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Last active November 4, 2022 14:30
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Proper use of logger.
<?php namespace App\Services\Enums;
final class LogType
//Total failures. Major systems are unavailable.
//Usable hardwares with unusal outputs such as website down, unavailable DBs.
//Apps, servers, sites, device errors, unavailable component,
//unexpected exception. Must be solved immediately.
CRITICAL_ERRORS = 'critical',
//Runtime errors. Must be resolved at a future time.
//Prelude to errors such as file system 85% full, deprecated APIs, CORS.
//Must be resolved at a future time.
//Unusual but not exactly errors such as all update, delete of records or files.
//Informational reporting. All log-ins/outs, create, read, index listing,
//analytics generation, file creations such as images and PDFs must have this.
//Custom tracing.
DEBUG_DEV = 'debug';
* @param string $type
* @param string $message Default is empty string to simulate a single, empty line.
* @param array $channels See config.logging.channels such as stack, single.
function log
string $type = LogType::DEBUG_DEV,
string $message = '',
array $channels
empty($channels) ?
logger()->{$type}($message) :
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