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Last active March 29, 2019 17:55
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import json, cStringIO, traceback, sys, os, urllib2, random, time
blockfilename = '000000000000000001c37467f0843dd9e09536c21938c5c20551191788a70541'
mempoolfilenames = ['00000000000000000008658cdaba34569f00748085df3923cb5287e55a2fe27c',
debug = '--debug' in sys.argv or '-d' in sys.argv
def maybedownload(fn):
if not os.path.exists(fn):
print "downloading block %s" % fn
response = urllib2.urlopen('' % fn)
html =
with open(fn, 'w') as f:
def fetchtxsfromfile(fn):
with open(fn, 'r') as f:
raw =
block = json.loads(raw)
return [tx.decode('hex') for tx in block['tx']]
def buildmempool(fns):
mempool = []
for fn in fns:
#start modifications
import hashlib
for i in range(5):
txid = hashlib.sha256(str(random.random())).digest()
# end modifications
return mempool
def make_bitmap(bitlist):
Generates a bitmap for which values in counts equal 1, plus a list of the residuals
bits = [1<<(i%8) if bitlist[i] == 1 else 0 for i in range(len(bitlist))]
byts = [chr(sum(bits[8*i:8*(i+1)])) for i in range((len(bits)+7)/8)]
return ''.join(byts)
def unmake_bitmap(bitmap):
n_vals = []
for byte in map(ord, bitmap):
for n in range(8):
n_vals.append(byte & 1<<n)
return n_vals
def encode_xthinner(block, mempool, checksumpositions=[], checksumintervals=[]):
# The encoding scheme is basically encoding the transactions as a prefix tree
# except that we omit all bytes that are not necessary to disambiguate a tx
# from the recipient's mempool.
# The algorithm for encoding our tree uses a stack which we interact with in four
# possible operations per transaction:
# 1. We can pop 1 or more bytes off the stack.
# 2. We can push 1 or more bytes onto the stack
# 3. We can commit to a transaction that uses the prefix encoded in the stack.
# 4. We can accumulate into zero or more checksum bytes
# For the pop stage, we encode a 1 for every pop we do after the first, and a 0 when done
# for the push stage, we encode a 1 for every push we do after the first, and a 0 when done
# For the commit stage, we encode nothing, as it's implicit as the 0 from the push stage.
# Finally, we encode 1-byte error detection checksums at a few different levels
# E.g. sum a byte from every 8 tx into a 1st-order checksum
# and sum a byte from every 32 tx into a 2nd-order checksum
# and sum a byte from every 128 tx into a 3rd-order checksum
stack = []
blockposition = 0
mempoolposition = 0
pops = []
pushes = []
pushbytes = []
assert len(checksumpositions) == len(checksumintervals)
checksums = [0 for i in range(len(checksumpositions))]
donechecksums = [[] for i in range(len(checksumpositions))]
mempool.append(chr(0)*32) # OOB-protection dummy hash
for tx in block:
# 1. We pop bytes off the stack that don't match our current tx
# First pop is a freebie (unless we're just getting started)
if debug: print "%s is next tx" % tx.encode('hex')
if stack: stack.pop()
for i in range(len(stack)):
if stack[i] != tx[i]:
for j in range(len(stack)-i):
if debug: print "%s popped %i bytes" % (''.join([s.encode('hex') for s in stack]), i)
print "i=%i, stack=%s, tx=%s" % (i, ''.join(stack).encode('hex'), tx.encode('hex'))
if debug and pops and pops[-1] == 0: # missed debug message from 0 bytes popped
print "%s popped 1 byte" % (''.join([s.encode('hex') for s in stack]))
