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Created August 31, 2016 17:16
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/*global ace, define, global, module*/
/*jslint browser:true, for:true*/
(function language_init() {
"use strict";
var language = {};
language.setlangmode = function language_setlangmode(input) {
var langmap = {
coldfusion: "markup",
csharp: "javascript",
css: "css",
csv: "csv",
dustjs: "html",
ejs: "html",
handlebars: "html",
html: "html",
html_ruby: "html",
java: "javascript",
javascript: "javascript",
json: "javascript",
jsp: "markup",
jsx: "javascript",
less: "css",
markup: "markup",
php: "html",
qml: "qml",
scss: "css",
swig: "html",
text: "text",
titanium: "tss",
tss: "tss",
twig: "html",
typescript: "typescript",
velocity: "velocity",
xhtml: "markup",
xml: "markup"
if (typeof input !== "string") {
return "javascript";
if (input.indexOf("html") > -1) {
return "html";
if (langmap[input] === undefined) {
return "javascript";
return langmap[input];
language.nameproper = function language_nameproper(input) {
var langmap = {
coldfusion: "ColdFusion",
csharp: "C#",
dustjs: "Dust.js",
ejs: "EJS Template",
elm: "Elm Template",
handlebars: "Handlebars Template",
html_ruby: "ERB (Ruby) Template",
java: "Java",
javascript: "JavaScript",
jsp: "JSTL (JSP)",
jsx: "React JSX",
liquid: "Liquid Template",
markup: "markup",
scss: "SCSS",
text: "Plain Text",
titanium: "Titanium Stylesheets",
tss: "Titanium Stylesheets",
twig: "HTML TWIG Template",
typescript: "TypeScript",
velocity: "Apache Velocity",
volt: "Volt Template"
if (typeof input !== "string" || langmap[input] === undefined) {
return input.toUpperCase();
return langmap[input];
// [0] = language value for ace mode [1] = prettydiff language category from [0]
// [2] = pretty formatting for text output to user = function language_auto(sample, defaultLang) {
var b = [];
var c = 0;
var finalstatic = (/((((final)|(public)|(private))\s+static)|(static\s+void))/).test(sample);
var output = function language_auto_output(langname) {
if (langname === "unknown") {
return [
defaultLang, language.setlangmode(defaultLang),
if (langname === "xhtml" || langname === "markup") {
return ["xml", "html", "XHTML"];
if (langname === "tss") {
return ["tss", "tss", "Titanium Stylesheets"];
return [
langname, language.setlangmode(langname),
var cssA = function language_auto_cssA() {
if ((/\$[a-zA-Z]/).test(sample) === true || (/\{\s*(\w|\.|\$|#)+\s*\{/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("scss");
if ((/@[a-zA-Z]/).test(sample) === true || (/\{\s*(\w|\.|@|#)+\s*\{/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("less");
return output("css");
var notmarkup = function language_auto_notmarkup() {
var d = 0;
var join = "";
var flaga = false;
var flagb = false;
var javascriptA = function language_auto_notmarkup_javascriptA() {
if (sample.indexOf("(") > -1 || sample.indexOf("=") > -1 || (sample.indexOf(";") > -1 && sample.indexOf("{") > -1)) {
if ((/\n\s+#region\s/).test(sample) === true || (/\[\w+:/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("csharp");
if (finalstatic === true || (/\w<\w+(,\s+\w+)*>/).test(sample) === true) {
if ((/:\s*((number)|(string))/).test(sample) === false && (finalstatic === true || (/((public)|(private))\s+class/).test(sample) === true)) {
return output("java");
return output("typescript");
if ((/final\s+static/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("java");
return output("javascript");
return output("unknown");
var cssOrJavaScript = function language_auto_notmarkup_cssOrJavaScript() {
