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Last active August 23, 2023 14:48
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Save prettycode/5417863 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jQuery shim for supporting <textarea> "maxlength" attribute in IE < 10.
// jQuery shim for supporting <textarea> `maxlength` attribute in IE < 10
// Author: Chris O'Brien,
// License: MIT
(function ($) {
// Target only IE browsers that don't support `maxlength`
if (typeof document.selection === 'undefined' ||
'maxLength' in document.createElement('textarea')
) {
// IE's API into document selections
var selection = document.selection;
// There's a global selection (vs. getting element selection)
function selectionLength() {
return selection.createRange().text.length;
// One of several implementations that work
function cursorIndex() {
var current = selection.createRange(),
diff = current.duplicate();
diff.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', current);
return diff.text.length - current.text.length;
function setCursorPosition(index) {
var range = this.createTextRange();
range.moveStart('character', index);
range.moveEnd('character', 0);;
// Don't store this anywhere; it could change dynamically
function maxlength() {
return parseInt(this.getAttribute('maxlength'), 10);
// For every <textarea maxlength...> that does or will exist...
// Only allow key actions that won't exceed maxlength, and pasting
.on('keydown', 'textarea[maxlength]', function (e) {
var value = this.value,
length = value.length,
maxLength =,
keyCode = e.keyCode,
hasSelection = !!selectionLength();
return (
length < maxLength ||
keyCode === 8 || // backspace
keyCode === 9 || // tab
keyCode === 46 || // delete
(keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40) || // arrows
e.ctrlKey ||
// 'paste' event, can happen via mouse, keyboard, or Edit menu
.on('paste', 'textarea[maxlength]', function () {
var textbox = this,
value = textbox.value,
selectionLen = selectionLength(),
cursorPos =,
pasteText = window.clipboardData.getData('Text'),
maxLength =;
var prefix = value.substring(0, cursorPos),
paste = pasteText.substring(0, maxLength - value.length + selectionLen),
suffix = value.substr(cursorPos + selectionLen);
textbox.value = prefix + paste + suffix;
window.setTimeout(function () {, prefix.length + paste.length);
}, 0);
return false;
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Oops, never saw this comment, sorry! Not that it's any use to you know (no doubt), MIT.

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