pops.append(0) # end of pop stage
# 2. We push bytes onto the stack in order to disambiguate between neighboring
# mempool transactions (assuming mempool is sorted)
# 2(a). Where is this transaction in the mempool?
#mempoolposition = mempool.find(tx) # fixme: O(n); we should do a linear search from previous position instead
while mempool[mempoolposition] != tx:
mempoolposition += 1
# 2(b) First push is a freebie
# 2(c). Push enough bytes so that we can disambiguate between mempool neighbors
i = 0 # for debug only
if debug: print "%s is mempoolprev" % mempool[mempoolposition-1].encode('hex')
if debug: print "%s is mempoolnext" % mempool[mempoolposition+1].encode('hex')
while ''.join(stack) in (mempool[mempoolposition-1][:len(stack)],
i += 1 # for debug only
if debug: print "%s pushed %i bytes: %s" % (''.join([s.encode('hex') for s in stack]), i+1, ''.join([s.encode('hex') for s in stack[-i:]]))
# 3. Commit the transaction
# This page is intentionally left blank
# 4. Calculate checksums
for i in range(len(checksumpositions)):
checksums[i] ^= ord(tx[checksumpositions[i]])
if blockposition % checksumintervals[i] == 0 or blockposition == len(block):
checksums[i] = 0
blockposition += 1
mempoolposition += 1
mempool.pop() # get rid of OOB-prevention dummy tx
bitpops = make_bitmap(pops)
bitpushes = make_bitmap(pushes)
if debug:
print pops
print pushes
print [s.encode('hex') for s in pushbytes]
for s in [s.encode('hex') for s in block[:10]]:
print s
print "Encoding finished! %i pops, %i pushes, %i pushbytes, %i checksum bytes" % (len(pops), len(pushes), len(pushbytes), sum(map(len, donechecksums)))
return bitpops, bitpushes, pushbytes, donechecksums, len(block), checksumpositions, checksumintervals
def decode_xthinner(encoding, mempool):
print "Beginning decode"
pops = unmake_bitmap(encoding[0])
pushes = unmake_bitmap(encoding[1])
pushbytes = encoding[2]
popi = 0 # pop index
pushi = 0
pushbi = 0
donechecksums = encoding[3]
txcount = encoding[4]
checksumpositions = encoding[5]
checksumintervals = encoding[6]
checksums = [0 for i in range(len(checksumpositions))]
badchecksums = [[] for i in range(len(checksumpositions))]
expectbadchecksums = [0 for i in range(len(checksumpositions))]
block = []
stack = []
mempoolposition = 0
rerequests = []
mempool.append(chr(255)*32) # OOB-protection dummy hash
for blockposition in range(txcount):
# 1. Pop bytes off the stack
if stack: stack.pop()
pop = pops[popi]
popi += 1
while pop:
pop = pops[popi]
popi += 1
if debug: print "%s after pops" % (''.join([s.encode('hex') for s in stack]))
# 2. Push bytes onto the stack
pushbi += 1
push = pushes[pushi]
pushi += 1
while push:
pushbi += 1
push = pushes[pushi]
pushi += 1
if debug: print "%s after pushes" % (''.join([s.encode('hex') for s in stack]))
# 3. Commit the transaction to the block
while mempoolposition < len(mempool)-1 and ''.join(stack) > mempool[mempoolposition]:
mempoolposition += 1
# Check for ambiguities (multiple possible matches to stack)
if mempoolposition < len(mempool)-2 and mempool[mempoolposition+1][:len(stack)] == ''.join(stack):
block.append(''.join(stack)) # We can't get the whole TXID, so we'll just insert this placeholder
rerequests.append(len(block)) # We'll have to ask the block sender to tell us the full TXID at this pos
if debug: print "%s is ambiguous with %s" % (''.join([s.encode('hex') for s in stack]), mempool[mempoolposition+1].encode('hex'))
if debug: print "%s uniquely matches with %s (pos=%i)" % (''.join([s.encode('hex') for s in stack]), mempool[mempoolposition].encode('hex'), mempoolposition)
for i in range(len(checksumpositions)):
checksums[i] ^= ord(block[-1][checksumpositions[i]])
# 4. Check checksums
for i in range(len(checksumpositions)):
if blockposition % checksumintervals[i] == 0:
if not donechecksums[i][blockposition//checksumintervals[i]] == checksums[i]:
if debug: print "Checksum error at blockposition %i, checksumposition %i" % (blockposition, i)
checksums[i] = 0
if debug: print "Remaining: %i pops, %i pushes, %i pushbytes, %i checksum bytes" % (len(pops), len(pushes), len(pushbytes), sum(map(len, donechecksums)))
# 4. Check checksums
for i in range(len(checksumpositions)):
if blockposition % checksumintervals[i] == 0 or blockposition == txcount-1:
if not donechecksums[i][blockposition//checksumintervals[i]] == checksums[i]:
if debug: print "Checksum error at blockposition %i, checksumposition %i" % (blockposition, i)
checksums[i] = 0
mempool.pop() # get rid of OOB-prevention dummy tx
assert len(pushbytes) == pushbi
if debug: print "Recovered %i of %i transactions in block" % (len(block) - len(rerequests), len(block))
return block, rerequests
if __name__ == '__main__':
if '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv:
print """Usage:
bitcoin-cli getblock somehash > someblock
# edit the filenames into the blockfilenames or mempoolfilenames variables in the code, then3
block = fetchtxsfromfile(blockfilename)
coinbase = block.pop(0)
mempool = buildmempool(mempoolfilenames + [blockfilename])
print "%i tx in block, %i tx in mempool (%2.0f%%)" % (len(block), len(mempool), 100.*len(block)/len(mempool))
presort = time.time()
print "Sorting into LTOR took %1.6f seconds" % (time.time() - presort)
if debug:
print 'first 10 tx in block:'
for i in range(10):
print block[i].encode('hex')
print 'first 20 tx in mempool:'
for i in range(20):
print mempool[i].encode('hex')
start = time.time()
encoding = encode_xthinner(block, mempool, [random.randint(6, 32) for i in range(4)], [8, 64, 256, 1024])
print "Encoding took %1.6f seconds" % (time.time() - start)
encodedsize = (sum(map(len, encoding[:3] + tuple(encoding[3]) + encoding[6:])) + 4)
print "Encoding is %i bytes total, or %2.5f bits per tx" % (encodedsize, 8.*encodedsize/len(block))
start2 = time.time()
decoded, rerequests = decode_xthinner(encoding, mempool)
print "Decoding took %1.6f seconds" % (time.time() - start2)
print "Does decoded match original block?\t", decoded == block
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