if ((/:\s*((number)|(string))/).test(sample) === true && (/((public)|(private))\s+/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("typescript");
if ((/import\s+java(\.|(fx))/).test(sample) === true || (/((public)|(private))\s+(static\s+)?(((v|V)oid)|(class)|(final))/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("java");
if ((/\sclass\s+\w/).test(sample) === false && (/<[a-zA-Z]/).test(sample) === true && (/<\/[a-zA-Z]/).test(sample) === true && ((/\s?\{%/).test(sample) === true || (/\{(\{|#)(?!(\{|#|=))/).test(sample) === true)) {
return output("twig");
if ((/^\s*(\$|@)/).test(sample) === false && (/(\};?\s*)$/).test(sample) === true) {
if ((/export\s+default\s+\{/).test(sample) === true || (/(\?|:)\s*(\{|\[)/).test(sample) === true || (/(\{|\s|;)render\s*\(\)\s*\{/).test(sample) === true || (/^(\s*return;?\s*\{)/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("javascript");
if ((/\{\{#/).test(sample) === true && (/\{\{\//).test(sample) === true && (/<\w/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("handlebars");
if ((/\{\s*(\w|\.|@|#)+\s*\{/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("less");
if ((/\$(\w|-)/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("scss");
if ((/(;|\{|:)\s*@\w/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("less");
if ((/class\s+\w+\s+\{/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("java");
return output("css");
for (d = 1; d < c; d += 1) {
if (flaga === false) {
if (b[d] === "*" && b[d - 1] === "/") {
b[d - 1] = "";
flaga = true;
} else if (flagb === false && b[d] === "f" && d < c - 6 && b[d + 1] === "i" && b[d + 2] === "l" && b[d + 3] === "t" && b[d + 4] === "e" && b[d + 5] === "r" && b[d + 6] === ":") {
flagb = true;
} else if (flaga === true && b[d] === "*" && d !== c - 1 && b[d + 1] === "/") {
flaga = false;
b[d] = "";
b[d + 1] = "";
} else if (flagb === true && b[d] === ";") {
flagb = false;
b[d] = "";
if (flaga === true || flagb === true) {
b[d] = "";
join = b.join("");
if ((/\s\/\//).test(sample) === false && (/\/\/\s/).test(sample) === false && (/^(\s*(\{|\[)(?!%))/).test(sample) === true && (/((\]|\})\s*)$/).test(sample) && sample.indexOf(",") !== -1) {
return output("json");
if ((/((\}?(\(\))?\)*;?\s*)|([a-z0-9]("|')?\)*);?(\s*\})*)$/i).test(sample) === true && ((/((public)|(private))\s+((final)|(static)|(class))/).test(sample) === true || (/(((var)|(let)|(const)|(function)|(import))\s+(\w|\$)+[a-zA-Z0-9]*)/).test(sample) === true || (/console\.log\(/).test(sample) === true || (/export\s+default\s+class\s+/).test(sample) === true || (/document\.get/).test(sample) === true || (/((\=|(\$\())\s*function)|(\s*function\s+(\w*\s+)?\()/).test(sample) === true || sample.indexOf("{") === -1 || (/^(\s*if\s+\()/).test(sample) === true)) {
return javascriptA();
if (sample.indexOf("{") !== -1 && (/^(\s*[\{\$\.#@a-z0-9])|^(\s*\/(\*|\/))|^(\s*\*\s*\{)/i).test(sample) === true && (/^(\s*if\s*\()/).test(sample) === false && (/\=\s*(\{|\[|\()/).test(join) === false && (((/(\+|-|\=|\?)\=/).test(join) === false || (/\/\/\s*\=+/).test(join) === true) || ((/\=+('|")?\)/).test(sample) === true && (/;\s*base64/).test(sample) === true)) && (/function(\s+\w+)*\s*\(/).test(join) === false) {
return cssOrJavaScript();
if ((/"\s*:\s*\{/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("tss");
if (sample.indexOf("{\%") > -1) {
return output("twig");
return output("unknown");
var markup = function language_auto_markup() {
var html = function language_auto_markup_html() {
if ((/<%\s*\}/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("ejs");
