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Created August 5, 2014 08:16
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Devbox cookbook's default recipe
# Cookbook Name:: devbox
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright 2013, Lachlan Pease
# All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute
include_recipe 'nginx::commons_dir'
# Install the SSL certs for nginx
cookbook_file "/etc/nginx/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem" do
source "ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem"
mode 00644
cookbook_file "/etc/nginx/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key" do
source "ssl-cert-snakeoil.key"
mode 00640
# Fix the "not a tty" error
cookbook_file "/root/.profile" do
source "root_profile"
mode 00644
# Create the mysql conf.d directory, since the package doesn't any more
directory "/etc/mysql/conf.d" do
mode 00755
owner "root"
group "root"
action :create
recursive true
# Real dependencies
include_recipe 'nginx'
include_recipe 'percona::client'
include_recipe 'percona::server'
include_recipe 'java' # For ES
include_recipe 'elasticsearch'
include_recipe 'elasticsearch::plugins' # For ES-Head
include_recipe 'gdebi' # For installing .debs with dependencies
include_recipe 'memcached'
include_recipe 'git' # Mostly for composer
include_recipe 'rabbitmq'
# PHP itself
include_recipe 'php'
include_recipe 'php::fpm'
# PHP modules
include_recipe 'php::module_common' # Intl, MCrypt, GD
include_recipe 'php::module_apc'
include_recipe 'php::module_curl'
include_recipe 'php::module_memcache'
include_recipe 'php::module_mysql'
# Our own custom additions
include_recipe 'devbox::php_modules'
include_recipe 'devbox::graphing'
include_recipe 'btndev::xinetd'
include_recipe 'btndev::xz'
# Overwrite the nginx default site template
r = resources(:template => "#{node['nginx']['dir']}/sites-available/default")
r.cookbook "devbox"
end # Originally caught an exception; we just want to throw it
# Overwrite the MySQL grants to allow non-localhost root logins
r = resources(:template => "/etc/mysql/grants.sql")
r.cookbook "devbox"
# Add in our custom PHP settings
cookbook_file "/etc/php5/conf.d/10-dev-config.ini" do
source "php-settings.ini"
mode 00644
php_fpm "default" do
action :add
user 'www-data'
group 'www-data'
# Set up a discard service for notifications
cookbook_file "/etc/xinetd.d/discard" do
source "discard.xinetd"
mode 00644
notifies :restart, resources(:service => 'xinetd')
# Finally, create our app resources where they don't exist
remote_file "/vagrant/classes/config.php" do
source "file:///vagrant/dist/config.php"
mode 00644
remote_file "/vagrant/adminer.php" do
source "file:///vagrant/dist/adminer.php"
mode 00644
# And stuff that we need to run every time
execute "composer deps" do
user "vagrant"
cwd "/vagrant"
command "php dist/composer.phar install -o"
# Install the DB; do it as root so that we can use the .my.cnf file the percona recipe installs
bash "ensure db" do
user "root"
cwd "/vagrant"
code <<-EOH
mysql -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS development; CREATE DATABASE development"
unxz < /vagrant/dist/db.sql.xz | mysql development
bin/phinx migrate -e vagrant_internal
touch /vagrant/dist/
only_if do !File.exists?('/var/lib/mysql/development') or !File.exists?('/vagrant/dist/') or (File.mtime('/vagrant/dist/') < File.mtime('/vagrant/dist/db.sql.xz')) end
# Start ES before the population script is run
service "elasticsearch" do
action :restart
execute "elasticsearch indexes" do
user "vagrant"
cwd "/vagrant"
command "sleep 30; php dist/populate-elastic.php"
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