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Created December 16, 2023 00:41
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you need to consume all the whitespace after the match
-- Notes
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
-- Parsec parser for a single integer
integerParser :: Parser Int
integerParser = (read <$> many1 digit) <* many space
-- Parsec parser for a list of integers separated by spaces
integerListParser :: Parser [Int]
integerListParser = integerParser `sepBy` spaces
-- Parsec parser for two lists separated by '|'
listsParser :: Parser ([Int], [Int])
listsParser = do
list1 <- integerListParser
char '|' <* many space
list2 <- integerListParser
return (list1, list2)
-- Parse function
parseLists :: String -> Either ParseError ([Int], [Int])
parseLists input = parse listsParser "" input
main :: IO ()
main = do
let input = "1 2 3 4 | 9 0 9 8"
result = parseLists input
case result of
Left err -> print err
Right (list1, list2) -> do
putStrLn "List 1:"
print list1
putStrLn "List 2:"
print list2
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