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Created December 6, 2011 16:13
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No Stampede Actions
* A WordPress api to (try) kick off globally singleton actions. It will lock the action
* to hopefully prevent other requests from kicking off the same action. This is highly
* based off of Mark Jaquith's NSA_Action_Update_Server @author markjaquith (
if( class_exists( 'No_Stampede_Action_Server' ) )
class No_Stampede_Action_Server {
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) );
public function init() {
if( isset( $_POST[ '_nsa_action' ] ) ) {
define( 'DOING_BACKGROUND_ACTION', true );
$action = get_transient( 'nsa_action' . $_POST[ 'key' ] );
if( $action && $action[ 0 ] == $_POST[ '_nsa_action' ] ) {
nsa_action( $action[ 1 ] )
->action_callback( $action[ 2 ], ( array ) $action[ 3 ] )
->set_lock( $action[ 0 ] )
new No_Stampede_Action_Server();
class NSA_Action {
* Transient key to use
* @var string
public $key;
* Unique key to identify that this instance holds the lock
* @var string
private $lock_key;
* Callback used to complete the action
* @var callback
private $callback;
* Parameters passed into
* @var array
private $params;
* Time in seconds that to wait before ever running the action again
* Set to 0 by default, which makes the action only run once
* @var int
private $time_til_next_run = 0;
* Whether to go ahead do the action now or later
* @var bool
private $force_background_actions = true;
* Maximum number of times to try to wait on cache to be filled bye the
* lock owner before doing the callback on it's own
* @var int
private $max_tries = 5;
* Number of microseconds to wait per try when waiting on the lock owner
* @var int
private $sleep_time = 300000; //.3 seconds
public function __construct( $key ) {
$this->key = $key;
public function do_action() {
if( $this->force_background_actions ) {
return false;
} else {
return $this->fire_action();
private function schedule_background_action() {
if( $this->get_action_lock() ) {
add_action( 'shutdown', array( $this, 'spawn_server' ) );
return $this;
public function spawn_server() {
$server_url = home_url( '/?nsa_actions_request' );
wp_remote_post( $server_url, array( 'body' => array( '_nsa_action' => $this->lock_key, 'key' => $this->key ), 'timeout' => 0.01, 'blocking' => false, 'sslverify' => apply_filters( 'https_local_ssl_verify', true ) ) );
public function fire_action() {
// If you don't supply a callback, we can't update it for you!
if( empty( $this->callback ) )
return false;
if( !$this->get_action_lock() ) {
while($this->max_tries > 0 && !$this->action_has_completed()) {
return false;
call_user_func_array( $this->callback, $this->params );
return true;
//set the action lock to expire in time_til_next_run seconds
//time_til_next_run should be 0 to make this action only happen once
set_transient($this->get_lock_name(), 'completed', $this->time_til_next_run);
private function action_has_completed() {
return 'completed' == get_transient($this->get_lock_name());
private function get_action_lock() {
return true;
//check if action is already locked or the lock is completed
if($this->action_has_lock()) {
if( $this->is_lock_owner() )
return true; //already own it
return false; //someone else owns it
//set it for this instance
$this->lock_key = md5( uniqid( microtime() . mt_rand(), true ) );
set_transient($this->get_lock_name(), $this->lock_key);
return true;
private function action_has_lock() {
return (bool) get_transient($this->get_lock_name());
private function is_lock_owner() {
return $this->lock_key = get_transient($this->get_lock_name());
private function get_lock_name() {
return 'nsa_action_' . $this->key;
public function set_time_til_next_run( $seconds ) {
$this->time_til_next_run = ( int ) $seconds;
return $this;
public function set_lock( $lock ) {
$this->lock_key = $lock;
return $this;
public function background_only($val = true) {
$this->force_background_actions = (bool) $val;
return $this;
public function action_callback( $callback, $params = array( ) ) {
$this->callback = $callback;
if( is_array( $params ) )
$this->params = $params;
return $this;
// API so you don't have to use "new"
function nsa_action( $key ) {
$transient = new NSA_Action( $key );
return $transient;
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