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Last active December 15, 2015 20:00
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Command Line Tools for that Macintosh

Command Line Tools for that Macintosh

15 Commands in 300 seconds

tee - Copy STDIN to STDOUT

caffeinate - Keep your computer awake

$ caffeinate -u -t 300 # keep awake for a 5 mins
$ caffeinate -s wget # keep awake till big file d/l

lsof - list open files

$ lsof -i # list [i] internet files

sed - A stream editor

$ cat foo | sed '2,3d; s/Chicago/Los Angeles/g'

opendiff - gui to view/merge two files

top / htop - Process / resource monitor

awk - Language for scanning and processing text

$ cat ../foo | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort | uniq

cut - extract characters, fields, etc from input

$ cut -c 2-4 foo and $ cut -d "," -f 1 foo

paste - join files horizontally to standard output

$ paste -d ":" names ages

join - Join two sorted text files along a common field

$ join ages locales

nc - Tool for reading a writing to network connections. "The Swiss Army Knife" of tcp/udp

$ nc -l 3000
$ while true ; do nc -l 3000 < index.html; done
$ curl -X POST -d "Hello=world" ""

fold - Break a line of text

$ fold -w 10 lorem # break lines from lorem on 10th character

comm - Complimentary of diff

$ comm foo bar

yes - repeats "y" to standard out, good for installs

$ yes $ yes Centro

nohup - No "hangup"

$ nohup long_command_on_remote_server &


banner - Create a banner of text

$ banner David

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