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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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transaction example

Transactions API

To perform transactions use the dirac.tx api. Dirac defaults to using client pooling per request. So a single client must be used over the lifespan of a transaction. The tx will fetch one for you and release it upon .commit().

A dirac tx object has access to the same DALs in addition to transactional commands.


Creates a new tx object

tx.begin( [callback] )

Issues BEGIN

tx.rollback( [callback] )


tx.commit( [ callback ] )

Issues COMMIT and releases the client. Subsequent calls on tx will throw an error.

it ('should perform transaction', function( done ){
// Grab a tx client which is used to issue subsequent queries
var tx = dirac.tx.create();
// The tx has access to the DALs but uses the tx client instead of
// the typical client pool
tx.begin(function(err) {
if (err) return tx.rollback();
tx.users.insert({ name: 'red fish' }, function(err) {
if (err) return tx.rollback();
tx.users.insert({ name: 'blue fish' }, function(err) {
if (err) return tx.rollback();
// End transaction and release client
tx.commit( done );
it ( 'should perform transaction async', function( done ) {
// This proposed transaction api aims to abstract client management,
// not control flow. This leave a simple api that the user can use
// with their choice of control flow library or just straight up
// callback style.
var tx = dirac.tx.create();
var async = utils.async;
, tx.users.insert.bind(tx, { name: 'red fish' })
, tx.users.insert.bind(tx, { name: 'blue fish' })
], function(err, results) {
if ( err ) return tx.rollback();
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