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Last active August 23, 2022 14:45
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Attempt at a basic STRIPS PDDL grammar parser for To use, visit and paste the below grammar into the left-side window. In the right-side window, paste a PDDL domain file, such as The output will display in the Output panel.
/*STRIPS PDDL parser for
For example of parsing this grammar, see
Example PDDL domain to parse:
(define (domain random-domain)
(:requirements :strips)
(:action op1
:parameters (?x1 ?x2 ?x3)
:precondition (and (S ?x1 ?x2) (R ?x3 ?x1))
:effect (and (S ?x2 ?x1) (S ?x1 ?x3) (not (R ?x3 ?x1))))
(:action op2
:parameters (?x1 ?x2 ?x3)
:precondition (and (S ?x3 ?x1) (R ?x2 ?x2))
:effect (and (S ?x1 ?x3) (not (S ?x3 ?x1)))))
program = result:domain { return result; }
domain = space* delimiter* "define" space* delimiter* "domain" space* domainName:word delimiter* req:req actions:action*
var reqs = '';
for (var i in req) {
reqs += req[i] + ', ';
return { domain: domainName.join('').replace(/[,:?]/g, ''), requirements: req, actions: actions };
req = ":requirements" req:reqType* delimiter*
var result = [];
for (var i in req) {
return result;
reqType = space* ":" req:word
{ return req.join('').replace(/[,:?]/g, ''); }
action = ":action" space* operationName:word parameters:parameters precondition:precondition effect:effect
{ return { action: operationName.join('').replace(/[,:?]/g, ''), parameters: parameters, precondition: precondition, effect: effect }; }
logic = operation:logicOp* delimiter* action:word space* params:parameter* delimiter*
{ return { operation: operation.join('').replace(/[,:? ]/g, ''), action: action.join('').replace(/[,:? ]/g, ''), parameters: params }; }
boolean = "#t" / "#f"
integer = [1-9] [0-9]*
string = "\"" ("\\" . / [^"])* "\""
word = word:([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+) { return word; }
symbol = (!delimiter .)+
space = [\n\r\t ]
paren = "(" / ")"
logicOp = "and" / "not"
delimiter = paren / space
parameters = space* ":parameters" delimiter+ params:parameter+ delimiter space*
{ return params; }
parameter = "?" param:word space*
{ return param.join('').replace(/[,:? ]/g, ''); }
precondition = space* ":precondition" delimiter+ logic:logic+
{ return logic; }
effect = space* ":effect" delimiter+ logic:logic+
{ return logic; }
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