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Created September 14, 2016 20:45
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<a href="">Pretty Diff</a>
- The Militant Programmer</h1>
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<p>Explore some
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<a href="">Pretty Diff on GitHub</a>.</p>
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<p>The corporate workplace is a culture. It is easy to form opinions about this culture, but such opinions are always limited by a certain amount of bias. For the entrenched corporate softare developer this culture is likely all they know, which makes comparing it to other different professional cultures an uninformed guess at best. This kind of ignorance is also present among those who might form opinions on the outside of this environment and have not held employment in a corporate technology culture for a year or more.</p>
<p>When you are entrenched in a particular cultural environment where opinions about common successes, failures, and acceptable behaviors are universally accepted and uniformly applied it becomes very challenging to identify the limitations of that environment. The only way to analyze the behaviors, validity of decisions, and merits of actions is to take an anthropological approach, which is to say you have to be both embedded within the culture to appreciate its behaviors and simultaneously live outside that culture in a foreign environment to see it in a challenging perspective worthy of informed analysis and critique.</p>
<div class="segment">
<h3>The imposter</h3>
<p>I have two careers. Not a first career and then a later second career, but two simultaneous careers in completely unrelated occupations. My primary career, the one that pays the bills, is as a senior software developer for a major web brand. The longer-served second career is as a part time professional soldier which requires that I shoot weapons and stay in athletic physical condition. I have gone to war three times where I spent much of that time writing software. My opinions are tainted by that which I learned first, like all other people. You could say that I am a corporate imposter.</p>
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<h3>Career progression</h3>
<div id="timeline" style="height:100px"></div>
<li>Attended US Army basic training <span>June 1997</span></li>
<li>Promoted to Private 2 <span></span></li>
<li>Promoted to Private First Class <span></span></li>
<li>Promoted to Specialist <span></span></li>
<li>Promoted to Sergeant <span></span></li>
<li>Promoted to Staff Sergeant <span>January 2003</span></li>
<li>Deployed to Kuwait with 335th Theater Signal Command <span>December 2003</span></li>
<li>Deployed to Afghanistan with 1st IO Command <span>July 2009</span></li>
<li>Promoted to Sergeant First Class <span>May 2012</span></li>
<li>Deployed to Afghanistan with 311th Sustainment Command <span>September 2012</span></li>
<li>Promoted to Warrant Officer One <span>June 2016</span></li>
<li>Learned to write HTML <span>December 1997</span></li>
<li>Graduated High School <span>May 1998</span></li>
<li>Employed by We Love Texas Web Consulting <span>June 2005</span></li>
<li>Graduated from college with a Bachelor's <span>May 2006</span></li>
<li>Learned to write CSS <span>June 2006</span></li>
<li>Employed by Digital Alchemy <span>September 2006</span></li>
<li>Employed by Travelocity <span>October 2007</span></li>
<li>Learned to write original markup languages in XML Schema <span>December 2007</span></li>
<li>Started writing JavaScript (my first attempts at programming) <span>February 2008</span></li>
<li>Started project Pretty Diff <span>March 2009</span></li>
<li>Wrote XML/HTML language parser <span>May 2009</span></li>
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