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Last active September 20, 2021 12:49
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Sudoku puzzle convert string of values into a dictionary of key/value pairs. Udacity Artificial Intelligence nanodegree project 1, quiz 1: Encoding the Board.
from utils import *
# `grid` is defined in the test code scope as the following:
# (note: changing the value here will _not_ change the test code)
# grid = '..3.2.6..9..3.5..1..18.64....81.29..7.......8..67.82....26.95..8..2.3..9..5.1.3..'
def grid_values(grid):
"""Convert grid string into {<box>: <value>} dict with '.' value for empties.
grid: Sudoku grid in string form, 81 characters long
Sudoku grid in dictionary form:
- keys: Box labels, e.g. 'A1'
- values: Value in corresponding box, e.g. '8', or '.' if it is empty.
assert len(grid) == 81, "Input must be 81 characters"
result = {}
rowNum = 0
for i in range(0, len(grid)):
if i > 0 and i % len(cols) == 0:
rowNum = rowNum + 1
rowName = rows[rowNum]
colName = cols[i % len(cols)]
key = rowName + colName
result[key] = grid[i]
return result
from utils import *
from math import *
def grid_values(grid):
"""Convert grid string into {<box>: <value>} dict with '123456789' value for empties.
grid: Sudoku grid in string form, 81 characters long
Sudoku grid in dictionary form:
- keys: Box labels, e.g. 'A1'
- values: Value in corresponding box, e.g. '8', or '123456789' if it is empty.
assert len(grid) == 81, "Input must be 81 characters"
result = {}
rowNum = 0
for i in range(0, len(grid)):
if i > 0 and i % len(cols) == 0:
rowNum = rowNum + 1
rowName = rows[rowNum]
colName = cols[i % len(cols)]
key = rowName + colName
result[key] = grid[i] if grid[i] != '.' else cols
return result
from utils import *
from math import *
def eliminate(values):
"""Eliminate values from peers of each box with a single value.
Go through all the boxes, and whenever there is a box with a single value,
eliminate this value from the set of values of all its peers.
values: Sudoku in dictionary form.
Resulting Sudoku in dictionary form after eliminating values.
# Get a list of all cells with a single value in them.
readKeys = {}
for row in range(0, len(rows)):
for col in range(0, len(cols)):
key = rows[row] + cols[col]
value = values[key]
if len(value) == 1:
readKeys[key] = value
# Now go through the list of target keys and remove their value from all peers.
for key in readKeys.keys():
row = key[0]
col = key[1]
value = readKeys[key]
#print('Working on ' + row + col)
# Remove this value from all cells in the row.
for colIndex in range(0, len(cols)):
indexKey = row + cols[colIndex]
if not indexKey in readKeys.keys():
values[indexKey] = values[indexKey].replace(value, '')
#print('Replaced ' + value + ' in cell ' + indexKey + ': ' + values[indexKey])
# Remove this value from all cells in the column.
for rowIndex in range(0, len(rows)):
indexKey = rows[rowIndex] + col
if not indexKey in readKeys.keys():
values[indexKey] = values[indexKey].replace(value, '')
#print('Replaced ' + value + ' in cell ' + indexKey + ': ' + values[indexKey])
# Remove this value from all cells in the 3x3 box.
boxX = floor(cols.index(col) / 3) * 3
boxY = floor(rows.index(row) / 3) * 3
for y in range(boxY, boxY + 3):
for x in range(boxX, boxX + 3):
indexKey = rows[y] + cols[x]
if not indexKey in readKeys.keys():
values[indexKey] = values[indexKey].replace(value, '')
#print('Replaced ' + value + ' in cell ' + indexKey + ': ' + values[indexKey])
return values
from utils import *
from math import *
def only_choice(values):
"""Finalize all values that are the only choice for a unit.
Go through all the units, and whenever there is a unit with a value
that only fits in one box, assign the value to this box.
Input: Sudoku in dictionary form.
Output: Resulting Sudoku in dictionary form after filling in only choices.
