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Last active April 23, 2018 01:00
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alias tdebug='cd /opt/tomcat; bin/ jpda start; cd - > /dev/null'
alias tlogd='rm /opt/tomcat/logs/*'
alias tstart='cd /opt/tomcat; bin/; cd - > /dev/null'
alias tstat='ps -ef|grep tomcat|grep -v grep'
alias tstop='/opt/tomcat/bin/'
//void arrays - Which of the following doesn’t compile
void[] voids1 = new void[1]; (1)
Void[] voids2 = new Void[1]; (2)
Void[] voids3 = { }; (3)
Object voids4 = Array.newInstance(void.class, 1); (4)
//null reference - What does this do?
Thread t = null;
//compiler error
//runtime error
//JVM crashes
//JVM pauses briefly
//Which of the following creates an array of a generic type T which extends Object.
T[] ts1 = new T[1]; (1)
T[] ts2 = { new T(); }; (2)
T[] ts3 = (T[]) new Object[1]; (3)
T[] ts4 = Array.newArray(T.class, 1); (4)
//The following code compiles but what does it print?
char ch = '1';
ch /= 0.9;
//Which of the following prints 0.3
int x = 3;
System.out.println(x / 10); (1)
System.out.println(x * 0.1); (2)
System.out.println(x / 10.0); (3)
System.out.println(0 + '.' + x); (4)
System.out.println(0 + "." + x); (5)
//What is NOT true about this code?
public static void main(String... args) {
try (PrintWriter pw = null) { }
//doesn’t compile.
//compiles but it doesn’t if you replace PrintWriter with Writer.
//produces no error at compile time or runtime.
//code won’t compile if { } is replaced with ;.
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