if ((/<%\s*end/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("html_ruby");
if ((/\{\{(#|\/|\{)/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("handlebars");
if ((/\{\{end\}\}/).test(sample) === true) {
//place holder for Go lang templates
return output("html");
if ((/\s?\{%/).test(sample) === true && (/\{(\{|#)(?!(\{|#|\=))/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("twig");
if ((/<\?/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("php");
if ((/<jsp:include\s/).test(sample) === true || (/<c:((set)|(if))\s/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("jsp");
if ((/\{(#|\?|\^|@|<|\+|~)/).test(sample) === true && (/\{\//).test(sample) === true) {
return output("dustjs");
return output("html");
if ((/^(\s*<!doctype\u0020html>)/i).test(sample) === true || (/^(\s*<html)/i).test(sample) === true || ((/^(\s*<!DOCTYPE\s+((html)|(HTML))\s+PUBLIC\s+)/).test(sample) === true && (/XHTML\s+1\.1/).test(sample) === false && (/XHTML\s+1\.0\s+(S|s)((trict)|(TRICT))/).test(sample) === false)) {
return html();
if ((/<jsp:include\s/).test(sample) === true || (/<c:((set)|(if))\s/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("jsp");
if ((/<%\s*\}/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("ejs");
if ((/<%\s*end/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("html_ruby");
if ((/\{\{(#|\/|\{)/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("handlebars");
if ((/\{\{end\}\}/).test(sample) === true) {
//place holder for Go lang templates
return output("xml");
if ((/\s?\{%/).test(sample) === true && (/\{\{(?!(\{|#|\=))/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("twig");
if ((/<\?(?!(xml))/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("php");
if ((/\{(#|\?|\^|@|<|\+|~)/).test(sample) === true && (/\{\//).test(sample) === true) {
return output("dustjs");
if ((/<jsp:include\s/).test(sample) === true || (/<c:((set)|(if))\s/).test(sample) === true) {
return output("jsp");
return output("xml");
if (sample === null) {
if ((/\sclass\s+\w/).test(sample) === false && (/(\s|;|\})((if)|(for)|(function\s*\w*))\s*\(/).test(sample) === false && (/((var)|(let)|(const))\s*\w/).test(sample) === false && (/return\s*\w*\s*(;|\})/).test(sample) === false && (sample === undefined || (/^(\s*#(?!(!\/)))/).test(sample) === true || (/\n\s*(\.|@)\w+(\(?|(\s*:))/).test(sample) === true)) {
return cssA();
b = sample
.replace(/\[[a-zA-Z][\w\-]*\=("|')?[a-zA-Z][\w\-]*("|')?\]/g, "")
c = b.length;
if ((/^(\s*\{(%|#|\{))/).test(sample) === true) {
return markup();
if (((/^([\s\w\-]*<)/).test(sample) === false && (/(>[\s\w\-]*)$/).test(sample) === false) || finalstatic === true) {
return notmarkup();
if ((((/(>[\w\s:]*)?<(\/|!)?[\w\s:\-\[]+/).test(sample) === true || (/^(\s*<\?xml)/).test(sample) === true) && ((/^([\s\w]*<)/).test(sample) === true || (/(>[\s\w]*)$/).test(sample) === true)) || ((/^(\s*<s((cript)|(tyle)))/i).test(sample) === true && (/(<\/s((cript)|(tyle))>\s*)$/i).test(sample) === true)) {
return markup();
return output("unknown");
if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.parent === "object") {
//commonjs and nodejs support
module.exports = language;
} else if ((typeof define === "object" || typeof define === "function") && (typeof ace !== "object" || ace.prettydiffid === undefined)) {
//requirejs support
define(function requirejs(require, module) {
module.exports = language;
//worthless if block to appease RequireJS and JSLint
if (typeof require === "number") {
return require;
return language;
} else {
global.prettydiff.language = language;
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