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Last active August 20, 2023 11:18
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Command line utility to find files using globs or regex (written in D)
import std.file, std.stdio;
immutable string programInformation = "Searches for files based on their names.\n"
~ "Search case sensitivity depends on the OS (macOS and Windows are case-insensitive while non-macOS POSIX systems are case-sensitive).\n\n"
immutable string versionInformation = "Filename Searcher (find_file) 1.0.1\n"
~ "Copyright (C) 2022 Preetpal Sohal.\n"
~ "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.\n"
~ "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n"
~ "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n\n"
~ "Written by Preetpal Sohal.";
auto findFilesUsingRegex(string directory, string regex_string, bool followSymlinks)
import std.algorithm, std.path, std.regex;
auto re = regex(regex_string, std.path.CaseSensitive.osDefault ? "" : "i");
return dirEntries(directory, SpanMode.depth, followSymlinks).filter!(f => matchFirst(, re));
auto findFilesUsingWildcard(string directory, string wildcard, bool followSymlinks)
return dirEntries(directory, wildcard, SpanMode.depth, followSymlinks);
void printMatches(T)(T matches)
foreach (de; matches)
int main(string[] args)
import std.getopt;
bool regex = false;
bool displayVersion = false;
bool followSymlinks = false;
auto programOptions =
"regex", "treat search string as a regex instead of a wildcard.", &regex,
"version", "display version information and exit", &displayVersion,
"follow-symlinks", "follow symlinks during directory traversal", &followSymlinks);
if (programOptions.helpWanted)
writefln("Usage: %s [option]... search [directory]\n", args[0]);
defaultGetoptPrinter(programInformation, programOptions.options);
return 0;
if (displayVersion)
return 0;
if (args.length < 2)
writefln("Usage: %s [option]... search [directory]", args[0]);
defaultGetoptPrinter(programInformation, programOptions.options);
return 1;
string search = args[1];
string directory = ".";
if (args.length > 2)
directory = args[2];
if (!regex)
printMatches(findFilesUsingWildcard(directory, search, followSymlinks));
string regex_string = args[1];
printMatches(findFilesUsingRegex(directory, search, followSymlinks));
catch (Exception e)
return 1;
return 0;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
<asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns:ws2="">
<asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns:ws3="">
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="PreetpalSohal.find_file" version=""></assemblyIdentity>
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The manifest file is needed on Windows for long paths (like in a node_modules directory). In Windows, the executable must be named as find_file.exe and the manifest file must be placed in the same directory as the find_file.exe executable for the long path awareness to work. Also note that it is possible to embed the manifest file in the executable. Compile using LDC2 D compiler with command ldc2 -O3 -release -mcpu=native -m64 find_file.d -o find_file.

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