array
my $found;
for my $email ( @email ) {
if ( $email =~ /\bcasterly\b/ ) {
$found = $email;
use List::Util qw( first );
my $found = first { /\bcasterly\b/ } @email;
# Determine if we know any king's email address
for my $email ( @email ) {
if ( $email =~ /^king\@/ ) {
if ( grep { /^king\@/ } @email ) {
use List::MoreUtils qw( any );
if ( any { /^king\@/ } @email ) {
#----------------- Hash::Merge::Simple
my %baratheon = (
King => "Robert, King of Westeros",
Lord => {
Stannis => "Lord of Dragonstone",
Renly => "Lord of Storm's End",
my %lannister = (
Lord => {
Tywin => "Lord of Casterly Rock",
Knight => {
Jamie => "Knight of the Kingsguard",
Queen => "Cersei, Queen of Westeros",
my %marriage = %baratheon, %lannister;
use Hash::Merge::Simple qw( merge );
my $marriage = merge( \%baratheon, \%lannister );
#----------------- Benchmark
use Set::Object;
package Obj;
sub new { bless {} }
package main;
@els = map { Obj->new } 1..1000;
require Benchmark;
Benchmark::cmpthese( 0, {
'Hash insert' => sub { my %h; $h{ @els } = @els },
'Set insert' => sub { my $s = Set::Object->new; $s->insert( @els ) },
} );
$i = 33;
%gh = ();
@gh{ @els } = @els;
$gs = Set::Object->new( @els );
$el = $els[ $i ];
Benchmark::cmpthese( 0, {
'Hash lookup' => sub { exists $gh{33} },
'Set lookup' => sub { $gs->includes( $el ) },
} );
#----------------- Memoize
use Memoize qw( memoize );
sub fib {
return 1 if $_[0] <= 0;
return fib( $_[0] - 1 ) + fib( $_[0] - 2 );
sub fib_memo {
return 1 if $_[0] <= 0;
return fib( $_[0] - 1 ) + fib( $_[0] - 2 );
memoize( 'fib_memo' );
use Benchmark qw( cmpthese timethese );
my $i = 30;
timethese( 0, {
fib => sub { fib( $i ) },
fib_memo => sub { fib_memo( $i ) },
} );
#---------------- Tie::IxHash
my %kings = (
Aegon => 'Targaryen',
Robert => 'Baratheon',
Joffrey => 'Baratheon',
Tommen => 'Baratheon',
say '--';
say for keys %kings;
say '--';
say for keys %kings;
tie my %succession, 'Tie::IxHash', (
Aegon => 'Targaryen',
Robert => 'Baratheon',
Joffrey => 'Baratheon',
Tommen => 'Baratheon',
say for keys %succession;
say '--';
say for keys %succession;
say '--';
#---------------- Tie::CPHash
tie my %kings, 'Tie::CPHash', (
Aegon => 'Targaryen',
Robert => 'Baratheon',
Joffrey => 'Baratheon',
Tommen => 'Baratheon',
say '--';
say for keys %kings;
say '--';
say $kings{ TOMMEN };
say $kings{ aegon };
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