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Last active October 11, 2016 08:44
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## file name: qradar2graylog.nxlog
## purpose: parser / configuration file that tells nxlog how to read
## qradar csv exports and put them into graylog via gelf
## notes: expects these *exact* fields in the qradar csv export:
## Start Time
## Log Source
## payloadAsUTF
## payloadAsHexOneLine
## payloadAsBase64
## date: 2016-10-11
## author:
## Global directives
define IN_FILE test_qradar_input.csv
define OUT_FILE test_qradar_output.json
# /dev/null in case you want to see output in terminal
# but don't want logs filling up your hard drive
LogFile /dev/null
# or maybe you do want that?
#LogFile ./test_debug.log
LogLevel INFO
SuppressRepeatingLogs FALSE
NoCache TRUE
## Modules
<Extension kvp>
Module xm_kvp
KVDelimiter =
KVPDelimiter \t
#EscapeChar \\
EscapeControl FALSE
<Extension json>
Module xm_json
<Extension fo>
Module xm_fileop
<Extension gelf>
Module xm_gelf
<Input file_in>
Module im_file
File '%IN_FILE%'
ReadFromLast FALSE
# next line kept for troubleshooting
# Exec log_info($raw_event);
# drop empty lines
if $raw_event =~ /^\s*$/ drop();
# drop events that don't start with "MMM
if $raw_event !~ /^\"\w{3}\s/ drop();
# pseudo csv parser (which discards everything after UTF payload)
if $raw_event =~ /^\"(.+)\",(.+),\"*(<.+)\"*,.*$/
$Start_Time = $1; \
$Log_Source = $2; \
$payloadAsUTF = $3;
# pull out some fields from payloadAsUTF field
if $payloadAsUTF =~ /^<\d{3}>(\w{3}\s\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)\s(.+?)\sLEEF:1.0\|Websense\|Security\|7.8.4\|transaction:(\w+)\|(.*)$/
$EventTime = parsedate($1); \
$ProxyIP = $2; \
$Transaction = $3; \
$UTFpayload = $4; \
$UTFpayload =~ s/\"//g; \
kvp->parse_kvp($UTFpayload); \
# reformat some fields
$EventReceivedTime = strptime($Start_Time, '%b %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S %p'); \
$Log_Source = '%IN_FILE%'; \
if $usrName =~ /LDAP.*\/(.*)$/
$usrName = replace($1, '\', '');
# get rid of residual escape characters in url field
$url = replace($url, '\', '');
# clean up the url a bit
if $url =~ /^(.*),.*/
{ $url = $1; }
# delete all the unwanted fields
delete($Start_Time); \
delete($payloadAsHexOneLine); \
delete($payloadAsBase64); \
delete($payloadAsUTF); \
delete($UTFpayload); \
delete($SourceModuleName); \
delete($SourceModuleType); \
delete($other); \
<Output file_out>
Module om_file
File '%OUT_FILE%'
# don't overwrite ouptput - keep 3 files
Exec file_cycle('%OUT_FILE%', 3);
Exec to_json();
<Output graylog2>
Module om_tcp
Port 12201
OutputType GELF_TCP
Exec to_json();
## Routes
<Route 1>
Path file_in => graylog2
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