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Last active January 13, 2022 09:49
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MVC C# .NET: Passing data from a child partial view to the parent page via ViewContext.ViewBag. This example demonstrates how to set the page title from a child partial view.
// In your HTML helper class, include this function:
/// <summary>
/// Returns the ViewBag of the parent page. Allows a child view to access the parent view's ViewBag object. A child view may then set a property accessible by the parent page.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>ViewBag</returns>
public static dynamic GetPageViewBag(this HtmlHelper html)
if (html == null || html.ViewContext == null) //this means that the page is root or parial view
return html.ViewBag;
ControllerBase controller = html.ViewContext.Controller;
while (controller.ControllerContext.IsChildAction) //traverse hierachy to get root controller
controller = controller.ControllerContext.ParentActionViewContext.Controller;
return controller.ViewBag;
// In your child partial view (ChildView.cshtml), include the following to set the shared data:
@using Web.Helpers
@{Html.GetPageViewBag().PageTitle = "My Custom Property Readable By Parent View"; }
// In your parent view (Page.cshtml), you can access the shared data simply by calling ViewContext.ViewBag:
@{ ViewBag.Title = ViewContext.ViewBag.PageTitle }
// (or for some error-checking and a default value, you can use this code:)
@{ ViewBag.Title = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewContext.ViewBag.PageTitle) ? ViewContext.ViewBag.PageTitle : "Default Title"; }
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ghost commented Jan 10, 2018

html == null why it would be necessary? Can HtmlHelper be null? And on top of that if it is null this would crash return html.ViewBag; ?

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mrnams commented Oct 9, 2018

Hello experts,I want to implement load more button for my website ,

Can any one please give idea how to implement load more button to load more videos without refreshing (I mean without loosing loaded videos) page.

Similar to youtube functionality.

I am using .net core 2.1 version

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NeshatKh commented Nov 2, 2020

A big thanks from DotNek team.
It was really helpful and completely worked for us.

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Thanks @primaryobjects. It worked for me 👍

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