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Created July 21, 2023 22:35
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module SudUtils(module SudUtils) where
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (sort, group)
-- sudoku
data Cell = Cell Int | Cells [Int] deriving Show
type Board = V.Vector (V.Vector Cell)
conv2 :: V.Vector (V.Vector Int) -> Board
conv2 = conv1
conv1 :: V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Cell
conv1 = (\x -> if x ==0 then Cells [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] else Cell x )
isCell :: Cell -> Bool
isCell (Cell _) = True
isCell _ = False
isCells :: Cell -> Bool
isCells (Cells _) = True
isCells _ = False
getskiplist :: Int -> Int -> Board -> [Int]
getskiplist x y vec = let rw = getrow x vec
col = getcol y vec
sqr = getsquare x y vec
in map head . group . sort $ concat [rw, col, sqr]
getsquare :: Int -> Int -> Board -> [Int]
getsquare rw col vec = getvalues . filter isCell $ mapMaybe get sdsqr
m = 3 * (rw `div` 3)
n = 3 * (col `div` 3)
sdsqr:: [(Int, Int)]
sdsqr = let x = 3 * (rw `div` 3)
y = 3 * (col `div` 3)
in surroundingsquare (x, y)
get::(Int, Int) -> Maybe Cell
get (x,y) = do
row <- vec V.!? x
row V.!? y
getvalues :: [Cell] -> [Int]
getvalues = getvalues' []
getvalues' a [] = a
getvalues' a ((Cell x ) : xss) = getvalues' (x: a) xss
getValues' a (_: xss) = getvalues' a xss
surroundingsquare :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int,Int)]
surroundingsquare (m,n) = map (\(x, y) -> (m+ x, n + y)) [(0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (2,0), (2,1), (2,2)]
getrow :: Int -> V.Vector (V.Vector Cell) -> [Int]
getrow k vec = case vec V.!? k of
Just x -> getSingleCell x
_ -> []
getcol :: Int -> V.Vector (V.Vector Cell) -> [Int]
getcol k vec = getSingleCell $ (V.! k) vec
getSingleCell :: V.Vector Cell -> [Int]
getSingleCell v = getSingleCell' [] (V.toList v)
getSingleCell' ::[Int] -> [Cell] -> [Int]
getSingleCell' acc [] = acc
getSingleCell' acc ((Cell x): xss) = getSingleCell' (x:acc) xss
getSingleCell' acc (_: xss) = getSingleCell' acc xss
findNextEmptyCell :: Board -> Maybe (Int, Int)
findNextEmptyCell = V.ifoldl' findCell Nothing
findCell :: Maybe (Int, Int) -> Int -> V.Vector Cell -> Maybe (Int, Int)
findCell a@(Just x) _ _ = a
findCell _ rw row = case V.findIndex isCells row of
Just col -> Just (rw, col)
_ -> Nothing
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