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Created August 7, 2012 22:31
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Gist of REGEX notes
moby = <<EOL
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little
or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I
thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.
[Moby Dick - 1st paragraph]
# Passively store your match the old way: "$1"
/(never.*)long/ =~ moby
$1 # => "never mind how"
# Store your answer the cool, hip way
# Actively store your match the cool, hip way:
# (?<VAR_NAME>pattern)
/(?<never_str>never.*)long/ =~ moby
never_str # => "never mind how"
# "." - matches any character
# "\s" - matches digits (0-9)
# "\S" - matches non-digits
# "\s" - matches white-space (space, newline, tabs)
# "\S" - matches non-white-space !(space, newline, tabs)
# "\S" - matches non-word characters !(a-z, 0-9, _)
# "\w" - matches word characters (a-z, 0-9, _)
# "\W" - matches non-word characters !(a-z, 0-9, _)
/./ =~ moby # => 0
/\s/ =~ moby # => 4
/\S/ =~ moby # => 0
/\w/ =~ moby # => 0
/\W/ =~ moby # => 4
/\d/ =~ moby # => 242
/\D/ =~ moby # => 0
# [aeiou] - sets, match first occurrence of any
# [a-h] - range, match first occurrence of a,b,c...h
/[abc]/ =~ moby # => 1
/[F-T]/ =~ moby # => 8
# Negate search
# [^pattern]
/[^\D]/ =~ moby # => 242
/[^[A-C]]/ =~ moby # => 1
# Either side of the '=~' will work
moby =~ /[Cc]all/ # => 0
moby =~ /Call/ # => 0
moby =~ /call/ # => nil
/[Cc]all/ =~ moby # => 0
/Call/ =~ moby # => 0
/call/ =~ moby # => nil
# beginnings
# ^ matches beginning of string, or line within string
# \A matches beginning of string
/^Call/ =~ moby # => 0
/^or/ =~ moby # => 80
/\ACall/ =~ moby # => 0
/\Aor/ =~ moby # => nil
# endings
# $ matches beginning of string, or line within string
# \Z matches beginning of string
/little$/ =~ moby # => 73
/paragraph\]$/ =~ moby # => 246
/little\Z/ =~ moby # => nil
/paragraph\]\Z/ =~ moby # => 246
# regex modifiers
# i - case insensitive
# m - multiline
/ishmael/i =~ moby # => 8
/little.*money/m =~ moby # => 73
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