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Created March 2, 2022 06:45
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module Main where
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
-- manacher algorithm
-- $ ghci
-- $ :l manacher.hs
-- > manacher "aba"
manacher :: String -> String
manacher arg0 = filter (/= '|') . V.toList $ maximum' getList
getList :: [V.Vector Char]
getList = foreveryvchars 1 $ format arg0
-- get the maximum length palindrome
maximum' :: [V.Vector Char] -> V.Vector Char
maximum' = foldr1 (\x y -> if V.length x > V.length y then x else y)
-- for every character try to match the left with right side
foreveryvchars :: Int -> V.Vector Char -> [V.Vector Char]
foreveryvchars center vchars =
case vchars V.!? center of
Nothing -> []
_ -> let (k, v) = match center 1 vchars
in v : foreveryvchars
((\x -> if x == 0 then center + 1 else center + x) k) vchars
-- Takes the center and radius and tries to match
-- String one at a time
match::Int -> Int -> V.Vector Char -> (Int, V.Vector Char)
match center radius vchars = let left = getleft center radius vchars
right = getright center radius vchars
case left /= Nothing && right /= Nothing && left == right of
True -> match center (radius + 1) vchars
_ -> (radius - 1, V.slice (center - (radius - 1) ) (1 + ((radius -1 ) * 2)) vchars)
getleft center radius vchars = vchars V.!? (center - radius)
getright center radius vchars = vchars V.!? (center + radius)
format :: String -> V.Vector Char
format = stov . convert
-- Insert pipe after each character
convert::String -> String
convert [] = '|':[]
convert (x:xs) = '|':x:convert xs
-- Convert String to Data.Vector
stov::String -> V.Vector Char
stov = V.fromList
main = print "hello world"
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