# Go through all cells in the grid.
for row in range(0, len(rows)):
for col in range(0, len(cols)):
key = rows[row] + cols[col]
value = values[key]
# If this value has multiple digits, check for an only-choice.
if len(value) > 1:
# Check against all other cells in the row.
# print('Row')
hash1 = {}
# Go through each digit in the cell.
for value1 in [char for char in value]:
# Check this digit against each value in the row.
for colIndex in range(0, len(cols)):
indexKey = rows[row] + cols[colIndex]
# print('Checking cell ' + indexKey + ' with value ' + values[indexKey] + ' against ' + key + ' with value ' + value + ' for ' + value1)
if values[indexKey].find(value1) != -1:
hashKey = str(value1)
hash1[hashKey] = { 'key': key, 'count': (hash1[hashKey]['count'] + 1 if hashKey in hash1 else 1) }
# print(hash1)
# Check against all other cells in the column.
# print('Column')
hash2 = {}
# Go through each digit in the cell.
for value1 in [char for char in value]:
# Check this digit against each value in the row.
for rowIndex in range(0, len(rows)):
indexKey = rows[rowIndex] + cols[col]
# print('Checking cell ' + indexKey + ' with value ' + values[indexKey] + ' against ' + key + ' with value ' + value + ' for ' + value1)
if values[indexKey].find(value1) != -1:
hashKey = str(value1)
hash2[hashKey] = { 'key': key, 'count': (hash2[hashKey]['count'] + 1 if hashKey in hash2 else 1) }
# print(hash2)
# Check against all other cells in the box.
# print('Box')
hash3 = {}
# Remove this value from all cells in the 3x3 box.
boxX = floor(cols.index(key[1]) / 3) * 3
boxY = floor(rows.index(key[0]) / 3) * 3
# Go through each digit in the cell.
for value1 in [char for char in value]:
# Check this digit against each value in the row.
for y in range(boxY, boxY + 3):
for x in range(boxX, boxX + 3):
indexKey = rows[y] + cols[x]
# print('Checking cell ' + indexKey + ' with value ' + values[indexKey] + ' against ' + key + ' with value ' + value + ' for ' + value1)
if values[indexKey].find(value1) != -1:
hashKey = str(value1)
hash3[hashKey] = { 'key': key, 'count': (hash3[hashKey]['count'] + 1 if hashKey in hash3 else 1) }
# Find any hash counts with a score of 1 and set their value in the cell key.
for hashKey in hash1.keys():
if hash1[hashKey]['count'] == 1:
setKey = hash1[hashKey]['key']
# print('Only choice for ' + key + ' is ' + hashKey)
values[key] = hashKey
# Find any hash counts with a score of 1 and set their value in the cell key.
for hashKey in hash2.keys():
if hash2[hashKey]['count'] == 1:
setKey = hash2[hashKey]['key']
# print('Only choice for ' + key + ' is ' + hashKey)
values[key] = hashKey
# Find any hash counts with a score of 1 and set their value in the cell key.
for hashKey in hash3.keys():
if hash3[hashKey]['count'] == 1:
setKey = hash3[hashKey]['key']
# print('Only choice for ' + key + ' is ' + hashKey)
values[key] = hashKey
return values
from utils import *
def reduce_puzzle(values):
stalled = False
count = 1
while not stalled:
# Check how many boxes have a determined value
solved_values_before = len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1])
# Your code here: Use the Eliminate Strategy
values = eliminate(values)
# Your code here: Use the Only Choice Strategy
values = only_choice(values)
# Check how many boxes have a determined value, to compare
solved_values_after = len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1])
# If no new values were added, stop the loop.
stalled = solved_values_before == solved_values_after
# Stop looping if the puzzle is solved.
if solved_values_after == len(values):
#print('Solution found after ' + str(count) + ' iterations.')
stalled = True
# Sanity check, return False if there is a box with zero available values:
if len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 0]):
return False
count = count + 1
return values
from utils import *
def search(values):
"Using depth-first search and propagation, create a search tree and solve the sudoku."
# First, reduce the puzzle using the previous function
values = reduce_puzzle(values)
if not values:
# Failed to find a solution.
return False
elif all(len(values[value]) == 1 for value in boxes):
# Solved.
return values
# Choose one of the unfilled squares with the fewest possibilities
fringe = {}
# Collect all values with multiple values. These will be candidates for branching.
for row in range(0, len(rows)):
for col in range(0, len(cols)):
key = rows[row] + cols[col]
value = values[key]
if len(value) > 1:
fringe[key] = value
# Sort the choices by length.
fringe_sorted = sorted(fringe.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
# Select the next child to solve.
child = fringe_sorted.pop(0)
key = child[0]
value = child[1]
# Now use recursion to solve each one of the resulting sudokus, and if one returns a value (not False), return that answer!
