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Created September 12, 2019 13:16
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% Prostprocessing MATLAB m-file script for the fluid_structure1 tutorial model.
% Used to create the visualization:
close all
miu = 1;
i_int = [5:8,11:13]; % Integration boundaries.
i_cub = 10;
s_tfx = ['nx*p+',num2str(miu),'*(-2*nx*ux-ny*(uy+vx))'];
s_tfy = ['ny*p+',num2str(miu),'*(-nx*(vx+uy)-2*ny*vy)'];
p_A = [0.6;0.2];
[~,i_A] = min(sum((fea.grid.p'-repmat(p_A',size(fea.grid.p,2),1)).^2,2));
fea.grid.p(:,i_A) = p_A;
f = figure();
set( f, 'Position', [ 0 0 1200, 675 ], 'MenuBar', 'none', 'ToolBar', 'none', 'PaperSize', [16,9] );
n = size(fea.sol.u,2);
for i=1:n
postplot( fea, 'surfexpr','p', 'isoexpr', 'p', 'colorbar', 'off', 'solnum', i, 'axis', 'off', 'bbox', 0 )
pos = get( gca, 'Position' );
pos(2) = pos(2)*0.9;
set( gca, 'Position', pos );
text( 2.2, 0.5, sprintf('t = %.2f s',fea.sol.t(i)), 'fontsize', 16 )
text( -0.1, 0.6, '', 'fontsize', 24 )
% Calculate benchmark quantities (line integration method).
p_Ai = fea.sol.grid.p(:,i_A,i);
ux_A(i) = evalexpr( 'dx', p_Ai, fea, i );
uy_A(i) = evalexpr( 'dy', p_Ai, fea, i );
F_d(i) = intbdr( s_tfx, fea, i_int, i_cub, i, 1 );
F_l(i) = intbdr( s_tfy, fea, i_int, i_cub, i, 1 );
plot( fea.sol.t(1:i), uy_A(1:i), 'r-', 'linewidth', 2 )
grid on
plot( fea.sol.t(1:i), F_l(1:i), 'g-', 'linewidth', 2 )
ylabel('lift force')
grid on
plot( fea.sol.t(1:i), F_d(1:i), 'b-', 'linewidth', 2 )
ylabel('drag force')
grid on
file = sprintf('C:\\temp\\img_fsi2\\img_fsi2_%05i.jpg', i );
print( '-r200', '-djpeg', file )
% pause(1)
% ffmpeg -i img_fsi2_%05d.jpg -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=10, format=yuv420p" output.mp4
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