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Created June 4, 2019 13:43
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xquery version "1.0-ml";
(: Configurable variables :)
declare variable $initial-radius := 1; (: miles :)
declare variable $radius-step := 5; (: miles :)
declare variable $radius-max := 100; (: miles :)
declare variable $total-matches := 1;
declare variable $lat-long-element-container := "FacilitySite";
declare variable $lat-element := "LatitudeMeasure";
declare variable $lon-element := "LongitudeMeasure";
(: Variables used for state :)
declare variable $radius-not-found := -9999;
(: --- The code --- :)
(: WARNING: If a search does not match the total-matches requirement and the subsequent match matches a LARGE number of
: documents, the expanded tree cache could be filled and cause the order by in the bottom of the code to error out. It might make
: sense to write in an overload condition to catch this issue. You might be able to mitigate the issue by changing your radius-step to
: a smaller value.
(: Geospatial search using a circle with a radius :)
declare function local:geo-search($radius, $point) {
xs:QName($lat-element), xs:QName($lon-element), cts:circle($radius, $point))
(: Return the number of matches for a given point and radius :)
declare function local:result-count($radius as xs:float, $point as cts:point)
as xs:integer {
xs:QName($lat-element), xs:QName($lon-element), cts:circle($radius, $point))
(: Recursive function to increase the radius until a satisfying radius has been found or radius-not-found :)
declare function local:expanding-radius-search($radius, $point) {
let $count := local:result-count($radius, $point)
if ($count >= $total-matches) then $radius
let $new-radius := $radius + $radius-step
if ($new-radius <= $radius-max) then
local:expanding-radius-search($new-radius, $point)
(: Change these values to change where you are starting your search :)
let $point-lat := 37.557151
let $point-lon := -122.4313
(: The main module code :)
(: Note: if the lat, lon elements have namespaces, the xdmp:value below needs to be changed to xdmp:with-namespaces :)
let $point := cts:point($point-lat, $point-lon)
let $radius := local:expanding-radius-search($initial-radius, $point)
if ($radius eq $radius-not-found) then
"No documents found"
let $matches :=
for $doc in local:geo-search($radius, $point)
order by cts:distance($point,
cts:point(xdmp:value(fn:concat("$doc//", $lat-element)), xdmp:value(fn:concat("$doc//", $lon-element)))
return $doc
return (text {"Radius used:", $radius}, $matches[1 to $total-matches] )
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