# Add a child board for each potential value.
for digit in [char for char in value] :
# Replace the multi-values with the selected value to try.
#print('Trying ' + key + '=' + digit)
new_values = values.copy()
new_values[key] = digit
result = search(new_values)
if result:
# Solved.
return result
Looks good!
. . 3 |. 2 . |6 . .
9 . . |3 . 5 |. . 1
. . 1 |8 . 6 |4 . .
. . 8 |1 . 2 |9 . .
7 . . |. . . |. . 8
. . 6 |7 . 8 |2 . .
. . 2 |6 . 9 |5 . .
8 . . |2 . 3 |. . 9
. . 5 |. 1 . |3 . .
123456789 123456789 3 |123456789 2 123456789 | 6 123456789 123456789
9 123456789 123456789 | 3 123456789 5 |123456789 123456789 1
123456789 123456789 1 | 8 123456789 6 | 4 123456789 123456789
123456789 123456789 8 | 1 123456789 2 | 9 123456789 123456789
7 123456789 123456789 |123456789 123456789 123456789 |123456789 123456789 8
123456789 123456789 6 | 7 123456789 8 | 2 123456789 123456789
123456789 123456789 2 | 6 123456789 9 | 5 123456789 123456789
8 123456789 123456789 | 2 123456789 3 |123456789 123456789 9
123456789 123456789 5 |123456789 1 123456789 | 3 123456789 123456789
45 4578 3 | 49 2 147 | 6 5789 57
9 24678 47 | 3 47 5 | 78 278 1
25 257 1 | 8 79 6 | 4 23579 2357
345 345 8 | 1 3456 2 | 9 34567 34567
7 123459 49 | 459 34569 4 | 1 13456 8
1345 13459 6 | 7 3459 8 | 2 1345 345
134 1347 2 | 6 478 9 | 5 1478 47
8 1467 47 | 2 457 3 | 17 1467 9
46 4679 5 | 4 1 47 | 3 24678 2467
only choice
45 4578 3 | 49 2 147 | 6 5789 57
9 24678 47 | 3 47 5 | 78 278 1
25 257 1 | 8 79 6 | 4 23579 2357
345 345 8 | 1 3456 2 | 9 34567 34567
7 123459 49 | 459 34569 4 | 1 13456 8
1345 13459 6 | 7 3459 8 | 2 1345 345
134 1347 2 | 6 478 9 | 5 1478 47
8 1467 47 | 2 457 3 | 17 1467 9
46 4679 5 | 4 1 47 | 3 24678 2467
4 8 3 | 9 2 1 | 6 5 7
9 6 7 | 3 4 5 | 8 2 1
2 5 1 | 8 7 6 | 4 9 3
5 345 8 | 1 3456 2 | 9 7 6
7 2 9 | 5 34569 4 | 1 13456 8
1 13459 6 | 7 3459 8 | 2 1345 5
3 7 2 | 6 8 9 | 5 1 4
8 1 4 | 2 5 3 | 7 6 9
6 9 5 | 4 1 7 | 3 8 2
constraint propagation
4 8 3 | 9 2 1 | 6 5 7
9 6 7 | 3 4 5 | 8 2 1
2 5 1 | 8 7 6 | 4 9 3
5 345 8 | 1 3456 2 | 9 7 6
7 2 9 | 5 34569 4 | 1 13456 8
1 13459 6 | 7 3459 8 | 2 1345 5
3 7 2 | 6 8 9 | 5 1 4
8 1 4 | 2 5 3 | 7 6 9
6 9 5 | 4 1 7 | 3 8 2
4 8 3 |9 2 1 |6 5 7
9 6 7 |3 4 5 |8 2 1
2 5 1 |8 7 6 |4 9 3
5 4 8 |1 3 2 |9 7 6
7 2 9 |5 6 4 |1 3 8
1 3 6 |7 9 8 |2 4 5
3 7 2 |6 8 9 |5 1 4
8 1 4 |2 5 3 |7 6 9
6 9 5 |4 1 7 |3 8 2
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